MCU Phase 4-5 Will be Annihlation Storyline apparently

Are you burnt out on Comic Book Movies?

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Comic book movie need to get a bit more dark. More of The Crow, V for Vendetta and Watchmen and less of the corny movies that are foooded into today’s market.

It needs to rake that turn so it can go to the next level and keep people interested.
Its the only film I am not interested in. I am not interested in a female with no powers fighting hundreds of aliens or AI robots and making it look easy. I am sorry if I am not dumb enough that no where in any world would that even be possible. I can suspended my believe on most movie but for me to believe that I have to be a damn retard.

Is that really so much worse than a guy on super roids with a fancy shield doing the same thing?
The MCU we once knew is pretty much over. After Endgame the MCU just wont be the same. Evans and RDJ are gone and even though I’m excited for Dr Strange 2, Panther 2 and of course Guardians 3 (with our without Thor) what we once had is officially over.
It needs to rake that turn so it can go to the next level and keep people interested.

Honestly though I think "grimdark" has had its day, some of the films were enjoyable but a lot of the general public views it as about as "adult" as a 15 year old boy wearing eyeliner and a trench coat.

I would hope that going forward the Russo's style becomes more of the baseline for Marvel with drama becoming a bit more grounded and serious.
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I'll watch whatever they throw at me until they turn to shit like the DCEU.

I'll watch Shang Chi too because, while I couldn't give a rat's ass about that comic character, I expect Marvel to surprise me. 5 years ago, I never thought I would bother watching an Ant-Man or a GotG movie (who TF have even heard of any of the members of GotG before this???), but now I can't wait.

Black Panther and Dr Strange weren't the best but still pretty decent. The one I hated the most was Iron Man 3 but even that was better than BvS or Justice League.

As for Black Widow... ScarJo bouncing around in skin-tight leather outfit... HHNNNGGGG
I'd watch it even if it's 90mins of her dancing like that Ryan Reynold's Pikachu leak.
This is DC’s chance to takeover. With shazam and aquaman (didn’t care for but made bank) they have a chance as the future of MCU looks like shit until they get x-men going (which was always the A team and avengers were the B team). However, I don’t trust warner brothers at.
I don't care about any of those movies except Guardians 3
I'm not burnt out because I still haven't seen certain characters I liked in comic books on screen.

I still have yet to see:
Lobo, Another Green Lantern, Gambit, X-Factor, Omega Red, Carnage, Brainiac, The Riddler, Galactus, Another Doctor Doom

I was never a huge fan of the Avengers. I always liked X-Men better.
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I am ok with more, but slow the pace a bit and don't put out epic huge movies like Endgame for a couple of years.
I’ve been reading Marvel comics since 1972. I can take a whole lot more.
Kind of difficult to watch a black widow film
considering she's dead.

Most likely about Budapest. This have been mentioned almost everytime Hawkeye and her have alone time.

As for TS question, not burnt out but I'm hardly interested as well. I agree with the few posts here about needing darker films. I like Logan, Watchmen and the very much hated Man of Steel. I'm not into MCU because of the more comedic tone.
They need to do a Taskmaster or Deathstroke movie.
Proper fantastic four, silver surfer... DC movies, if they manage to make them good.

Planet Hulk, World War Hulk... Hulk became a joke in the end... not complaining, but we didn't get to see really powerful Hulk...
Out of all the films that have been rumored, most don't interest me. Now that Thanos is gone, I'm feeling a little tired of these films for now. I was so excited for the Infinity Saga that everything else seems like a let down moving forward. I think they'll still be high quality movies and I love most of what Marvel makes, but I'm not hyped for them I guess. More looking forward to Dune in 2020.
Feige and Disney are in it to win it. They have a 10 year plan and a whole bunch of shitty and great characters to throw in the mcu mix and see if it sticks. As of the current lineup of movies. I'm not really sold on anything. Doc Strange 2 could be cool, Guardians 3 maybe and that's about it for me. And just to be clear I wouldn't really be all that upitty about a 4th Iron Man or a 4th Cap either. I would however like to see Punisher and Daredevil back.

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