Social More left eating itself

Both parties have let the extremists take over.
To a certain extend. The right has done a better job at keeping most the radical right at arms length. Neo nazis and others even close to that aren’t welcome anywhere in the regular right
As for big vague terms like "systemic racism", you need to point to a law that discriminates against whoever you think is discriminated against, you can't just fucken throw it out there and say "I can't show it to you but it's there."

That's why this whole movement seems like a religion to me. As I am being lectured on woke stuff, I have flashbacks to my youth of being lectured on religion. "Yeah so you can't see god, but he's there. Just trust us."
How did the vaccine thing become a right vs left thing anyway. That's just fucken bizarre, could someone explain that one please?
The people skeptical of the vaccine when it was being produced have been the same people that were always anti-vax. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi and other prominent Democrats likely in a attempt to court anti-vaxers said stuff the vaccine must be tested and they won’t get it if Trump pushes it.
I said Tucker Carlson was sympathetic to their causes, and he is. Giving voice to white nationalist conspiracies like this most certainly qualifies as being sympathetic to their causes. In fact, white nationalist groups praised him for the remarks. Here’s a whole timeline of all the white nationalist and racist shit Carlson has said. So I’m not sure how I could lose you when I bring this up. Tucker has been giving voice and support to their views for years.

What rules were we not playing by? In the years just preceding Trump, Republicans had majorities in both houses of Congress and blocked anything and everything that Obama and Dems wanted to accomplish. They were the ones making the rules.
To your other point, what’s ironic is that the Electoral College is what is supposed to prevent crazy idiots who are popular with the public from getting elected, but in this instance it did the opposite.

-When did I say race and class were the same thing?
-The rest of this paragraph is just a bunch of right wing stereotypes about the left. Firstly, who is saying a poor white guy on welfare is overprivileged? Conservatives would be trying to cut his welfare, as they so often do. When Biden (for example) puts forth a tax plan to fund shit we need by raising taxes on the wealthy, how does that let Lebron James and Meryl Streep off the hook exactly? But while any attempt to make the ultra wealthy pay their fair share is oddly met by resistance from the right wing, you somehow believe that the issue of wealth disparity flies under our radar? Not true at all.

-You’re not looking at the bigger picture. It’s not “other black people” that are the problem, it’s a multi-faceted problem of which that is a result. Issues of poverty, education and healthcare disparities, housing discrimination, discrimination in the justice system, etc. And of course we care about it, the Right certainly doesn’t. You can’t even get them to confront the fact that it exists, for the most part.
-Of course I care about George Floyd. A police officer used excessive force to kill a completely restrained man in the street. I don’t give a shit whether we think that Floyd was a man of good character or not. I don’t give a shit what was on his criminal record. It’s irrelevant, and typical of the victim-shaming that Republicans so often engage in when the victims of police violence are black. In the United States, police do not get to kill people in that manner in the streets. It shouldn’t even be a divisive topic.
This is an astounding level of lunacy. You haven’t given a single shred of evidence or any remote example of Tucker sympathizing with white supremacists. This is the same tactic brainwashed leftists use to avoid actual debate. Shout systemic racism because their is a complete lack of real racism to discuss. And the Jussie events keep backfiring.
This is an astounding level of lunacy. You haven’t given a single shred of evidence or any remote example of Tucker sympathizing with white supremacists. This is the same tactic brainwashed leftists use to avoid actual debate. Shout systemic racism because their is a complete lack of real racism to discuss. And the Jussie events keep backfiring.

Did you just reply to evidence by saying there's no evidence?
Did you just reply to evidence by saying there's no evidence?

Wait, so you need evidence on every person to prove they aren’t white supremacists? Funny me, I thought when someone makes what should be a libelous opinion of someone that they provide evidence.

I forgot in left world everyone is a racist unless they prove otherwise. Nice job.

Wait, so you need evidence on every person to prove they aren’t white supremacists? Funny me, I thought when someone makes what should be a libelous opinion of someone that they provide evidence.

I forgot in left world everyone is a racist unless they prove otherwise. Nice job.

He linked to arguments that support why Tucker is promoting WN.

You reply by saying the left always makes claims but never provides evidence.

Are you on medication?
That's why this whole movement seems like a religion to me. As I am being lectured on woke stuff, I have flashbacks to my youth of being lectured on religion. "Yeah so you can't see god, but he's there. Just trust us."

It is 100% reminiscent of an organised religion. The followers are constantly seeking out victimhood because like religion, they've been told that "God gives you a struggle" and without overcoming that struggle you won't be worthy of heaven.

It's why these people are constantly inventing labels for themselves. They need to feel like they have a unique struggle that makes them more virtuous than others.

Just see "black trans lives matter". Its not enough victimhood to just be BLM. more victimhood needs to be displayed to the world to show just how oppressed you are.

