Khabib calls out Conor's rape case

"rapist, you are rapist" imagine that in Khabib's voice lmaoo

Is that Conor McCosby?<Lmaoo>
What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
not if you are a violent alcoholic .

this guy has clearly lost it , he's been charged with RAPE ... the judge , prosecutor are keeping an eye on his antics ,wife insults and absolute narcissism he's only making the case hard to beat in a court of law .
so i guess that groupie he's been with is gonna take half of he's fridge when the dust settles
"rapist, you are rapist" imagine that in Khabib's voice lmaoo

This guy nailed it last night when he posted:

BobbyMooseKnuckles said:
Imagine in Khabib's broken caveman accent:

"you anus rapist. why you anus rape girl at hotel? I care about my legacy, you only care whiskey and anus rape."

Khabib is going to get wastelanded
Who’s hero is the rapist, yours or Conor’s? I’m willing to bet that there are more pictures of Conor and Tyson together than there are Khabib and Tyson.

Doesn't change the fact that Khabibs hero is an actual convicted rapist and Khabib traveled to go see him at his house. Conor just bumped into Tyson at events and never said Tyson was his hero growing up.

I get where you are coming from but your point isn't very related to the point of my post.
They need to calm the fuck down before someone ends up dead.
They aren't even in the same country and neither of them is gonna fly to the other's home turf for this shit.

Khabib (or Ali) really should have just stayed silent to stop this from escalating but Conor had no right to talk about the man's wife.
What has that to do with Khabib? It's like Khabib mentioning the Irish famine out of the blue, how the mind of some of you people works is beyond me.

it doesn't work, here's why,
This is going to end in blood.