Law Mitt Romney: Trump killed border bill so he can ‘blame Biden’

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“I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump,” Romney said. “And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling.”

“But the reality is that we have a crisis at the border, the American people are suffering as a result of what’s happening at the border, and someone running for president ought to try to get the problem solved as opposed to saying, ‘Hey, save that problem. Don’t solve it. Let me take credit for solving it later,’” Romney continued.

This is exactly what our last Conservative government did. They sacked a load of asylum approval officials to slow down the asylum approval/rejection process so we had to put up all the illegal immigrants in hotels. And they shut all the legal routes down. Then because the gangs and the immigrants knew no one would be kicked out they started really pouring in. They made the small boat crisis far worse to play political football with.
But this particular story is Trump's fault. Your own side is telling you that right now.

Does that hurt?

Is Trump infallible to you?

I really don't understand why you're heartbroken about it? Did you really have that illusion in your head? Come on, guy. He's trash. Whatever you think of the other side, Trump scuttling this deal is pretty easy to believe, no?
You were literally told why MAGA didn’t support the bill and completely ignored it. Then went right back to spewing what MSNBC told you to say.
Calling it "the border bill" is disingenuous, its objective was to legalise as many illegals as quickly as possible. There is no additional regulations or bureaucracy needed to control the border, just actual actioning of the existing regulations.
Read the bill, don't just go off media and politicians lies.
Allowing up to 1,400 illegals a day doesn’t sound like a good bill to me.
You were literally told why MAGA didn’t support the bill and completely ignored it. Then went right back to spewing what MSNBC told you to say.

Ignored what? Sweeping statements with no substance?

What exactly was wrong with the bill? Looks good to me as an initial investment in the border. Tell me, how would it have hurt attempts to defend the border?

Money to Ukraine is not an excuse since it was passed anyway as we know, so it's all about the bill. How would it have hurt? More border agents?
Thats a lot of words to say "I don't know, I made shit up".
This coming from the guy who posted this
eh, let me know when they draft a serious border bill that doesn't provide Ukraine with billions upon billions for some reason.
only to ignore the replies pointing out that it was in fact the GOP who wanted the aid to Ukraine/Israel attached to the border bill. You're the one who is completely clueless.
Trump has no real border plan. He said he would put all the illegals in prison, then 5 minutes later he said he would deport millions of them on day 1. (also said that about locking up Hillary and replacing Obamacare last time).

So which one is it? You can lock them up at a cost of 100 bucks a day for each person. You can try bussing 10 million people to the border and releasing them.... that will go well, sure.
Trump has no real border plan. He said he would put all the illegals in prison, then 5 minutes later he said he would deport millions of them on day 1. (also said that about locking up Hillary and replacing Obamacare last time).

So which one is it? You can lock them up at a cost of 100 bucks a day for each person. You can try bussing 10 million people to the border and releasing them.... that will go well, sure.

Trump had the border secure and was using ICE to deport illegals while he was president. All the demonrats could do was talk shit about Trump putting kids in cages (the ones Obama had built) and that ICE is the enemy of America.

Why do you dipshits all of a sudden care about the border? Biden Harris have had it open for business for the last 3 years.

Don't ever question why we call you libtards.
This coming from the guy who posted this

only to ignore the replies pointing out that it was in fact the GOP who wanted the aid to Ukraine/Israel attached to the border bill. You're the one who is completely clueless.
Stop with this intentional ignorance shit already. Ukraine bill got passed separately. The border portion of the bill, as I pointed out already, was poor and did nothing to secure the border and was allocated a fraction of the money Ukraine and Israel were allotted in the bill. What does Ukraine have to do with border control?

This isn't a fucking riddle. Nothing I said has been contradicted or is even sort of incorrect. Don't pick and choose bits of my argument just to be condescending. You KNOW the bill was shit for the border, You know it was filled with pork that had nothing to do with the border. You're not as dumb as you're pretending to be. There is nothing confusing about what I'm saying.
This coming from the guy who posted this

only to ignore the replies pointing out that it was in fact the GOP who wanted the aid to Ukraine/Israel attached to the border bill. You're the one who is completely clueless.
Let me ask you this. Why did they pass Ukraine money but passed on doing the border portion separately? Why do you think that was? Because it had no chance in hell of passing on its own and you know it. Thats why they attached Ukraine to it.
Stop with this intentional ignorance shit already. Ukraine bill got passed separately. The border portion of the bill, as I pointed out already, was poor and did nothing to secure the border and was allocated a fraction of the money Ukraine and Israel were allotted in the bill. What does Ukraine have to do with border control?

