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Media Matt Hughes continues his impressive recovery

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Choosing to publish a book where you brag about sexual crimes and animal abuse will have that affect on your public image.

I used to use the train tracks in my town to cut from one side of town to the other if on foot because it was WAY more direct, and also quite discreet if one was partaking in mischievous activities like pool hopping.

and that's what he chose to share.

What are his stories that didnt make the book?

There is a link in one of my prior posts to a synopsis of his book.

i bet the father of the 8th grader Matt fooled around with while he was in college was like "oh that's OK, it was a while ago."

(and per the story, that would be his eventual wife and mother of his daughters, so he would definitely have known it was published.)

Also I'm sure his daughter's must love that their dad published stories like that which their friends can have access to and ask them about. That's probably really fun for a kid with a well known parent.

Touchy subject. That's not the angle that is likely to be focused on unless Matt himself chooses to, which doesn't seem likely given his patterns of how he has chosen to represent himself.
Well the biggest issue I see if he were attempting something, and not admitting it is his Christian faith. Where suicide is seen as a sin. Again no idea what actually happened that day. But it was something that always stuck out to me why I can never truly be sure what happened that day
Very funny how everyone feels sorry for Matt hughes

Are you reading this thread? It seems like very few people are actually sorry.

It's threads like these that really showcase just how much of a hateful prick the average Sherdog poster is

It's also worth noting that most people posting on here these days didn't come up watching him. I'm sure that that makes it even easier to throw out random insults on a forum directed at someone who's nothing more than a name on Fight Finder.

In any event, as not just a fighter but as a champion, Matt Hughes is one of the most legendary athletes to ever compete in MMA. As a person, he may not have been an angel, but neither were Ken or Frank Shamrock, neither was Tank Abbott, neither was Rampage, neither was Mayhem. The number of MMA fighters who came from criminal backgrounds and who did borderline (or just cross the line) shit if they did not spend time in jail/prison is very large. Treating Matt Hughes like he's Hermes Franca or Joe Son or War Machine is going overboard IMO. The saying "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy" is worth keeping in mind. What he's gone through and what he will have to live with for the rest of his life is more than most could even fathom. If you're happy about that and think that it makes you a good person to want someone you don't know to suffer so horribly, then I'd say Matt Hughes is the least of your problems.

I hope he continues to improve.

There was the CHOMO stuff... republicans pretend to care about that a lot
There was 21 year old Matt fingering a 13 year old girl in his own book.

If you can find this in the book, I'd like to know about it, because I don't remember reading that. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'm assuming that you're referring to when they were 18 and Mark - not Matt - got drunk and made out with a 14-year-old girl whose brother they were friends with. That's also the girl Matt ended up marrying. Between the two of them, Mark sounds more the CHOMO while Matt likes adults like a normal person. As he explicitly wrote in the book that I'm wondering if you actually read: "She wasn't a little girl anymore---twenty-one years old is a lot different from thirteen or fourteen."
Is it just me or has the overall level of hate and negativity really gone up on Sherdog lately?
It's the same. It just depends on the subject. Matt Hughes brings out real ugliness on here.
Speak for yourself.
I am speaking for myself. I said I am not a good person. But you have never met Matt Hughes and neither have I. Maybe he is a huge piece of poop. Life is funny brother. But you post mean words brother. About someone you have never met.
the fuck does this even mean
it's not a matter of being 'down bad', it's a matter of not being an abject piece of shit bully
It means no one's born an 'abject piece of shit bully', and things change. I hope you'd keep that conviction in person and tell a humbled disabled man what a massive piece of garbage he is in person, because you sound like the bully from where I'm standing.
I admire that he continues to fight. It is inspirational to me. Mock me if you like brother but I find it inspiring. If he did bad things he will pay I imagine. Not my problem
There was 21 year old Matt fingering a 13 year old girl in his own book.
Interesting. I dont remember that part of the book at all. I'm guessing you haven't read it and you're going by something someone said on the forum?
Are you reading this thread? It seems like very few people are actually sorry.
He killed and tortured fucking animals for fun. Sorry I don't feel someone like that deserves sympathy. Same reason I would not feel sorry if Jon gets hit by a car tomorrow. Obviously it was hyperbole which should have been obvious by my liking most of the other post shitting on him.
Are you reading this thread? It seems like very few people are actually sorry.

