Mark Schultz having a change of heart on Foxcatcher

Some blogs and newsy sites are picking up the story:

"After running through that laundry list, regarding a film he obviously saw months and months and months ago, he then took umbrage with an undercurrent of homosexuality that some critics have read into the text of the film.

"The personalities and relationships between the characters in the film are primarily fiction and somewhat insulting," Schultz wrote. "Leaving the audience with a feeling that somehow there could have been a sexual relationship between duPont and I [sic] is a sickening and insulting lie. I told Bennett Miller to cut that scene out and he said it was to give the audience the feeling that duPont was encroaching on your privacy and personal space. I wasn't explicit so I didn't have a problem with it. Then after reading 3 or 4 reviews interpreting it sexually, and jeopardizing my legacy, they need to have a press conference to clear the air, or I will."
So Schultz is crying about people thinking he could be a puff because of the movie.

..or he's so deep in the closet he's homophobic.

so, semantics are important to you. We get it. He didn't 'fight UFC', he fought in MMA. Most people not in 'the know' will get the first reference better though. Also, his second 'fight' was most likely a worked pro-wrestling bout that ends up on fight finder like a bunch of others.

Hell man, if you want to play investigator, at least look at the references of site you're on - they did a "where is he now" write up of Mark Schultz talking about just this.

Was supposed to be a work, ended up being a shoot, Schultz didn't know. At least that's been his claim, allegedly.
In other news, Abraham Lincoln may have been a vampire hunter. TMZ is on the case.
Guess this was how he felt last month

I didnt get a Romo vibe from the film at all. Sounds closeted or at the very least, insecure.

Could have also been hoping this was his big break so he has to call attention to himself now that it is appearing to not be the case.
Don't know what happened but he seems to be coming off rather childish.

Rather childish? He comes off as an unrestrained piece of trash.

Toss an area code at the end of his tweets and this could be in the heavies.
There is a reason why Schultz applies for every college job and no one will hire him
That's a sad situation, overall. I kind of find it dickish that he'd build himself up like that compared to his brother. It may very well be true, but it just seems a little tasteless. I can't judge him though, that is an absolutely insane situation to be in.
Mark Schultz is not all up there. Last I heard was that he was living in an RV somewhere up Palo Alto
Don't know who either of those douchebags are.

Social media beef is for clowns.
Guess this was how he felt last month

Quasiradio goin on there.

He could be the 3rd Dixon in the walking dead. Daryl, Merle, and Potatorl.
Some blogs and newsy sites are picking up the story:

"After running through that laundry list, regarding a film he obviously saw months and months and months ago, he then took umbrage with an undercurrent of homosexuality that some critics have read into the text of the film.

"The personalities and relationships between the characters in the film are primarily fiction and somewhat insulting," Schultz wrote. "Leaving the audience with a feeling that somehow there could have been a sexual relationship between duPont and I [sic] is a sickening and insulting lie. I told Bennett Miller to cut that scene out and he said it was to give the audience the feeling that duPont was encroaching on your privacy and personal space. I wasn't explicit so I didn't have a problem with it. Then after reading 3 or 4 reviews interpreting it sexually, and jeopardizing my legacy, they need to have a press conference to clear the air, or I will."

That was a short scene and all one way interest. Like mentioned on here, he is probably trying to get attention for his new book (which I just got).

The good thing about the film is that it's strong enough to stand on its own merit, so some character changes, timeline forgivable.