Military Roll Call! Veterans, GTFIH!

I'm not telling anyone how to vote, but I just want everyone to go forward with eyes wide open.

"Project 2025 aims to enhance the efficiency, responsiveness, and veteran-centric focus of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by addressing health care delivery, benefits administration, infrastructure, and workforce management1. However, it also proposes to cut costs by having fewer health conditions qualify veterans for disability benefits, which could restrict disabled veterans' access to life-sustaining benefits2."


I apologize if this rubs anyone the wrong way, but this is THE plan that some people want enacted. I don't want to make this political, but I just want us all informed.
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Looks like someone didn't pay attention to paperwork he signed back then.
He's lucky they aren't collecting interest.

Those are weird circumstances; if these people know about the error and collect then that’s on them. If they don’t then I think that negligence rests with the gov. I made a year of tax free money post a trip and I numerous times I went to every level of finance/admin to fix the problem. I finally quit and just that extra money in a savings account waiting for them to figure it out; 18 months later they took it, finally.
Those are weird circumstances; if these people know about the error and collect then that’s on them. If they don’t then I think that negligence rests with the gov. I made a year of tax free money post a trip and I numerous times I went to every level of finance/admin to fix the problem. I finally quit and just that extra money in a savings account waiting for them to figure it out; 18 months later they took it, finally.
My dad took a VSI from the active duty Navy and joined the Army Reserve. They were VERY explicit that you can't double dip unless your disability is from combat. And this was back in the 70s.
For those that have not seen it, this is a great movie. 'The Final Countdown' - a 1980 American science fiction war film about a modern nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (USS Nimitz) that travels through time to the day before the December 7, 1941, attack on Peral Harbor. This was all before 'Top Gun' came out and the F-14 scenes were well made for its time. Those Tomcats had to be flying at almost stall speeds to keep up with the Japanese Zeroes. Hence, wings extended.

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For those that have not seen it, this is a great movie. 'The Final Countdown' - a 1980 American science fiction war film about a modern nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (USS Nimitz) that travels through time to the day before the December 7, 1941, attack on Peral Harbor. This was all before 'Top Gun' came out and the F-14 scenes were well made for its time. Those Tomcats had to be flying at almost stall speeds to keep up with the Japanese Zeroes. Hence, wings extended.

That was a fun movie. There's a whole YT channel of some guys playing a flight sim game where they inject modern weaponry into historical situations like that (ex one modern carrier vs Japanese Pearl Harbor strike fleet...spoiler i dont think any planes made it to Pearl...)

It's a fun time waster, I'll see if I can't find it later.


I make as to accuracy historical or otherwise
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Well, no matter who's name is on my retirement certificate next year...there's gonna be some kind of story or explanation to it...

For those that don't know it, 'turning blue' means the completion of Infantry AIT. You get the blue cord.
Pulling that shit at Ft. Benning (or whatever they call it now). Did he get a beating from the Drill Sergeants?
Wrong uniform. CIB always worn above jump wings. There is no U.S. flag on the left shoulder.
'Duran' should have taken the time to read the regulation on how to correctly wear badges and flag. Also, he is using a cane on the full picture.

* Edit: Those are 'senior' parachute wings. I have not seen too many of those. I have seen plenty of 'jumpmaster' wings.

Had a friend go to school at Ft. Benning and given a lot of shit for wearing his 'air assault' wings over his 'jump' wings. Ft. Benning remains the primary Airborne school post. You can wear it either way really. He said 'air assault' was a harder school. Told folks to fuck off. A really good guy.

What is going on with all these 'stolen valor' folks?

* To be eligible for the 'senior' parachutist badge, an individual must have been rated excellent in character and efficiency and have met the following requirements:
  1. Participated in a minimum of 30 jumps including fifteen jumps with combat equipment. Two night jumps. In addition, two mass tactical jumps which culminate in an airborne assault problem.
  2. Graduated from the Jumpmaster Course of the United States Army.
  3. Have served on jump status with an airborne unit or other organizations authorized parachutists for a total of at least 24 months.

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For those that don't know it, 'turning blue' means the completion of Infantry AIT. You get the blue cord.
Pulling that shit at Ft. Benning (or whatever they call it now). Did he get a beating from the Drill Sergeants?
Wrong uniform. CIB always worn above jump wings. There is no U.S. flag on the left shoulder.
'Duran' should have taken the time to read the regulation on how to correctly wear badges and flag. Also, he is using a cane on the full picture.

* Edit: Those are 'senior' parachute wings. I have not seen too many of those. I have seen plenty of 'jumpmaster' wings.

Had a friend go to school at Ft. Benning and given a lot of shit for wearing his 'air assault' wings over his 'jump' wings. Ft. Benning remains the primary Airborne school post. You can wear it either way really. He said 'air assault' was a harder school. Told folks to fuck off. A really good guy. He could not land navigate too well, so I helped him with that.

What is going on with all these 'stolen valor' folks?