It's also worth noting that most people posting on here these days didn't come up watching him. I'm sure that that makes it even easier to throw out random insults on a forum directed at someone who's nothing more than a name on Fight Finder.

In any event, as not just a fighter but as a champion, Matt Hughes is one of the most legendary athletes to ever compete in MMA. As a person, he may not have been an angel, but neither were Ken or Frank Shamrock, neither was Tank Abbott, neither was Rampage, neither was Mayhem. The number of MMA fighters who came from criminal backgrounds and who did borderline (or just cross the line) shit if they did not spend time in jail/prison is very large. Treating Matt Hughes like he's Hermes Franca or Joe Son or War Machine is going overboard IMO. The saying "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy" is worth keeping in mind. What he's gone through and what he will have to live with for the rest of his life is more than most could even fathom. If you're happy about that and think that it makes you a good person to want someone you don't know to suffer so horribly, then I'd say Matt Hughes is the least of your problems.

I hope he continues to improve.

If you can find this in the book, I'd like to know about it, because I don't remember reading that. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'm assuming that you're referring to when they were 18 and Mark - not Matt - got drunk and made out with a 14-year-old girl whose brother they were friends with. That's also the girl Matt ended up marrying. Between the two of them, Mark sounds more the CHOMO while Matt likes adults like a normal person. As he explicitly wrote in the book that I'm wondering if you actually read: "She wasn't a little girl anymore---twenty-one years old is a lot different from thirteen or fourteen."
There's no angels out there. Even the people commenting like they're the official judges of character and human morality.

Making mistakes doesn't make you a villain. Everyone is capable of good and bad and Hughes has been on both sides.

But we live in a world where your wrongdoings are highlighted and you're defined by those moments forever, without really considering both sides or the nuance behind why people end up the way they do in the first place.

People are just hypocrites, its easy to act as the authority of righteousness from behind a keyboard, very seldomly do those same people take an honest look at themselves and their own shortcomings.
He killed and tortured fucking animals for fun. Sorry I don't feel someone like that deserves sympathy. Same reason I would not feel sorry if Jon gets hit by a car tomorrow. Obviously it was hyperbole which should have been obvious by my liking most of the other post shitting on him.
Usually kids who do that came from or experienced an abusive childhood. It can be an indication of future sociopathy, but sometimes it's also a projection of emotions and traumas that haven't been fully dealt with.

People rarely come out of the womb evil. They're almost always products of their environment and upbringing.
Hated his guts forever - thought he was a shit human


He does appear to be much healthier and more articulate then I’ve seen in years - and im happy for him and his family for that
He killed and tortured fucking animals for fun. Sorry I don't feel someone like that deserves sympathy. Same reason I would not feel sorry if Jon gets hit by a car tomorrow. Obviously it was hyperbole which should have been obvious by my liking most of the other post shitting on him.
You didn't read the book, right? And you're going by what people on a forum today you it said?

He grew up on a farm. Castration and putting down animals is part of the deal. Almost every single criticism of the book is either a lie or lacking in context. And it's been like, what? 12 years now? If you didn't know by now, nothing I say is gonna change your mind.
He killed and tortured fucking animals for fun.

Did you miss the part about him being a country boy? He grew up on a farm. Different lifestyle and different relationship with animals. The story he tells is specifically him and his farmer brother fucking with Marc Fiore who was a suburb/city kid and who was grossed out on a pig farm.

Sorry I don't feel someone like that deserves sympathy. Same reason I would not feel sorry if Jon gets hit by a car tomorrow.

Jon did coke and nearly killed a pregnant woman behind the wheel as a full grown adult. Matt and Mark were college kids goofing around on a farm having grown up in a farming family. If you can't differentiate between the two then the problem's you.
You didn't read the book, right? And you're going by what people on a forum today you it said?

He grew up on a farm. Castration and putting down animals is part of the deal. Almost every single criticism of the book is either a lie or lacking in context. And it's been like, what? 12 years now? If you didn't know by now, nothing I say is gonna change your mind.

Hehe, you and I are basically trading the same rebuttals. I'm going to bed now, you take over from here 😁
Hehe, you and I are basically trading the same rebuttals. I'm going to bed now, you take over from here 😁
There's no angels out there. Even the people commenting like they're the official judges of character and human morality.

