Lunges, yes or no?


Green Belt
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
Are they good or not? I always see them on "dynamic" days in a routine, how do they help you? Also how do you add alot of weight on them? Barbell on your back while lunging seems dangerous to me.
I don't do them personally but I think they're a good lift. Also stepups/split squats
on your back, in the clean position, or in your hands at your side

I was doing them with the front / clean grip. Its lighter weight than front squats so a bit easier to manage so its easier to work on your wrist flexibility at the same time.

Oh, and yes.
well, they help with quads, you ass (gluteus maximus) and several other muscles, also some stabilizers.

Barbell on the back seems perfectly fine ( Barbell Lunge )

I used to do them with dumbbells ( Dumbbell Lunge ) i think that way it's a little safer.

But as you see on the webpage, it's an auxiliary exercise, meaning while squats for instance place greater in ntensity on leg/lower back muscles overall, the lunge may put greater relative intensity on a single muscle, in this case "A long lunge emphasizes the Gluteus Maximus; a short lunge emphasizes Quadriceps.".

So it would be an ok exercise to do alongside e.g. squats/deadlifts but shouldn't replace those.

Also i think they are ok for a beginner, as, while form is still important, chances of screwing up your back or something when not doing them perfectly are slighter. So especially when doing them explosively, risk of injury isn't as big for a beginner. but that's more of a guess ;)
Lunges are great!

omgitsrick wrote
Barbell on your back while lunging seems dangerous to me.

Why would that be dangerous?

Lunges are a great training tool, One variation I have been doing is overhead lunges with a barbell or with the chain yoke. But barbell, dumbbell or bodyweight Lunges are all good options.
Awesome unilateral movement, of course they are good!
i hold a bar over my head works the core better along with legs and arms shoulders all that shit.
If you're worried about the possibility you'll lose your balance, doing barbell reverse lunges in a power rack (with the pins set appropriately) pretty well takes care of that concern. As do dumbbell lunges.

Dumbbell overhead walking lunges are grueling as fuck, I recommend them highly.
Are they good or not? I always see them on "dynamic" days in a routine, how do they help you? Also how do you add alot of weight on them? Barbell on your back while lunging seems dangerous to me.

Nice. How do I get the thing that says fighter under my belt? I should be qualified for amateur fighter down there.

PM one of the mods

I had KK ask me for details after I talked about some of my fights
Yes its a good lift, also the single leg split squats (with 1 foot on a bench) are very good in my experience.
yeah, I've done lunges recently there very effective at hitting the stabelizer muscles so we dont lose balance while doing them. I would recommend it for rugby, football, mma fighters etc etc.
great stabiliser exercise, used to do them alot when I started squatting, still do them as I think you can't underestimate those stabilisers!