Media Mark Coleman still strong as a bull

Rogan looking good lately, must be the carnivore diet
This again?
This was a petty move by Coleman. Joe just wanted friendly horse around and Coleman acted out like someone hurt his butt.
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not very good lately...

Getting old sucks. Guy was a beast in his day though

That was an out of control statement from Rogan. I will always give the edge to the trained person but anyone can get ko’d. Especially given Rogan’s size. Like does Rogan think he wins 10/10 with back yard Kimbo? Doubtful.

Backyard Kimbo - obviously - doesn't count as "untrained".
I dare anyone to try that with an Olympic caliber heavyweight wrestler. Lol that's like an average joe trying to trade punches with George Foreman
John Matua beat Foreman at that fight they had in Wendy's
That´s bad. Why is Coleman abusing a midget like this?
But you the only turd talking about Coleman's current look, so why don't you be the good turd and post a pic for everyone? You would get hella likes then and not be such a newb.

A turd and a newb? Come on man...if TS and you followed MMA before 2020 you would realize this happened a while ago, and since then Coleman had a hip replacement and doesn't look anywhere close to his old fighting self. If TS used the search function he would see this has been posted a bunch.

But forget Google or search functions, instead, why don't you keep hurling insults towards me because I won't make it simple for you and post a picture or two, when you probably already googled and know what he looks like now.

Good job kid, keep up the good work.
Coleman was one of my all time favorites.....I don’t give a crap about the PED assumption. It was Pride.
Many Pride memories.

Hope he is happy whatever he is doing.
He was a fierce competitor and turning the dial down from there can be tough I assume.

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