Journal Of A Judo Noob


White Belt
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all, time I started a journal, been lurking here for some time

I'm 30, a Personal Trainer, trained for ages.

My training is really now based around the following:

1. Train without injuring myself!
2. Keep/Increase size
3. Keep/Increase strength
4. Improve fighting fitness

currently my fighting training has ceased other than stuff I do by myself or with mates, no actual classes.

i have recently started Judo, though i have not been able to make many classes.

Here are my last 2 workouts

Sunday 6/4/08 - Bag Session

Extensive dynamic warm up

10 x 2 min rounds with 1 min rest, wearing 16oz gloves & wraps
R1. Jab, Jab-Jab, Jab-Jab-Jab, repeat
R2. Jab-Cross, Jab-Jab-Cross, Jab-Jab-Jab-Cross, repeat
R3. Jab-Cross-Hook
R4. Jab-Cross-Shovel Hook
R5. Duck Under-Hook-Shovel Hook
R6. Round Kick-Clinch-Knee
R7. Jab-Round Kick-Clinch-Knee
R8. Driscal Parry-Head Control-2 elbows
R9. Jab-Cross-Elbow-Elbow
R10. Mix it up

Sprawl-Jab-Cross, 20secs on 10 seconds off x 4.
I meant to do the full 4 mins but I died!

1st time i've done a session purely on bag work for quite some time. I enjoyed it, cardio was pretty good though technique did get a bit sloppy.

Monday 7/4/08 - Upper Body

1A. DB Press
36kg x 10, 10, 8

1B. Reverse Lunge & Twist
3 x 10

Found these DB presses particularly tough

2A. One Arm Cable Row
50? x 10, 10
55? x 10

2B. Single Leg Reach
3 x 10

Should probably have gone heavier here.

3A. Standing DB Press
24kg x 10, 8, 7

3B. Squat to Stand
3 x 10

found these presses hard too, not done DBs overhead for a while, wont take long to improve though

4A. Seated Row
60kg x 10, 10
65kg x 10

4B. Lateral Lunge
3 x 10

seated row could of been heavier

5A. Cable Snap Downs

40? x 20
50? x 20
60? x 20

5B. Plank
30 seconds x 3

abs felt nicely worked

in this session each strength exercise is paired with an active rest exercise, mostly dynamic flexibility exercises.

good session really, was a bit cautious on weights after a week off, i'm gonna be sore regardless
Wednesday 9/4/08 - Conditioning Day

21-15-9 Reps of:
DB Thrusters 20kg
Horizontal Pull ups

completed in 12:07


30s on : 30s rest. x 5 sets
Distances 150, 151, 150, 145, 145. Total 742m

was pretty knackered after this lot

finished with some abs, glute work and cuff work
Friday 11/4/08 - Lower Body

1A, Single Leg Squats

5kg x 10, 10kg x 10, 10

1B, Hands On Ball Push ups
3 x 10

these single leg squats were really hard

2, Zercher Squats

50kg x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 10
80kg x 10

zerchers really gassed me today, legs werent really doing much until the 80, 80 was still pretty comfortable but decided to leave them there.

3A,1 Leg DB RDLs
14kg x 10
16kg x 10, 10

3B, Db Scapation
6kg x 10, 10, 10

I found these 1 Leg RDLs pretty hard today, balance was off.

4A, Woodchop
40? x 10, 10
50? x 10

4B, Face Pulls

50? x 10, 10
60? x 10

Havent done woodchops for a long time, binned them before as I couldnt do them without my back aching, tried em today, pretty light, back feilt fine, will try to build on them.
Sunday 13/4/08 - Death Circuit Death Day

did the following circuit 3 times, 45 secs on, 15 secs off

1. Burpees
2. Box Jumps
3. Abs - did a different floor exercise each time
4. Bag Drag
5. Band Pulls
6. Med Ball Slams
7. DB One Arm Snatch, 20kg DB, alternating arms

was pretty good, though at the end I didnt actually feel that battered, meaning I probably should of pushed harder, on the burpees I know I could of, as I started skipping the push ups like a big a homo. The Bag drag was misleading, felt light at first but after about 15 seconds it started to kick in and strangely enough, going from that to the band pulls was probably the hardest part. The ball slams were a bit easy really, only have a 5k ball, will need to invest in something bigger.
Tues 15/4/08 - Upper Body

Military Press

60kg x 5
65kg x 5
70kg x 5
75kg x 1
60kg x 8

Not done an real overhead work for a month, I felt it today, the 5 reps at 70kg was really hard, the 5th rep stalled for a few seconds. 75kg x 1 was all out, I didnt even bother attempting a 2nd. 60kg x 8 was, good, set a target of 5, got it, went for 8, just got it.

Towel Pull ups
BW (107kg) x 5
4kg x 3
8kg x 3
12kg x 3
BW x 7

These were ok, I always find with pull ups that I can never add reps but I can add weight. I've set a goal of 10 reps, I think thats going to be tough.

DB Push ups
20k x 10 > 10kg x 5 > BW x 4
20kg x 8 > 10kg x 3 > BW x 1!!

these are bastards, thats it

Plyo Push ups
x 9

not entirely sure why I did these.

Rope Seated Row to Neck
25kg x 12, 12, 12

good exercise this one, if you havent done it I highly recommend it.