This isn't a fucking riddle. Nothing I said has been contradicted or is even sort of incorrect. Don't pick and choose bits of my argument just to be condescending. You KNOW the bill was shit for the border, You know it was filled with pork that had nothing to do with the border. You're not as dumb as you're pretending to be. There is nothing confusing about what I'm saying.
The bill reformed the asylum process and allocated funding to help resolve the current backlog as well as creating mechanisms for the president to shut down the border in the case of a sustained surge of migrants, it absolutely would've helped which is why it was endorsed by the Border Patrol Union and written by a Republican. It was also voted against by the likes of Sanders and AOC because it didn't include amnesty.
Let me ask you this. Why did they pass Ukraine money but passed on doing the border portion separately? Why do you think that was? Because it had no chance in hell of passing on its own and you know it. Thats why they attached Ukraine to it.
Yes exactly you goof, that's why the GOP wanted the border bill tacked onto the Ukraine/Israel aid and so the Democrats compromised and provided a bipartisan border bill which the GOP shot down anyway. They fumbled their chance at using the Ukraine/Israel aid to extract a concession on the border and you're celebrating that?
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The bill reformed the asylum process and allocated funding to help resolve the current backlog as well as creating mechanisms for the president to shut down the border in the case of a sustained surge of migrants, it absolutely would've helped which is why it was endorsed by the Border Patrol Union and written by Republican. It was also voted against by the likes of Sanders and AOC because it didn't include amnesty.

Yes exactly you goof, that's why the GOP wanted the border bill tacked onto the Ukraine/Israel aid and so the Democrats compromised and provided a bipartisan border bill which the GOP shot down anyway. They fumbled their chance at using the Ukraine/Israel aid to extract a concession on the border and you're celebrating that?
Again, the border bill was garbage. Why do you keep ignoring this?

Can you straight faced tell me that border bill would have improved our security and decreased the amount of illegal immigration? Go ahead and lie to me. No action o n the border until 7 consecutive days of 4000 or more encounters with border control. Come on, guy.

The Border Act does provide the president with authority to close the border down when illegal crossings between ports of entry reach an average of 4,000 per day for more than seven days. This is not mandatory, however, unless the average rises above 5,000 per day for more than seven days, which would be more than 1.8 million per year. And even that provision would sunset in three years. That is not a resolution of the issue.
Again, the border bill was garbage. Why do you keep ignoring this?

Can you straight faced tell me that border bill would have improved our security and decreased the amount of illegal immigration? Go ahead and lie to me. No action o n the border until 7 consecutive days of 4000 or more encounters with border control. Come on, guy.

The Border Act does provide the president with authority to close the border down when illegal crossings between ports of entry reach an average of 4,000 per day for more than seven days. This is not mandatory, however, unless the average rises above 5,000 per day for more than seven days, which would be more than 1.8 million per year. And even that provision would sunset in three years. That is not a resolution of the issue.
I'm not ignoring it, I'm arguing against that premise. What is wrong with what you quoted there? It gives the president the power to shutdown the border in the case of a surge, how would that not help reduce border crossings? It also allocated funding for processing asylum claims which means we more efficiently remove those who are not eligible.
I'm not ignoring it, I'm arguing against that premise. What is wrong with what you quoted there? It gives the president the power to shutdown the border in the case of a surge, how would that not help reduce border crossings? It also allocated funding for processing asylum claims which means we more efficiently remove those who are not eligible.
Yeah, AFTER 28,000 illegals have already crossed. Thats an open border.
Whats in the bill to stop them from coming? Whats in the bill that empowers border patrol? Whats in the bill that counters people who sneak in illegally?
Its horse shit and you know it.
Trump had the border secure and was using ICE to deport illegals while he was president. All the demonrats could do was talk shit about Trump putting kids in cages (the ones Obama had built) and that ICE is the enemy of America.

Why do you dipshits all of a sudden care about the border? Biden Harris have had it open for business for the last 3 years.

Don't ever question why we call you libtards.

Biden deported more people than Trump. Obama deported more people than anyone.
Yeah, Biden and Obama did a better job than Trump at the border. Tell us more.
Obama wasn't so bad as Biden, to be fair. I may be wrong, but I can't recall Obama going on TV and telling illegals to rush the border.