Lots of self-flaggelation too. White privilege etc, nothing more than modern day self-flaggelation designed to make people hate themselves and everyone else, because a completely demoralised and depressed person can be completely controlled and manipulated.
It is 100% reminiscent of an organised religion. The followers are constantly seeking out victimhood because like religion, they've been told that "God gives you a struggle" and without overcoming that struggle you won't be worthy of heaven.

It's why these people are constantly inventing labels for themselves. They need to feel like they have a unique struggle that makes them more virtuous than others.

Just see "black trans lives matter". Its not enough victimhood to just be BLM. more victimhood needs to be displayed to the world to show just how oppressed you are.

Lots of self-flaggelation too. White privilege etc, nothing more than modern day self-flaggelation designed to make people hate themselves and everyone else, because a completely demoralised and depressed person can be completely controlled and manipulated.
He linked to arguments that support why Tucker is promoting WN.

You reply by saying the left always makes claims but never provides evidence.

Are you on medication?

Those are opinion pieces, though this has me thinking Tucker might be right on this one issue. I personally watch him as little as I have to but it's really weird they aren't interested in taking Cuban refugees. They have a more legitimate asylum claim currently than people coming in via Mexico. They would also have support from the Right in some ways and it would be a way to reach out to both sides. The issue they will traditionally vote Republican and bolster that side.

Mayorkas said those trying to reach the U.S. by sea will be intercepted by the Coast Guard and immediately returned to their home countries. Even if asylum-seekers manage to get interviews with U.S. officials, Mayorkas added, they will not be permitted to set foot on U.S. soil, regardless of the outcome of their screenings.

"If individuals make, establish a well-founded fear of persecution or torture, they are referred to third countries for resettlement," Mayorkas said. "They will not enter the United States."
Does this Michael Knowles dude have anything to offer society other than a shit-eating grin?
-The fact that he shares SOME of the same views, such as having a border, or having law and order or whatever, doesn't make him "sympathetic" to their cause. You're implying he's a racist because he agrees with some things those racist also believe in. If a racist believes that 2 + 2 = 4, am I sympathetic to his cause if I agree with him on that particular view?
You’re acting like I’m saying, “Both a KKK member and Tucker Carlson say the sky is blue! Tucker Carlson=racist cOnFiRmEd!” That’s totally inaccurate.
I am pointing out specific examples of Carlson echoing the views of white nationalists on issues of race. That’s being sympathetic to their causes. I even posted a link with a timeline showing a long-running pattern of this. Because Tucker’s show is right wing entertainment (not news), the real Tucker Carlson may or may not be that way in his private life. I don’t know the guy. But on the air, his show gives voice to certain white nationalist views and has for a long time.
-At some point the rules became that anything goes if it gets you votes. The dems created these oppression olympics, and started to shit on the white working class in rural America and labeling them racist, and whatever else. Trump saw what was going on and used it catapult himself into the oval office by speaking up for that group. He saw what the rules of politics had become, and he turned them to his advantage.
Could you post some examples of what you’re referring to when you say “anything goes if it gets you votes”? I’m just not sure what you mean.
-I've got no problems with the ultra wealthy paying more taxes, but why is the narrative "black vs white", and not "the super rich vs the rest"? Why aren't these woke celebs who pretend to be in favor of the rich paying more taxes, not setting the example by voluntarily paying the percentage they feel would be fair? It's always just talk and virtue signalling, in the end they always find a loophole come out richer, while the working class gets screwed.
On this issue, I don’t think that the narrative is black vs white. When Occupy Wall Street was a thing, and fighting back against the 1% was a rallying cry during the Great Recession, the issue was just that: the growing disparity between rich and poor. I’m not sure why you’re conflating that with issues of race, except I suppose it’s true that poverty, unemployment, and the like is always higher for minorities than it is for whites. More on that below. But as I mentioned earlier, when we pushed for progress in those areas we were met with cries of “Class warfare!” and “Wealth redistribution!” Can you imagine? It always boggled my mind that right wing media somehow rallied middle class or poorer class people to fight against their own self interest. Truly remarkable.
But one thing that just about all Americans have in common whether they be black or white or rich or poor, is that they sure as hell aren’t going to voluntarily pay more taxes than the government mandates. It’s kind of silly to knock Lebron for not voluntarily paying more taxes than required. In this interview, Bill O’Reilly interviews Bill Clinton. It’s actually a pretty good interview and worth watching. O’Reilly mentions that he would be fine with going back to the percentages he paid when Clinton was President—so shouldn’t he voluntarily do that now? If we want these people to pay their fair share, we need a tax code that mandates it. It’s that simple.