Barbell Curls in the Squat Rack
30kg x 5
40kg x 5, 5, 4

haha!! i've finally done it, squat rack at my gym hardly gets use for anything other than curls and shrugs so I thought sod it, felt really odd picking up such a light bar from the rack.

Barbell Shrugs
60kg x 10
100kg x 10, 10

not sure why i did these either, SWOLE
Wed 16/4/08 - Judo

well first things first, I got pinned by a chunky school girl

the rest of the session is irrelevent

ok now the shame as dropped a bit

did some different collar chokes, and arm locks, i dont know the names of them.

also some foot sweeps, they are very decieving when u get one right the other person really goes!

and some throws, not sure what they were either, but i could do them!
Sat 19/4/08

Front Squat

60kg x 5
80kg x 5
104kg x 2! (100% BW)
80kg x 4, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

front squats felt wierd today, plus i was doing this while working and the phone kept ringing!

Hang Power Snatch
40kg x 2
52kg x 5 (50% BW)

I'm pleased with that, didnt think I'd get any with half bodyweight

Diamond Push ups
x 25

first 10 or so were easy then they really started to burn!
PK, welcome aboard fellow judo dude.
There's several Judo guys (with experience) in the S & P who can give pointers answer questions. I don't know if you've ventured into the grappling forum at all, but my recommendation is to stay the heck out of there. Lot's of 16 year old "experts" with a couple months of mat time under their (white) belts.

In the grappling forum, as Judo goes, contact: Judogido, Thailon (sp?), and Frodo. Those guys know their shit, and very helpful and no b.s. about teh Judos.

The S&P guys will probably introduce themselves in here eventually.

I've been training Judo for 8 years, with a healthy dash of BJJ and no-gi stuff tossed in for good measure.

Also, I just started boxing / kick boxing. I mention this only because I've found a very useful training tool: the video camera.
In addition to listening to my real world coaches, I also fire off videos to my online coaches here at the 'Dog.
They'll watch the vids and give me feedback.
I might recommend that you do this with some of your judo in the future.
It always helps me to watch video of myself ("Wow, I thought I looked better than that..."

Also, this is a great resource:
I hate the forums over there (Judo Snobs), but it's a great site none-the-less.
thanks for posting BubbleBoy

i've literally just started judo, i've done a little no gi grappling but nothing serious, so far i am really enjoying it.

is it normal to walk around the house in your judo gi?

thanks for the links
looks like a lot good stuff in here. I assume all the squats are going past parallel, the personal trainers in my gym seem to have no fucking clue about strength training good to see one that does. Any reason why the upper body stuff is mostly done in 10 reps?
Hi Zop

i agree with you about the majority of PTs!

i can assure you though that I am not one of those muppets.

I was doing 10 reps on upper body work that workout as that was the 1st session back after a week off training, generally i work in the 4-8 rep range for most exercises apart from rehab/prehab type exercises
is it normal to walk around the house in your judo gi?

Normal? It's a requirement.

My personal preference (when the kids are at school and it's just me and the wife) is the gi top, old man slippers, birthday suit everything else.
Normal? It's a requirement.

My personal preference (when the kids are at school and it's just me and the wife) is the gi top, old man slippers, birthday suit everything else.

argh now i have a mental image and just before i go to bed as well, obviously i dont know what you look like so my brain has used the guy in your avatar!

oh and nice sig too :redface:
Mon 21/4/08

The Magic 50

5 x single arm snatch on each side
5 x single arm swing on each side
10 x Burpees

complete 5 circuits

well this was tough!

I used a 24kg kettlebell

completed in 18:22

god thats slow looking around at others
well i am useless

went to my 3rd judo session, was 5-10 mins late so i didnt go in as i was scared to walk in late, nice one
Barbell Curls in the Squat Rack
30kg x 5
40kg x 5, 5, 4

haha!! i've finally done it, squat rack at my gym hardly gets use for anything other than curls and shrugs so I thought sod it, felt really odd picking up such a light bar from the rack.

Barbell Shrugs
60kg x 10
100kg x 10, 10

not sure why i did these either, SWOLE


Goood.... Goood.... Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you...
Wed 23/4/08 - Upper Body


Bodyweight x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

This was pretty good, the last few sets were really hard, its a nice way of doing things, not used it with strength work before. I was doing these pull ups on a cable crossover machine frame, this one doesnt have handles, its a square tube, not comfortable on the hands at all!

A, DB Press
40kg x 8, 8, 7

B, Seated Row
70kg x 8
75kg x 8
80kg x 8

Pleased with the presses, I thought I might of had to drop the weight but managed to stick with 40s. The rows were good, last set was pretty tough.

A, Cable Rope Curl

45? x 8, 8, 8

B, Cable Lateral Rotations

10? x 8, 8, 8

bah, not much to say about these really, some biceps and some RC work, the latter is vital
Sun 27/4/08

Did some bag work today, but not the traditional boxing style stuff, I worked various self defence techniques, striking from the fence, making sure to include open hand/palm strikes.

did 5 x 3 minute rounds

6th round the punch bag fell off the bracket as the hook straightened out.

cant help but feel manly about that!

luckily for me, the next round was to be tabata punch outs, god bless LA Fitness and their shitty equipment, thats the 2nd time thats happened to me.

i actually enjoyed this workout, taught me a few things, especially from watching the video i took.

i'm to far away when using my fence

i'm still dropping my right hand a lot