Media Karate Combat 49 live on Twitters X

The robot climbing the mountain in the background and them talking about the forcefield around the statium keeping it out.. Bet UFC Sphere had no killer robots.
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Am enjoying this event, wonder where is everyone?View attachment 1063384
A lot of folks on this forum usually just watch Muay Thai and the more "typical" style of Kickboxing (K-1, Glory, Rise, ONE, etc.) -- myself included haha. What are the rules in Karate Combat now? If I remember correctly, it's basically Kickboxing with elbows, but now low kicks to the thigh (calf kicks ok though); also allow a little bit of ground and pound. I'm tuning in now, curious to see! I haven't watched Karate Combat since their very early events with the cinematic camera
My word, what a strange promotion. Definitely more on the brawling side of things, kinda par for the course for fight promotions. That's fine and all, but the audio for the commentators was clearly broken and not working for the first 15 minutes of the broadcast. The small crowd is fine too, but the setup jut felt very 'YouTube show' and not really legit. Heavy cypto vibe. The CEO or something would react to the fights in a way that looked artificial. The most lame brawl would happen and he would congratulate the winner like he had just seen a Saenchai masterclass. The best fights were usually were usually the Kickboxers and Muay Thai guys, very funny seeing "Karate Style — Muay Thai" too. They had some randoms cutaways between fights to people who were clearly speaking poorly rehearsed lines (the Gabriel Haynes guy being one of them). The worst part by far was that fight analyst/presenter guy, though -- Robin Black. What's up with that dude? His "analysis" was a bunch of empty gobbledygook and he was talking so fast and so loud... Insane to me that someone thought he would be a good part of their show. Idk about this promotion man. Not for me.
Many of the fights did turn into ground and pound with elbows LOL...

Very good event but the pit is hard for me to get used to, even if some of the fights were great.

The rules that the fighters got called on were no suplex your opponent and no Choking them. Other than that was mostly stand up and now more MT with lots of elbow ground and pound I never saw elsewhere. I watch a lot of ONE Championship and was glad for this change.

President Awesome is not CEO nor owner... and always comes off as fake but isn't.
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