Social More left eating itself

Well it looks like most states do. Legislatures bending the knee to whiny bitches. {<shrug}

Or the Government... has no right to tell individual citizens what to put in their bodies. You know, that whole individual liberties thing our country was founded on?
and the right is eating itself by letting themselves get killed by not vaccinating.

yet this is their biggest concern.

You’re a fing moron. You who’s not getting vaccinated down here in Texas for the most part?

Hispanics and the Black community… ask me how I know…. Lol.

The scared whiteys are the ones who lined up for it.
Are you saying the cure was worse than the disease? The goal is less deaths not less impact on the economy right?

The goal is that life should have gone on while the vulnerable stayed home. Shutting down sandwich shops while people mass gather in Costco is fucking retarded. Either it's all open or all closed.
Or the Government... has no right to tell individual citizens what to put in their bodies. You know, that whole individual liberties thing our country was founded on?
Trump made it a right vs left thing. Why? Because you can’t very well claim to have “made America great again” when people are sick and dying, everyone is social distancing and wearing masks, schools and businesses are closed, and unemployment is rampant. Trump knew he’d take political damage and likely not be re-elected, and therefore he wanted to minimize COVID at any cost. So he did the same thing to COVID that he did to anything else that threatened him: he screamed “hoax” and “fake news” at it and tried to minimize it at any cost.

Ahh… the lefty media decided in 2016 to oppose anything Trump said… right or wrong

Including lab leaks and alternate covid treatments like Ivermetin.

But please go on…
The goal is that life should have gone on while the vulnerable stayed home. Shutting down sandwich shops while people mass gather in Costco is fucking retarded. Either it's all open or all closed.

I mean... it's almost like... that was the point?
How did the vaccine thing become a right vs left thing anyway. That's just fucken bizarre, could someone explain that one please?

Black people voted 95% for Joe. Black people are the least likely to get the vaccine
I'll accept your liver on a plate with fava beans and a nice chianti. <{yearp}>

Since you've dodged the question 3 times now, 99% of people who died of the Spanish Flu were under the age of 65. Half of those who died were otherwise healthy people between 20 and 40. Half. To compare Rona to the Spanish Flu is an embarrassingly uninformed position to take.
Muh rights over science. Laugh yourself to sleep.

Dude, you're just owning yourself at this point. What is the science? What are the long term affects of these vaccines that they apparently rolled out and perfected in 18 months? Go ahead, make an actual, informed argument. This shit that your arguing is literally the reason personal freedoms in this country are so important and need to be preserved.
Since you've dodged the question 3 times now, 99% of people who died of the Spanish Flu were under the age of 65. Half of those who died were otherwise healthy people between 20 and 40. Half. To compare Rona to the Spanish Flu is an embarrassingly uninformed position to take.
With the medical knowledge and treatments we had 100 fucking years ago. What was the death toll before the lockdowns slowed the hospitalization rate? 100 years ago it wouldn't have mattered.
With the medical knowledge and treatments we had 100 fucking years ago. What was the death toll before the lockdowns slowed the hospitalization rate? 100 years ago it wouldn't have mattered.

Uh. Nothing compared to the Spanish Flu. Dude, you're embarrassing yourself. 1% of people world wide to die because of the Spanish Flu were elderly people. 1%. That has literally nothing to do with advances in medical treatment. It has to do with the fact that the Spanish Flu was a real pandemic and this wasn't.
Dude, you're just owning yourself at this point. What is the science? What are the long term affects of these vaccines that they apparently rolled out and perfected in 18 months? Go ahead, make an actual, informed argument. This shit that your arguing is literally the reason personal freedoms in this country are so important and need to be preserved.
I'm not arguing the vaccines are without risk. Just that it's minimal compared to the diseases they combat. The benefits they provide are calculable and so are the risks posed by whatever fraction of the population refuses to believe in their efficacy. You can be free to roam around with fleas and lice if you like just fuck off away from me.