Making mistakes doesn't make you a villain. Everyone is capable of good and bad and Hughes has been on both sides.

But we live in a world where your wrongdoings are highlighted and you're defined by those moments forever, without really considering both sides or the nuance behind why people end up the way they do in the first place.

People are just hypocrites, its easy to act as the authority of righteousness from behind a keyboard, very seldomly do those same people take an honest look at themselves and their own shortcomings.
They had an abusive dad. Thats one of the reasons the breakdowns of everything is so biased. You read it like "Matt and Mark just beat up their dad", without hearing the whole "We made sure he'd never hit our mom again" angle.
Did you miss the part about him being a country boy? He grew up on a farm. Different lifestyle and different relationship with animals. The story he tells is specifically him and his farmer brother fucking with Marc Fiore who was a suburb/city kid and who was grossed out on a pig farm.

Jon did coke and nearly killed a pregnant woman behind the wheel as a full grown adult. Matt and Mark were college kids goofing around on a farm having grown up in a farming family. If you can't differentiate between the two then the problem's you.
That excuses torturing and killing 12 pigs, what kinda excuse is that. I grew up in a place with addicts, crooks and assholes. Does not excuse me fucking with some dimwit and robbing him off his shit.

Just some college kids who did fucked up shit and were fucking disgusting human beings. They are not better than Jon, not even a tiny bit no matter how much you gonna disagree. Him and Jon are both fucking POS who larp as being saved by god to not face all the shit they did to other people. With all the things he wrote in his book I don't want to know what else he did he didn't talk about.
That excuses torturing and killing 12 pigs, what kinda excuse is that. I grew up in a place with addicts, crooks and assholes. Does not excuse me fucking with some dimwit and robbing him off his shit.

Just some college kids who did fucked up shit and were fucking disgusting human beings. They are not better than Jon, not even a tiny bit no matter how much you gonna disagree. Him and Jon are both fucking POS who larp as being saved by god to not face all the shit they did to other people. With all the things he wrote in his book I don't want to know what else he did he didn't talk about.
People who cannot see the world beyond black and white

Can't be trusted to analyze human character, morality and depth on any reasonable level. Most people who make comments like this understand little of psychology, or the world for that matter.

Nobody is born a villain. They're a product of their environments. An abusive household leads to the abuse of animals. It's a projection of emotions and trauma that has been buried, without any recourse or resolution.

How do you think a bully is made? Same thing. It's not as if they come out of the womb that way, it's a way to cope with whatever they're carrying with them.

Which doesn't excuse the behavior necessarily, but people don't really consider what led to people acting the way they do and becoming who they are.

Even Jones. All of his issues have been a result of drugs and alcohol. What is leading him to drink, what problems is he burying with substances? Humans are complex, multi faceted creatures and armchair psychologists love to oversimplify everything and speak in absolutes.

You cannot judge people in such a black and white, cherry picking way and expect to understand anything.
People seem very quick to give a "fuck you" to Matt Hughes way more than other fighters of questionable character.
Accusations of sexually assaulting a child is a bit more than "questionable character," though, isn't it?

And it's for that reason that fuck the following comments
It's threads like these that really showcase just how much of a hateful prick the average Sherdog poster is
Reading all of your comments never ceases to amaze me…I wonder just how angelic all of your lives are that you can sit on the high horses you do with zero empathy and nothing but contempt for some fighters…he wasn’t perfect and his actions (in this case decades ago) weren’t good but that doesn’t make him deserving of your venomous hate forever. Hughes is one of the greatest WW’s of all time and I for one am happy for him that his recovery from such a tragic situation has been progressing as well as it has. Wishing him and his family the best he’s one of the greatest OG’s our dysfunctional sport has ever had.
perfect angels with zero closet skeletons, I am sure.
Brother this is difficult to read. Better yourself. I'm sure Matt isn't a good person.. actually I don't know him. But you are not a good person and neither am I.
imagine being this angry about stuff done 30 years a go and not to yourself
I was visualizing a 'Joe Dirt' style moment Hughes wound up in . Was he into train-hopping as a side hobby ?
Yeah i think it was tbh, was guilt from all the piglets he murdered and threw into the fire.
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