Media Mark Hunt still salty about Lesnar, says he was the first heavyweight to miss weight

It was just a reference point, friend. Conservative and dishonest business are not synonymous. It would be a strange beleif indeed that you can't be cheated by someone of a particular political persuasion, or that you inevitably will be by the other. That would surely make life simpler if it were the case though.

Much love.
No they indeed are not (and more often the contrary). But Trump's ascension in 2016 put a spotlight on the American people no longer valuing character (or honesty) in their president. And he was literally TV famous for being a brash, rude business man . . . and known (inter)nationally for being a bad/corrupt/poor one. But because of polarization A LOT of conservative American defends him on all fronts, which is tragic. I mean, he overwhelmingly had the evangelical vote. So, sadly, in modern/current America, large swathes of "conservatives"/Right support, condone, and enable exactly that kind of "good business". (And, as you point out, they're not alone: Corporations of whatever persuasion don't have citizens' interests in mind).
At any rate, consider hatchet burried.
let's not try to change the past. before Lesnar popped a lot of people thought he was clean. it may sound ridiculous now but it was a different time. the view that "anyone with a bit of muscle is on steroids" is a recent one.

I'll rephrase that I little bit

Before the fight some dumb nerds on the internet believed Lesnar was clean.

Hunt is not a naive fool. He's just pretending to be one.

He knows full well that Lesnar and the majority of the guys he fought in his career took steroids (and other things).

For some reason he just likes to bitch a lot about this fight in particular

maybe he had some not disclosed deal that was not fulfilled or something.
All of this is probably true. I don’t doubt it.
I’ve always been a big Hunt fan, but I have no idea why he bitches about this particular fight so much. Hunt fought in Pride where PEDs were allllll over the place. If I’m Hunt I’d assume Brock was taking shit when I signed to take the fight. It just seems strange he’s always bringing it up.

I mean that should tell you something, that Mark never complained in Pride but is now.

Either PED's weren't as prevalent in Pride as people claim, or Mark never felt like it was an issue.
I don’t get it.

Is he saying 265.5 is not making weight (265 +1lb for non title fights)? Or is he saying UFC paid off NSAC weight call out guy in the video here?

Everyone had the same rules in Pride, UFC has different rules depending on your draw power.

He was also promised they would di everything to ensure Brock was clean, the UFC then refused to pay $30 to get Brock's last test result before the fight.

Brock did all the same testing as everyone else and had never been busted before for PED's. UFC did everything by the book and his results didn't come back until after the fight. Why would they start paying for faster test results just because?
The 265 cap for HW is stupid and separately, Hunt needs to get the fuck over the lesnar fight. He knew exactly what he was signing up for and was well compensated for it. It’s beyond embarrassing at this point. The fight was over five years ago.
UFC really mistreats it's fighters always ironic the fighter whose possibly been treated the best complains the most. UFC 200 was a really competitive slot they didn't have to give a HW journeyman much less against a beatable non championship opponent in Lesnar PEDs or no PED's. Hunt is legit suing the UFC over a gift.
Has Brock ever complained about horse meat Reem?

I love Hunto but he needs to stop it.

Huno didn't turn down Pride fights where he outweighed guys by 100 lbs so he shouldn't be complaing that a bigger wrestler grounded him out.
Brock did all the same testing as everyone else and had never been busted before for PED's. UFC did everything by the book and his results didn't come back until after the fight. Why would they start paying for faster test results just because?

Because they said they would do everything they could, and $30 is not a material sum of money, making this very doable.

In short, Lesnar got an exemption on the 6 months testing on the basis they would do everything they could to ensure he was clean ( which they didn't do).
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Because they said they would do everything they could, and $30 is not a material sum of money, making this very doable.

In short, Lesnar got an exemption on the 6 months testing on the basis they would do everything they could to ensure he was clean ( which they didn't do).
They did do everything reasonable, he had never failed before, so why would they try and get this one solitary test back early? The other test he failed was the day before the fight, so that would have never come back in time obviously, so because of the one sole test they didn't rush you feel they didn't do what they could? He was test multiple times before the fight and those all came back negative, except that one which was like ten days out fromt he fight. They had no reason to believe they should speed that test for him, or is it now up to the UFc to assume who is juicing and speed test certain fighters a week out because they might dope clsoer to the fight?
Lesnar did test positive and thus cheated he also was arrested in College for steroids I recall.

But Hunt went in knowing Lesnar was using and saying it wont matter he will beat Lesnar. Then Hunt loses and is now salty for years
All of this is probably true. I don’t doubt it.
I’ve always been a big Hunt fan, but I have no idea why he bitches about this particular fight so much. Hunt fought in Pride where PEDs were allllll over the place. If I’m Hunt I’d assume Brock was taking shit when I signed to take the fight. It just seems strange he’s always bringing it up.

Hunt's lost plenty of fights in his career, but I think it may have been the only fight here he felt he was at a strength disdvantage and got manhandled a bit.
Lesnar did test positive and thus cheated he also was arrested in College for steroids I recall.

But Hunt went in knowing Lesnar was using and saying it wont matter he will beat Lesnar. Then Hunt loses and is now salty for years

He was arrested but the pills were tested and were just vitamins funny enough.
They did do everything reasonable, he had never failed before, so why would they try and get this one solitary test back early? The other test he failed was the day before the fight, so that would have never come back in time obviously, so because of the one sole test they didn't rush you feel they didn't do what they could? He was test multiple times before the fight and those all came back negative, except that one which was like ten days out fromt he fight. They had no reason to believe they should speed that test for him, or is it now up to the UFc to assume who is juicing and speed test certain fighters a week out because they might dope clsoer to the fight?

So you do know he failed a test 10 days before the fight and accordingly shouldn't have fought, but did.

What exactly is your argument here?
So you do know he failed a test 10 days before the fight and accordingly shouldn't have fought, but did.

What exactly is your argument here?

My point is he was tested multiple times, and had never failed a test before. Why would they speed up test results just for him when there was no indication he would fail? Or does the UFC now have to speed up test results for fighters they think may fail because reasons? He still had a few months of testing done, even thoguh he skipped some of the 6 month wait time. They had done that multiple times for many other fighters due to time restraints. They didn't do anything different with him, but apparently they should have sped all his results up because why? He didn't even fail the first tests, so the not being in the pool for 6 months didn't really have anything to do with it, it was the one close to the fights, the 6 month thing wouldn't have changed anything to begin with
My point is he was tested multiple times, and had never failed a test before. Why would they speed up test results just for him when there was no indication he would fail? Or does the UFC now have to speed up test results for fighters they think may fail because reasons? He still had a few months of testing done, even thoguh he skipped some of the 6 month wait time. They had done that multiple times for many other fighters due to time restraints. They didn't do anything different with him, but apparently they should have sped all his results up because why? He didn't even fail the first tests, so the not being in the pool for 6 months didn't really have anything to do with it, it was the one close to the fights, the 6 month thing wouldn't have changed anything to begin with

He was tested for only 1 month instead of 6 months clearly this is not normal, and for half of the time the tests weren't looked at till after the fight.

Yes I think paying $30 to nearly double the period of effective testing from 1/12 the standard up to a still paltry 1/6, is reasonable for an event that generated over 1 million ppvs.

Of course it wouldn't help increase buys so someone at some point said no.