lol borth Boetsch and Palhares broke there feet against Lombard


Brown Belt
Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
both broke there feet trying to kick Lombard, Hector must have iron legs.

ohh and I meant both
perhaps they hit his knee?
Im wondering how he is checking their kicks.
Nobody ever really cared to acknowledge Boetsch broke it early in round 1, and still won the fight.
lombard will make some noise at mw and get a title fight next year
Now Palhares knows what it's like to have something injured on his leg :)
he came to the party waayy to late for anyone to care.
Nobody ever really cared to acknowledge Boetsch broke it early in round 1, and still won the fight.

you fail lol no one cared to knowledge that Lombard fought with a fractured sternum and still won the fight in all aspects Tim did nothing but run away. Lombard won that first round easily by the way and the others those Judges are idiotss and should be fired.
you fail lol no one cared to knowledge that Lombard fought with a fractured sternum and still won the fight in all aspects Tim did nothing but run away. Lombard won that first round easily by the way and the others those Judges are idiotss and should be fired.

fractured sternum

fractured sternum


whats so funny? fractured sternum is big injury people usually get it in car crashes pretty dam impressive actually once Hector had an MRI doctors were surprised he could walk let alone fought.
Really glad Hector got the win here, I thought he won that Boetsch fight too. Looking forward to seeing what he can do at MW.
I think this happened to Palhares early in the fight, after he tossed a low kick.

I remember one that CRACKED like a mother fucker, and thinking, "That would break my foot..."