Liberals finally waking up?

Well, Bill Maher is a different kind of liberal. And just because he says it doesn't mean everyone will follow it.

Let's see how many will follow it
It's painful to watch sometimes. I'm a very moderate, love everyone kind of guy, but then people come along who want you to act like we're in some futuristic utopia where everything would be perfect if we could just get our pronouns right. People have real problems, and they shouldn't have to read to the back of your pamphlet to hear you mention them. I mean, the voters are also idiots, but you have to respect that they have often lived lives much different than yours, and a large portion of them are not plugged into the Twitter world, by choice. The Republicans do the same thing with their traditionalist/Christian mumbo jumbo, but you're not getting back the people who listen to that anyway. Find the people who do think things need to be changed, and then talk about the stuff they want to see change. I miss King of the Hill, that show really nailed it.
Hi dumb ass.. When the fuck are you dorky ass Trumpers going to "finally wake up?
Anecdotally Ive been hearing from leftists I know who have been saying the election looks fishy.
With trump almost gone, many liberals don’t seem to be suffering from tds no more and are finally thinking clearly again.

is this a new trend or is bill gonna be called a “right winger” and get cancelled soon?

Bill Maher is a moron and he’s completely wrong on this as usual. Nobody gives a shit about “Latinx” as a word, that’s not why Dems lost some Latinos. It’s all about the wallet, it turns out many people thought Trump was doing a good job on the economy, it’s as simple as that. Many voters sited the stimulus checks with Trump’s name on them. People don’t vote for Democrats because they don’t believe Dems are really interested in changing things and are cool with the status quo from a socio-economic perspective, it has very little to do with BLM or wokeness. Bill Maher gets to blame that shit so that guys like him don’t have to take any responsibility.
With trump almost gone, many liberals don’t seem to be suffering from tds no more and are finally thinking clearly again.

is this a new trend or is bill gonna be called a “right winger” and get cancelled soon?

Bill Maher has been performing very well lately, his writers and such. This is actually great and very much resonates with my thoughts as someone who has always considered themselves liberal but have recently been noticing more contemporary liberals sound fucking crazy.
What's your beef with critical race theory?
Critical race theory states that white supremacy is the standard of American culture and government. It’s not factual. It’s a half court behind the head shot that hits for people who are looking for something crazy to justify something crazier.
I'm guessing that there are more people with IQs over 100...this equates to fairly smart people... anyone with half a fucking brain can see Trump is dumb as fuck, therefor picking the lesser of the evils (Biden). So commons sense says.. TRUMP LOST.

Bill Maher has been performing very well lately, his writers and such. This is actually great and very much resonates with my thoughts as someone who has always considered themselves liberal but have recently been noticing more contemporary liberals sound fucking crazy.
It's not rocket science to see that far left and right individuals sound like fucking nuts. Dems have em and Repubs have em... right now one is President. If you think he's not a lunatic you have a screw loose and are just part of the problem.
Mayer is a pussy who allowed the left to walk over him multiple times. He can say whatever he wants now, his credibility is done. He's not some kind of maverick going against the grain and saying "what nobody is willing to say" or w/e he would pride himself about; his opinions exist squarely in the box of what is mainstream media acceptable.
Mayer is a pussy who allowed the left to walk over him multiple times. He can say whatever he wants now, his credibility is done. He's not some kind of maverick going against the grain and saying "what nobody is willing to say" or w/e he would pride himself about; his opinions exist squarely in the box of what is mainstream media acceptable.
He had credibility? To me, he'll always be the guy from Cannibal women in the avocado jungle of death. Yes, I know. I'm old.
What the fuck is critical race theory? Isn't that what the Nazis were studying during ww2?
What the fuck is critical race theory? Isn't that what the Nazis were studying during ww2?

the legitimization of racism, victimhood, blanket generalizations, the disawowing of meritocracy, and the redefining of certain words that have ben acceptable for years.

I addressed this question earlier.

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