-When you make claims like "discrimination" and "discrimination in the justice system", you're making a claim without actually pointing to example that show this is actually happening at any significant scale. You want me to admit that what exists? Tribalism? Ok, of course it exist. Is there some discrimination because of it? Sure. What do you want to do about it? I'm a white guy, and if I walked into a local Chinese restaurant looking for work, and they dismissed me because they would rather have a Chinese employee working there, have I been discriminated? Should I make a big fuss about it, should this business owner be forced to hire someone who looks like me to look more inclusive? Or should he have a right to hire whoever he thinks is better suited for his business? As for big vague terms like "systemic racism", you need to point to a law that discriminates against whoever you think is discriminated against, you can't just fucken throw it out there and say "I can't show it to you but it's there."
Let’s look at exactly what I’m talking about. Regarding education, studies have shown that school districts with majority non-white students are underfunded compared with majority-white districts with equivalent numbers of students. Likewise, there has been for many years, a significant wealth gap between black and white families. So for years, it has been true that if you were born black, your family most likely had less wealth on average than if you were born white. When you went to school, it was likely to have less supplies and amenities than a majority-white school would, and when it came to funding, that school would get less than a white-majority school.
In regards to the legal/justice system, African Americans are more likely to serve jail or prison than whites with equivalent crimes and records. And their sentences are likely to be longer as well.
When it comes to housing and employment , we have data showing that those with “African-American sounding names” got fewer calls back and opportunities.
So, this is why I use terms like systemic or institutional racism—because this hasn’t a matter of a one bad apple racist cop over here and one bad apple racist judge over there. There are racial disparities in our major systems and institutions, such that being black in America can be quite different than being white in America, in terms of quality of life and opportunities.

[As for the George Floyd comments, I agree with you 100%, it should never have been a divisive topic. One idiot cop unnecessarily killed a guy by using excessive force and complete lack of judgement, and he should never have been a cop and he should certainly be punished accordingly for it. So I don't understand how this became a race issue, there was ZERO evidence that this same cop wouldn't have done the same or worse had Floyd been a white guy. So ya we can all agree that it was an example of negligence, police brutality, incompetence, and whatever else you wanna add, but where exactly did we all decide that this was a racism issue? It comes back to that "systemic racism" claim that no one can really point out, but they just know is there. We got no indication that Chauvin gave a shit whether this guy was black or white, but somehow we just know it was racially motivated, and even endorsed from the very top? Come on man.
Hey, we found something we agree on at least :)
To your question, I can’t speak for those protesting but I can give my opinion. I think people are just tired of it. It’s been happening for so long, that it’s hard to feel like a cop like that earned the benefit of the doubt. Rodney King obviously, Latasha Harlins, Armadou Dialo, Philando Castile, Paul Childs, Eric Garner, Breona Taylor, on and on, the same shit keeps happening. Constantly told to let the system work and let it play out, only to get no justice in the end. Constantly told it isn’t about race when it certainly seems to be, and the data is there to indicate it probably is.
This is an astounding level of lunacy. You haven’t given a single shred of evidence or any remote example of Tucker sympathizing with white supremacists. This is the same tactic brainwashed leftists use to avoid actual debate. Shout systemic racism because their is a complete lack of real racism to discuss. And the Jussie events keep backfiring.
Not one shred of evidence? There were 3 sources in that post. One of them was a timeline of things Tucker has said which contains literally hundreds of examples. I provided a massive amount of evidence.
You’re acting like I’m saying, “Both a KKK member and Tucker Carlson say the sky is blue! Tucker Carlson=racist cOnFiRmEd!” That’s totally inaccurate.
I am pointing out specific examples of Carlson echoing the views of white nationalists on issues of race. That’s being sympathetic to their causes. I even posted a link with a timeline showing a long-running pattern of this. Because Tucker’s show is right wing entertainment (not news), the real Tucker Carlson may or may not be that way in his private life. I don’t know the guy. But on the air, his show gives voice to certain white nationalist views and has for a long time.

Could you post some examples of what you’re referring to when you say “anything goes if it gets you votes”? I’m just not sure what you mean.

On this issue, I don’t think that the narrative is black vs white. When Occupy Wall Street was a thing, and fighting back against the 1% was a rallying cry during the Great Recession, the issue was just that: the growing disparity between rich and poor. I’m not sure why you’re conflating that with issues of race, except I suppose it’s true that poverty, unemployment, and the like is always higher for minorities than it is for whites. More on that below. But as I mentioned earlier, when we pushed for progress in those areas we were met with cries of “Class warfare!” and “Wealth redistribution!” Can you imagine? It always boggled my mind that right wing media somehow rallied middle class or poorer class people to fight against their own self interest. Truly remarkable.
But one thing that just about all Americans have in common whether they be black or white or rich or poor, is that they sure as hell aren’t going to voluntarily pay more taxes than the government mandates. It’s kind of silly to knock Lebron for not voluntarily paying more taxes than required. In this interview, Bill O’Reilly interviews Bill Clinton. It’s actually a pretty good interview and worth watching. O’Reilly mentions that he would be fine with going back to the percentages he paid when Clinton was President—so shouldn’t he voluntarily do that now? If we want these people to pay their fair share, we need a tax code that mandates it. It’s that simple.

