International Let's get ready to Rumble. Battle for DNC soul underway. Bernie stands up for Omar over Israel

Super-delegates have been neutered. Voters will determine the candidate. Right now Bernie is the big front runner... unless Biden gets in.

Biden would be tough to beat, though. Bernie might win millennials, but Biden will clean up with boomers and older voters, and he is also more popular with black and Hispanic voters than Bernie.

Funny I just saw this today about Biden:
Yeah, CNN has had opinion pieces on both sides; some saying Biden should run, others saying that it is time for a progressive.

I'm not sure how this fits in with "muh MSM" CTs, but whatevs.

I was just more shocked by how none of them were cool with Biden running. I could understand if most of them weren't or only one person but all of them were like "nope".
I was just more shocked by how none of them were cool with Biden running. I could understand if most of them weren't or only one person but all of them were like "nope".
It was a bit weird to watch... especially when you look at polls and see Biden is popular with the general public. This could indicate that Biden has name recognition but not a whole lot else going for him... or maybe he just does a lot better with lukewarm voters and worse with the types of people likely to be on a focus panel. Or maybe it's just six people. Idk.
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I was just more shocked by how none of them were cool with Biden running. I could understand if most of them weren't or only one person but all of them were like "nope".
Yeah, CNN has had opinion pieces on both sides; some saying Biden should run, others saying that it is time for a progressive.

I'm not sure how this fits in with "muh MSM" CTs, but whatevs.

Gotta admit, I am confused by the lack of Biden noise.

They have one guy with the name recognition of Bernie, and yet it doesn't seem he is being pushed much by the MSM.

No surprise. Palestinians have always been the sacrificial pawns in Islamic anti-Israel geopolitics

In the Trump era moderate Jews who are mostly Democrat and Muslims should be working together. The Trump admin has unilaterally moved the US embassy and cut aid to the Palestinians. Most American Jews support the two states for two people resolution and understand this is shit policy. Ms. Omar and many others don't seem to understand or know that some words she used are buzz words or ideas with lots of baggage.

Instead of championing the urgent Palestinian interest in any of those imperatives, Omar’s rhetoric has provoked a pointless debate over the motivations and national loyalty of Americans who support Israel.

Worse, enmeshing Democrats in a divisive, embarrassing internal struggle is a huge gift to Trump because it deflects attention from the impact of his destructive policies. Voters appalled by Trump’s trafficking in anti-Semitism now have reason to wonder whether the alternative might be just as bad.

The Trump era ought to stimulate the rise of a Jewish-Muslim coalition against intolerance, nativism and resurgent white supremacy as exemplified by recent Islamophobic attacks on Omar. A coalition of American Jews and Muslims should also be united in favor of Israeli-Palestinian peace.
Gotta admit, I am confused by the lack of Biden noise.

They have one guy with the name recognition of Bernie, and yet it doesn't seem he is being pushed much by the MSM.

Creepy Joe would be too easy for Trump. Commie Bernie will be too, but I don't know if the Dems see that yet.
Creepy Joe would be too easy for Trump. Commie Bernie will be too, but I don't know if the Dems see that yet.

I don't think Bernie will be that easy. He wont make everyone want to stay at home instead of voting which hurt Hillary. Who knows though I didn't think Trump would win the first time around.
Glad Democrats have finally realized that All Lives Matter with this broad resolution
Harris claps back at her.

"You can both support Israel and be loyal to our country."

That's something that Omar seems not to have considered.

Not entirely. America is a secular Republic, and I think supporting theocratic shitholes like Israel is counter to our values, as is letting foreign nations lobby congress for anything they want, including speech restrictions in said nation's chambers of representation.
Old rich white guy stands up for anti- Semitic ... sounds like a Nazi or something

Bernie's Jewish. Not that Jews can't be Nazi's(Bibi and especially some of the people in Bibi's cabinet) and all but no this is dumb.
I object to Pacific Islanders being included in the resolution. That's Fake News. Everyone has who has spent time outside the resorts in Hawaii knows the Hawaiians hate the haoles, not the other way around. At least in principle if not in practice. Heh.
Senator Bernie Sanders came to the defense of Representative Ilhan Omar as the Minnesota congresswoman faced backlash over remarks that some perceived as anti-Semitic. Sanders said there was a key difference between anti-Semitism and legitimate criticism of the Israeli government.

The Vermont senator criticized House Democrats' reaction to Omar after she was heavily condemned for her tweet that said: “I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee.” Omar was referring to Israel.

The comment, which has been rebuked by members of her own party, was seen as exploiting anti-Semitic tropes and attacking U.S. support of Israel.


Look at how Bernie cowers like he did to those BLM girls.

Oh wait, that is everyone else cowering from the Israeli lobby.

Just like with Saudi Arabia, Bernie doesn't cower from foreign lobbying groups.

Big Dick Bernie, showing who the cowards actually are, once again.

There's some fantastic irony here and another shout out to one of my favorite and most honorable Jewish sources.

Bernie Sanders: Still Progressive Except for Palestine

...Sanders doesn’t respect international law. Only a few relative points, among many, will be included herein:

Lastly, let us all remember that the occupation of Palestine by Israel has been declared illegal...

Is it possible that Sanders doesn't get this?
Bernie is showing balls for sure.

But as a big Bernie supporter, how does it feel to know that the DNC is going to screw him over again and he won't be the candidate? I'm not trying to be snide, it's a serious question: I imagine I would be pretty disillusioned at the DNC.

I go into the Bernie subreddit and see he has a ton of very loyal support. But for whatever reason the DNC doesn't want him.

They may not be able to honestly. He has a lot of built in advantages that are made more formidable by a large field. Think the reason they are pushing Kamala is cause California would be such a necessary requirement to beating Bernie but I think Kamala is going to Scott Walker out and either not be around when actual votes are cast or be Jeb Bush. Think it's more likely they just sabotage his general election candidacy so they can argue Progressives are losers(arguable some Republicans were hoping for this to happen with Trump and far socially conservative right wingers). There is a rule where the DNC could overturn the will of people but I think everyone on every side of this issue realizes that would set off an absolute shitstorm that would make 1968 and 2016 look tame by comparison.

I think we all know why the DNC doesn't want him. They are DLC, Third Way Democrat types. They grew up believing that conservative economics was the recipe to electoral success and have bought into that for decades.
There is a difference between criticism of the Israeli government and pretending Jew gold is setting policy. Omar doesn't criticize the Israeli government, she shits on American jews for supporting the existence of the only liberal democracy in the middle east.

AIPAC doesn't even contribute to campaigns and the individuals who are associated with it give more to Democrats.
Senator Bernie Sanders came to the defense of Representative Ilhan Omar .

Say goodbye to your 2020 chances, you fucking moron. <Dany07>

Defending an Anti-Semitic piece of shit Muslim-bitch won't do him any favors with the American people.
Gotta admit, I am confused by the lack of Biden noise.

They have one guy with the name recognition of Bernie, and yet it doesn't seem he is being pushed much by the MSM.

It's because the Democrats have already made their choice :

Kamala Harris.

They are going to try to RE-DO 2016 and have Harris play the role of Hillary.

They are Hell-bent on getting a Democratic Woman into the Oval Office.

Man....why do I get the feeling this might end up being somewhat close to a Reagan / Mondale result if it's her against Trump? <{Heymansnicker}>
Gotta admit, I am confused by the lack of Biden noise.

They have one guy with the name recognition of Bernie, and yet it doesn't seem he is being pushed much by the MSM.

Probably has to do with this. He's very vulnerable if goes against Trump.

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