Kung Fu?

Its how you practise an art not which techniques are in the system
I studied it for a year. Stick to shit that is proven. There is a reason there are no champs in MMA that base their training around Kung Fu. Like TKD, it is not an effective style. Defend it all you want, you're just pissed because you are studying at a McDojo.
maaan Sakuraifan...what a funnyass video!!!! 7:30 AM here and I woke up my dorm neighboor because I was laughing my ass off. I could kick the crap out of both of these fuckers with my 4 months of boxing! I can't believe people paid money to see :eek::eek::eek:s like that gettin' in a brawl. The first kick appeared like something in the fifth round. I hope Tai Chi guy won(I don't know who they look exactly the same) because studying White Crane means that you disearve to die.
Actually there were a lot of kung-fu practicioners in brazillian mma, and some did pretty well.
Anyone who thinks that all kung fu is useless... go and watch Gung Li in action, he is planning to participate in MMA I heard but I dont know whats happened from that. Kung fu is like every other martial art... you'll be lucky if you can find 1 good school for every 10 McDojo's, the same goes for JuJitsu. Anyone who still clings on the idea that MMA is the same as street fighting is living in a dream, MMA is the hardest martial arts SPORT, and these guys are exceptional athletes (or in Sapp's case just monsters). If you read Clyde Gentry's book you'll read about one of the Gracies having his ass kicked when he took on 3 guys.

In kung fu we do train in ground fighting, but we dont train to out manouver a guy for 5 rounds, we train to escape a mount and do as much damage as possible in a short space of time, or get back to our feet so we dont get kicked in the head. Everyone should learn groundfighting, and dont lump all kung fu styles together as ignoring it, especially when they were the first to teach it.
Thank you! It's good to see some clarifications of the used and abused term "kung fu".

Fisticuffs, you said you studied it for a year ... what style of kung fu was this? And was it "fancy" moves rather than practical ones? Any ground fighting?
Silver Wolf is right on the money, and even thouhg Kung Fu and TKD are certainly not a good base for MMA (or self defense either in my opinion) they're still arts that require a lot of athleticism and therefore good for your health (sorry that's the most positive thing I can say about them ;)).

TKD and kung fu sucks, why bother
the ultimate style is Capoeira!!!
have you seen it, i bet these guys will jump twice as high before they land a kick on you...

Capoeira 4 life
1) Please add Capoeira to my previous post ;)
2) I've just watched the NgvsChan vid: it's the gayest fight I've even seen.
Originally posted by FISTICUFFS
Thanks for re-posting that huge comment again kertsbs. It helps tons. I totally missed it the first time.

yeah i used to practice wushu/gungfu whatever you want to call it you know what im referring to
but i had to stop when my instructor didn't want to discuss or address my grappling questions and concerns **sparked during the first 2 UFCs**
because i knew and i know they knew, that a crescent kick or bow-n-arrow-stance would not work with a wrestler or someone who gets me in a clinch and takes the fight to the ground :rolleyes:
Tai Chi, alone is a bad idea in a fight..or a good one if you plan to get hurt seriously
Originally posted by Goro Hida , The crab bushi
Actually there were a lot of kung-fu practicioners in brazillian mma, and some did pretty well.

Name them.
Originally posted by H-TARGET
Anyone who thinks that all kung fu is useless... go and watch Gung Li in action, he is planning to participate in MMA I heard but I dont know whats happened from that.
If you read Clyde Gentry's book you'll read about one of the Gracies having his ass kicked when he took on 3 guys.

I love to see that guy get in the ring/octagon. I will search his name but I doubt I will find anythig usefull. Has he fought anyone that is not KF?
I agree that BJJ is usless against more than one opponet, so does everyone else.
Originally posted by sodomaestro

Fisticuffs, you said you studied it for a year ... what style of kung fu was this? And was it "fancy" moves rather than practical ones? Any ground fighting?

I studied a few different forms and aspects of Wing Chun. I stick by my statement that forms are useless including TKD.
That's a shit-instructor, nero. I guess I'll have a hard time ever getting someone to understand that we focus on the kicks that work (not crescent), a solid fighting-stance instead of horse-stance, western boxing techniques (with exception for the animals, but finger jabs is hardly used in an honorable bout). We have grappling, throws, and takedowns, including the standard "shoot" where you go for the opponent's both legs. We have ground fighting in form of Mongolian wrestling, so wrestling is covered as well. In addition, fighting in very low stances, like on knees is practiced, too. Maybe we are unique. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong in saying that "wushu" is good, because, in fact, most instructors these days are full of shit. I just have a very different point of reference for what "wushu" is. To me, it's all the above.

Considering that a lot of instructors are content with ignoring that the full body must be used for any fighting system to be complete, it's your point of reference for "kung fu" and "wushu". However, it's a very broad generalization to put every style under this umbrella.
Originally posted by FISTICUFFS
I studied a few different forms and aspects of Wing Chun. I stick by my statement that forms are useless including TKD.
Wing Chun basically got their breakthrough using Lee's name. Our instructor was a friend of Lee's, and I can't remember the full story of how long he trained and how his name was (ab)used so I'm not going to quote, but even Lee stepped away from it, concluding it's not suitable for fighting. It's not suitable for fighting basically. :)

I used to find forms pointless. Today, I think if you use them correctly, it's a good teacher for basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques. A problem I see with many beginners is that they see them only as drills. Problem is, it might in some instances just be a drill where the instructor put together some cool and challenging moves. Maybe to make it "his own McDojo.com style". Or some useless modern Wushu acrobatics that were meant to look good -- China needed a national world-famous "team" like Russia had their ballet-team, hence modern Wushu. Anyway, doing forms as drills is analogous to how throwing 10 roundhouse kicks with each leg is just a drill until the day you put focus and concentration into each kick, perfecting your technique. They could go practice Tae Bo instead. Without focus, it's just aerobics. Unfortunately, many students come in and pay their tuition, thinking it's like buying fast food: you get what you pay for, no efforts, no concentration, just consume it.

Realizing the 2nd paragraph went astray from Wing Chun, I'll reiterate that Wing Chun is not the most practical of fighting arts.
It's how you practice an art not which techniques are in the system

I agree Shogun. Martial arts don't make you a good fighter, you make yourself a good fighter.
efficient techniques are a must for a system or style to be effective. and training correctly for reality is a must.
First of all it's not Gung Li but Cung Le...and secundo, he's practicing San Da\Shou...which is adapted Kung Fu made to stop the Thai boxers kicking every Kung Fu boy's ass....traditionnal Kung Fu is still crap!
Kung Fu is little more than another term for Chinese Martial Arts. There are so many forms of Kung Fu that it's impossible to lump them all together.

Yes, a lot of it sucks. But 99% of the martial arts in the US suck as well, regardless of their national origin.

Look for something that works, taught by someone who knows what he's doing. Yes, you can find these people even in Kung Fu, if you've got the time and are lucky enough to live within driving distance.

Anyway, here's the link to that video someone mentioned earlier.


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