* To be eligible for the 'senior' parachutist badge, an individual must have been rated excellent in character and efficiency and have met the following requirements:
  1. Participated in a minimum of 30 jumps including fifteen jumps with combat equipment. Two night jumps. In addition, two mass tactical jumps which culminate in an airborne assault problem.
  2. Graduated from the Jumpmaster Course of the United States Army.
  3. Have served on jump status with an airborne unit or other organizations authorized parachutists for a total of at least 24 months.

Great post! I learned a lot from this.
Life has to suck right now if you're stationed on Oki.
Oki went to shit in 2004 when they came out with that red card/gold card libo nonsense.

Imagine coming back from Cobra Gold on all night Benders with SNCOs and being handed a red card because "every NON-NCO was getting it regardless". Fuck 3rd ELMACO for that. I could have a car but not a Gold Card?!?
Oki went to shit in 2004 when they came out with that red card/gold card libo nonsense.

Imagine coming back from Cobra Gold on all night Benders with SNCOs and being handed a red card because "every NON-NCO was getting it regardless". Fuck 3rd ELMACO for that. I could have a car but not a Gold Card?!?


That must be some USMC stuff because I was on Kadena from '06 - '10 and none of my Airmen had any cards.

That must be some USMC stuff because I was on Kadena from '06 - '10 and none of my Airmen had any cards.
Yea. Marines. I dont know if they still have it but when i got to Oki it was free libo. The. Some shit happened and we got hit with Libo cards.
Yea. Marines. I dont know if they still have it but when i got to Oki it was free libo. The. Some shit happened and we got hit with Libo cards.

Man, I had a shop full of females and I didn't have to deal with any of that stuff. There was some baby-mama-drama, but it was a rarity.

Thank the good Lord!
Man, I had a shop full of females and I didn't have to deal with any of that stuff. There was some baby-mama-drama, but it was a rarity.

Thank the good Lord!
I recall my first time eating breakfast on Kadena. Talk about a shock! I could just leave my tray in the table and someone would come and scoop it up?!?

I recall my first time eating breakfast on Kadena. Talk about a shock! I could just leave my tray in the table and someone would come and scoop it up?!?


Well, I was married so I never hit up the DFAC. I DID get a haircut every other week though. Man, that neck massage and that hot towel had me out COLD in that barber's chair!
Well, I was married so I never hit up the DFAC. I DID get a haircut every other week though. Man, that neck massage and that hot towel had me out COLD in that barber's chair!
Lol i was just telling my wife this. Those Mamasans sure knew how to give a post haircut massage.
Fuck, I hadn't heard.

I was attached to 1st Recon for the initial invasion. I met him and saw him around. I think we all appreciate the way he wrote it up in the initial articles for Rolling Stone.
Man I just rewatched Generation Kill recently. Sad to see he’s gone.
Man I just rewatched Generation Kill recently. Sad to see he’s gone.

I remember the first time I saw him. They cut it from the show, but I think he mentioned it in the book.

I was a recon Marine with 1stRadBn (now 3rd RadBn) during the initial invasion. We got pimped out to 1st Recon for most of the initial invasion, until we peeled off after Baghdad and got sent up to Tikrit.

Anyway, I was a Sgt and TL for a six-man radio recon team. We didn't cross the border with 1st Recon, as they sent us to blow up Safwan Hill. So we didn't link up with 1st Recon until a day or two later. When we did, it was during some pause in a relatively safe area. Something like, 30 vehicles set up in a 500-yard circle, surrounded by a berm, and about a 100 grunts milling about.

It's a relatively safe spot, so people are mostly just walking about casually. Now we didn't know 1st Recon even had a reporter with them. We had just met up a few hours ago and no one had bothered to tell us. No real reason to.

So we're all just milling about, when suddenly I see some dude in civies just start sprinting across the area we were in. To this day, I don't know why he just took off at a dead sprint. I think he said he just wasn't thinking and just started running back to his vehicle. Fair enough. But one of our teamates was kinda in the path of Evan. So from his perspective, he's relaxed, but you're always still kinda on guard. And he see's out of his peripheral vision, some random guy, who's clearly not a Marine, sprinting straight at him.

So he just instinctively turns around and levels his M4 right at the onrushing journalist. Evan, understandably, comes to a dead stop and raises his hands straight in the air. I mean that comical, hands all the way up I'm surrendering, kinda way. And he went from full on sprint, to dead stop, in an instant. And they both just held that pose for a full five seconds. One Marine rifle raised and pointed dead at a goofy looking civilian with his hands up.

And the weirdest thing was, like 30 people watched this happen. I just happened to see it, and was as equally confused. Eventually, someone in the crowd shouted something like, "Don't shoot our fucking reporter." Our guy snapped out of it at that point. And both him and Evan relaxed amid that awkward laughter.

Anyway. I talked to Evan later a few times, but wouldn't say I got to know him particularly well. But he seemed like a good guy. And I do appreciate how he wrote it up. It was an honest take, devoid of the generic rah-rah, a lot of those early articles had. And no one can say he didn't put himself in harms way to get that story.
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