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Money aside, what is wrong with Trump's wall?

Such as? Border Patrol on steroids?

1-Mandatory E-verify in every state for every job (half the states that use it now only mandatory for state jobs or contractors

2-IRS could actually give the INS a list of all the people working under false SS#'s

3-The IRS could check to see if the thousands of 90+ yr olds that are on payrolls are legit.

4-Employers could be notified that they have illegal workers and given 30 days to correct the problem or face harsh penalties including jail time for HR and CEO's.

Those 4 eliminate the jobs and then the illegals would go home.

As for the border Patrol on steroids - I don't know any other way to describe it now. We have 21,000 border agents and much of the border isn't easily crossed. But if you want to beef it up more then why not supplement the border patrol with National Guard?

Since we're on the subject- it might actually stem the numbers coming (and be cheaper) if we turned them away at the border instead of packing them in a detainment center in the US until their hearings.
Again, any level of border patrol and surveillance can be decreased by politicans looking for the Latino vote, donors looking for cheap labor, and leftist looking to live out their liberal fantasies. It's also leaves us more open to drug and terrorist smuggling.

And please stop bringing up money and resources. We're $20 trillion in debt and lose/waste billions every other week it seems. If we were a fiscally sound nation that counted it's pennies and was frugal with its money then you can make that argument. But given our flagrant disregard for debt and waste when it comes to any other issue...ever...I can't take these kind of objections to building a wall seriously.

Are you aware that in the late 80's/early 90's that the majority (est. 80%) of all the cocaine in the US entered through Miami?

Btw- the only terrorist that I've heard of being caught trying to come into the country came via Canada.
Exactly. LMAO, did you read this?

That "plan" requires the cooperation of the congress for his "Day 1" proposal which he has no chance of getting because Democrats would oppose his proposed regulation uniformly while many Republicans would break due to the fact that he's calling for a significant increase in the government's power over the financial sector-- remember that "establishment" he has spent this entire campaign shitting on? Yeah, he depends on all those guys to get anything done even if he succeeds in getting elected. He's made an enemy of his own party from within.

Furthermore, he's proposing to incite a trade war with Mexico. He argues that this will favor us simply because we're currently running a trade deficit with Mexico, but what he neglects to mention is that if the Mexican government doesn't fold immediately, which they have clearly indicated they won't, then he'll incur a reprisal from them that will result in a much less desirable market for American consumers. So it won't even matter if he's right that it hurts them more than it hurts us. They're willing to endure the hurt not to bend to our will, and any boycott or deterrence of trade with Mexico will inevitably result in higher prices for currently consumed goods both for American businesses and individuals. That's means we lose even if we win.

He also proposes revoking visas. This will inflame the entire Mexican population because, simply, it's unjust. Travelers and those who love America and contribute massively more to us than take away from us are punished alongside everyone else. Okay, I get it, Trump supporters don't care about stuff like that because they're spitting mad and want a fight. But he also totally ignores the spending power of these groups, and how just shutting off that stream will hurt American businesses, and particularly a concentration of those in the Southwest. His proposals reek of the simplistic thinking of a business school freshman or dropout. He never balances consideration of the cost of his means to produce the result he desires to achieve.

But that's not the best part. Know the best part? The best part is how he immediately and subsequently proposes increasing fees on visas. No, you're not reading that incorrectly:
  1. He proposes revoking visas indefinitely as a means to force Mexico to pay for the wall
  2. He proposes increasing the fee on visas to generate revenue as a means to pay for the wall
Goddamn Ivy League education. Has the best words.

Yeah, so he says, "Mexico will back down" despite the fact their President has made it clear he is ready for a fight, and Trump's other policies are set to inflame and unite the Mexican people behind their President. Perhaps Trump will employ this same logic in the Near and Middle East. It sounds fruitful.

