Looks like Khabib is getting political in retirement

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I'm going against the grain here. The problem with these drawings is that it's not just offensive, but incitement to muslims with that much disrespect. France welcomes these people with open arms and at the same time, expects them accept that type of ridicule. It's a conflict of culture. On one had, the french are accepting muslims, and on the other, they are slapping them in the face.

Lets say, the french start accepting africans, and at the same time, start calling them N____rs. It's free speech and also ridicule.

Your logic makes no sense.

France "welcomes these people" so that they can come and live under French culture, advance French interests, and integrate into their country

In return, those Muslims are given social benefits, paid for their work, given access to better standard of living and education.

Don't act as though those poor Muslims are just victims here. They're equal partners in a social contract with the country they've immigrated to. If they don't like it, they can fuck off and go back to those shithole countries that they originally came from.
Here is a quote from a manual of Islamic law, al-Siyaasah al-Shar’iyyah, as reproduced at IslamQA.com: “Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abbaas said: The highest point in the town should be found and the homosexual should be thrown headfirst from it, then stones should be thrown at him.

And guess what? That's exactly what ISIS does. It's the same reason why people are beheaded. There are texts and instructions to back up their actions. If it said "love all and do no human to fellow humans", you wouldn't have this problem.

I've said this a million times on this thread....show evidence from the Quran and Hadith. The only "manual of Islamic Law" is the Quran not some random website or book.
I'm going against the grain here. The problem with these drawings is that it's not just offensive, but incitement to muslims with that much disrespect. France welcomes these people with open arms and at the same time, expects them accept that type of ridicule. It's a conflict of culture. On one had, the french are accepting muslims, and on the other, they are slapping them in the face.

Lets say, the french start accepting africans, and at the same time, start calling them N____rs. It's free speech and also ridicule.

The difference here is the drawings did not target Muslims - They targeted religion. They drew pictures of angry Jews and pedophile Pope as well. Where are the Jews and Catholics killing people in the street over being mocked?

Religion deserves to be mocked. To say religion is off limits of mockery is saying that people have the right not to be offended. Do you want comedy banned as well? There's plenty of offensive comedy out there. What about momma jokes?

Something offensive to me may not be offensive to you and vise versa. Silencing speech is not the answer. If your belief system reverts to violence over jokes and mockery, YOU are the problem. Not he person making the jokes.
Allah will punish the french

I can see why some of you misinterpreted what he said. You're from a completely secular background.
What is there to interpret if he is saying allah will punish them after someone was beheaded in the name of allah as punishment. Why say that? Ridiculous . You're low IQ and have no grasp of reality if you are triggered by cartoons
And if that’s how you wanna live, that’s fine. Stay in your own fucking country/society. Do not come into a western country and try and tell us how to live.

He hasn't invaded france, hes just posting online. Isn't that what you call free speech?
The difference here is the drawings did not target Muslims - They targeted religion. They drew pictures of angry Jews and pedophile Pope as well. Where are the Jews and Catholics killing people in the street over being mocked?

Religion deserves to be mocked. To say religion is off limits of mockery is saying that people have the right not to be offended. Do you want comedy banned as well? There's plenty of offensive comedy out there. What about momma jokes?

Something offensive to me may not be offensive to you and vise versa. Silencing speech is not the answer. If your belief system reverts to violence over jokes and mockery, YOU are the problem. Not he person making the jokes.

The Jews are so butthurt they make it an offence to question the facts about the Holocaust lol and the same people want to talk about freedom of speech LOL
No I have the speech of God that I can read.

No you dont, you can read the Quran in its original transcript, so you read a bunch of translations and Hadiths written by men, not god.
What is there to interpret if he is saying allah will punish them after someone was beheaded in the name of allah as punishment. Why say that? Ridiculous . You're low IQ and have no grasp of reality if you are triggered by cartoons
I mean you're triggered by words right now

And you're goalpost shifting.

Originally he was making death threats. Now its he's being insensitive in the wake of the church killings (i actually do agree with this one to an extent)
What is there to interpret if he is saying allah will punish them after someone was beheaded in the name of allah as punishment. Why say that? Ridiculous . You're low IQ and have no grasp of reality if you are triggered by cartoons

You are such a Bigot fake D1 guy lol
I'm not muslim ya tard.
I saw this video recently of a game where they had a group of Muslims in a room and they asked them different questions. They'd then move to different squares saying Strongly Agree/Agree/Somewhat Agree/Disagree/Strong Disagree.

One of the questions was "You can be gay and a Muslim". One girl wearing a hijab bursted into tears saying that she has gay friends and she loves them but knows what the Quran says they are living in sin and can't really be a Muslim. It was really sad to see someone know that something is wrong and struggle with what they feel as a human being vs. what a book tells them to believe.

To quote Steve Weinberg - “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
Source for the video? Don't believe you otherwise.
No you dont, you can read the Quran in its original transcript, so you read a bunch of translations and Hadiths written by men, not god.

Yes we do.....the Quran is transmitted through Oral tradition not the writing of books. Good try though. You can do better.
So, didn't another UFC fighter get cut for saying the same thing a few weeks back?
I mean you're triggered by words right now

And you're goalpost shifting.

Originally he was making death threats. Now its he's being insensitive in the wake of the church killings (i actually do agree with this one to an extent)
I never said he made death threats I said he is inciting violence by saying this after someone had their head cut off over a cartoon
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