Milo Yiannopoulos gets $250k book deal. SJW's have meltdown.

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My favorite is still Bobcat Goldthwait setting fire to Jay Leno's chair on the old Tonight Show. Jay got so fucking pissed off, and actually took Bobcat to court over it. Gold.

You can't even find the clip of that on the internet, Jay had them never re-air the episode, and so it didn't make it into the youtube era. I just happened to see it that night live.

You can see a small snippet of it on this clip from the Larry Sanders show, but the full thing was amazing

Strangely enough I'm actually currently watching 'The Larry Sanders Show' boxset and just saw the episode when that happened!
I thought that was just part of the Sanders show, didn't realise it actually happened for real on Jay Leno!
Double posting it?
I didn't realize I double posted anything.
Sorry if I did, no need to get so angry about it tho.
And hey - stop contributing to a thread you don't give a fuck about. That's just weird.

You didn't the other guy did.

I was just commenting on how the Alt-Reich drones are pretty bad at hiding their brainwashing.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings, I thought you guys were supposed to be tough.
You didn't the other guy did.

I was just commenting on how the Alt-Reich drones are pretty bad at hiding their brainwashing.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings, I thought you guys were supposed to be tough.

Do you think Alt-Reich is going to catch on?

I know the SJW's are desperately looking for something that will catch on like the term SJW has, but it's not happening. It's cute, but it's not happening.
He only got 250 after all the exposure over the last couple years? He needs to fire his agent.

It's also funny that the title is actually "Dangerous :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:" but he's too PC to stick up for it, so he went with "Dangerous" because he's a frightened little sellout.

Yeah, that would have been a great title, smart business move etc. All the stores would have it right at the front for everyone passing by to see. lol.
Do you think Alt-Reich is going to catch on?

I know the SJW's are desperately looking for something that will catch on like the term SJW has, but it's not happening. It's cute, but it's not happening.

Only one way to find out, huh?
I guess I misunderstood Fawlty. But I think what drives Milo's point home is that if a leftist gay guy used that word it would get published but he has to self censure. I've seen books that used other slurs in the title on feminist and black studies sections.

If Milo was a SJW gay guy, then using the word ':eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:' as a title wouldn't be a problem.
But the fact that he's a conservative gay guy means it's a definite no go.
Yeah, that would have been a great title, smart business move etc. All the stores would have it right at the front for everyone passing by to see. lol.

You don't see how it's a little hypocritical for the Alt-Reich's champion of anti-PC to bow down to PC pressure for a measly 250k?
I didnt know Milo was so popular around here, didnt know the lefties so triggered by that queer

The SJW's get so annoyed by him because he's gay and by their logic they're not meant to dislike or be against anything a gay person says or does.
He just causes them a lot of inner turmoil :)
Obviously. @Fawlty is just talking shit.

Splashing "Dangerous :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:" on the cover is a terrible business move, both because some stores will refuse to carry it and because a lot of people would be a bit too bashful to take it to the counter.
Banning him from Twitter was of course just a good business move. Both ways, you shall not have.
You don't see how it's a little hypocritical for the Alt-Reich's champion of anti-PC to bow down to PC pressure for a measly 250k?

"A measly 250k"
Man of the people!

It's not hypocritical at all, it would have been retarded to have the word :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: on the front cover.
For a start the publishers wouldn't have made the deal and most stores wouldn't stock it.
Weakest argument ever.
The book would never be published if he titled it 'Dangerous :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:'.
Really not a hard concept to grasp.
Exactly. He bowed to pressure.
I'm sure many of the alt righties in here would love an autographed copy with widdle biddy hearts and widdle biddy dick shapes drawn on it. I love you Milo kissy kissy daddy


Do you ever post something with actual substance? You just bitch non-stop, shut the fuck up.
"A measly 250k"
Man of the people!

It's not hypocritical at all, it would have been retarded to have the word :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: on the front cover.
For a start the publishers wouldn't have made the deal and most stores wouldn't stock it.

It's not hypocritical to flip on your entire message for $250k?
I addressed that. It's called selling out.

I thought only 14 year old metal fans used the term 'selling out' when more than 10 people started liking the band they think they discovered.
Me a homophobe? Lol

I actually find Milo entertaining.

I just think you guys are a bit retarded. Alt-Reich drones tripping over each to shit post the same garbage.

Speaking of shit posting the same garbage over and over, are you done typing the same thing for the third time itt? We got it. You're triggered. You don't have to make this your last stand.
What relevance would my feelings about him changing his book title have on this topic?
You think your feelings matter all the time, you post purely on feelings when you visit here. If you weren't a Condit fan I'd lemme tell ya.
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