#Trumpsupporters :rolleyes:
Furthermore, he's proposing to incite a trade war with Mexico. He argues that this will favor us simply because we're currently running a trade deficit with Mexico, but what he neglects to mention is that if the Mexican government doesn't fold immediately, which they have clearly indicated they won't, then he'll incur a reprisal from them that will result in a much less desirable market for American consumers. So it won't even matter if he's right that it hurts them more than it hurts us. They're willing to endure the hurt not to bend to our will, and any boycott or deterrence of trade with Mexico will inevitably result in higher prices for currently consumed goods both for American businesses and individuals. That's means we lose even if we win.

Did you hear this guys?

The Hecho en Mexico cokes in the glass bottles are going to go up a dollar at the bodega! This is going to hurt the shit out of us! Oh wait, the products from American companies made in Mexico on the cheap (and which eliminated American jobs) are going to cost a little more!

Guess what? You boycott those companies anyway for being traitors.


We are talking about border security...why wouldn't you want a permanent solution? Why would we want to leave a door open to take away border security?

Because Leftists are childish and naive at heart; they believe that we can tear down all walls and that then people will come together and hold hands (and it would be nice if things could be like that). This, of course, is the useful idiot's belief, and plays right into the hands of their globalist masters.

You are right in the sense that permanence can create its own problems so that is something to consider as well. But my question is...what permanent issue could a wall present anywhere on the level of the ACA?

And it still could be reversed politically it would just require a much greater consensus than say decreasing border patrol or easing restrictions on illegals. And, I could be wrong, but from my vantage point that is a good thing.
A lot of people simply do not agree that the issue itself warrants the effort, the displacement of citizens and animals and nature, or the symbolism of creating a giant eyesore to keep out a friendly trade partner that may or may not enhance current measures. I laso don't see any reason to fear the reduction of border security for political reasons. That's an issue that is pretty much universally agreed upon, it's only the wall that is contentious. I've never heard of any push for relaxing border surveillance and letting more people wander in.

Exactly. LMAO, did you read this?

That "plan" requires the cooperation of the congress for his "Day 1" proposal which he has no chance of getting because Democrats would oppose his proposed regulation uniformly while many Republicans would break due to the fact that he's calling for a significant increase in the government's power over the financial sector-- remember that "establishment" he has spent this entire campaign shitting on? Yeah, he depends on all those guys to get anything done even if he succeeds in getting elected. He's made an enemy of his own party from within.

Furthermore, he's proposing to incite a trade war with Mexico. He argues that this will favor us simply because we're currently running a trade deficit with Mexico, but what he neglects to mention is that if the Mexican government doesn't fold immediately, which they have clearly indicated they won't, then he'll incur a reprisal from them that will result in a much less desirable market for American consumers. So it won't even matter if he's right that it hurts them more than it hurts us. They're willing to endure the hurt not to bend to our will, and any boycott or deterrence of trade with Mexico will inevitably result in higher prices for currently consumed goods both for American businesses and individuals. That's means we lose even if we win.

He also proposes revoking visas. This will inflame the entire Mexican population because, simply, it's unjust. Travelers and those who love America and contribute massively more to us than take away from us are punished alongside everyone else. Okay, I get it, Trump supporters don't care about stuff like that because they're spitting mad and want a fight. But he also totally ignores the spending power of these groups, and how just shutting off that stream will hurt American businesses, and particularly a concentration of those in the Southwest. His proposals reek of the simplistic thinking of a business school freshman or dropout. He never balances consideration of the cost of his means to produce the result he desires to achieve.

But that's not the best part. Know the best part? The best part is how he immediately and subsequently proposes increasing fees on visas. No, you're not reading that incorrectly:
  1. He proposes revoking visas indefinitely as a means to force Mexico to pay for the wall
  2. He proposes increasing the fee on visas to generate revenue as a means to pay for the wall
Goddamn Ivy League education. Has the best words.

Yeah, so he says, "Mexico will back down" despite the fact their President has made it clear he is ready for a fight, and Trump's other policies are set to inflame and unite the Mexican people behind their President. Perhaps Trump will employ this same logic in the Near and Middle East. It sounds fruitful.

#Trumpsupporters :rolleyes:
Ridiculously good breakdown. A trade war with Mexico alone would cost us more than just building the wall. Classic Trump :)