Let’s look at exactly what I’m talking about. Regarding education, studies have shown that school districts with majority non-white students are underfunded compared with majority-white districts with equivalent numbers of students. Likewise, there has been for many years, a significant wealth gap between black and white families. So for years, it has been true that if you were born black, your family most likely had less wealth on average than if you were born white. When you went to school, it was likely to have less supplies and amenities than a majority-white school would, and when it came to funding, that school would get less than a white-majority school.
In regards to the legal/justice system, African Americans are more likely to serve jail or prison than whites with equivalent crimes and records. And their sentences are likely to be longer as well.
When it comes to housing and employment , we have data showing that those with “African-American sounding names” got fewer calls back and opportunities.
So, this is why I use terms like systemic or institutional racism—because this hasn’t a matter of a one bad apple racist cop over here and one bad apple racist judge over there. There are racial disparities in our major systems and institutions, such that being black in America can be quite different than being white in America, in terms of quality of life and opportunities.

Hey, we found something we agree on at least :)
To your question, I can’t speak for those protesting but I can give my opinion. I think people are just tired of it. It’s been happening for so long, that it’s hard to feel like a cop like that earned the benefit of the doubt. Rodney King obviously, Latasha Harlins, Armadou Dialo, Philando Castile, Paul Childs, Eric Garner, Breona Taylor, on and on, the same shit keeps happening. Constantly told to let the system work and let it play out, only to get no justice in the end. Constantly told it isn’t about race when it certainly seems to be, and the data is there to indicate it probably is.

1. Either you can point to an example where Tucker is being racist, or you can't. I mean to say he's "echoing their views", but at the same time you cant give me a single Tucker Carlson quote where he's promoting any sort of racism or white supremacy, I mean what are you really saying then? This is a problem, people are just so quick to associate someone with Hitler, or nazis, or racism these days, just because they seem too white and conservative, it's just weird. You gotta have a clear example if you're gonna throw out such a claim imo.

2. By anything goes if it gets you votes I'm referring to the way adult politicians are happy to act like children if they think it pleases their voters. So you got a presidential candidate calling people deplorable, fly over country and whatever else... basically pandering to one group of Americans and shitting on another, and naturally Trump stood up for that group, became their guy and ran with that narrative. So in other words Hillary was happy to divide the country if it got her more votes, and Trump saw what the rules of the game were and then beat her at her own game.

3. That's actually not even true. I'm pretty sure percentage wise there are more white people who are poor, on unemployment, etc, than there are Chinese or Korean Americans, so it's not as simple as whites and non whites. Also there are plenty of black people who are first immigrants in American who are doing very well, I believe Nigerians are among the richest immigrant communities in America, so it doesn't even seem to be an issue of whites and blacks. If being black in America robs you of your opportunity, how come Nigerians who came here and had to take ESL classes, are quick to get on their feet and rise up, while the average American born black youth can't get his shit together. The Nigerian's skin is just as dark if not darker, how is he managing to avoid the racism that doesn't let one succeed in America? How about black people from the west Indies, dudes from Trinidad/Tobago, or South America... when you see them in North America most of them are working middle to upper middle class families, both parents in the home, good traditional values, etc... how are they managing it? It seems to be an issue of a certain segment of the black American born population who enjoy their victim status, and their deranged woke white saviors who are determined to keep them in perpetual victim hood while virtue signalling their moral superiority to the rest of us. Instead of blaming everything on racism, how bout pointing the finger at the obvious, the lack of father in the home, and the fact that these kids gotta look up to street thugs, rappers, and NBA players as their role models. But of course saying there's a problem with "black culture" is racist, so we'll just keep pointing the finger everywhere else.

4. So what data is there to indicate that these police incidents are racially motivated? You made the claim so I will challenge you to go and look up the data yourself, and I think you will be surprised by the actual numbers. Look up how many blacks get killed by police vs how many whites, and you can also translate it into percentage of the population, etc. Then take into account that black people on average commit much more crimes, and someone living in a black neightborhood will obviously have more more interaction with police, and of course if he's at the same time being told cops are racist and he's being unjustly harassed, then he's that much more likely to throw a tantrum and get himself shot. I know getting actual facts is tedious work and it's much easier to just assume the status quo, but the numbers are important. 5 unarmed black guys killed by cops this year pales in comparison to how many thousand killed by other black guys.
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