Joshua Fabia “Coach” of Diego Sanchez


Champion Cheeto Fingers
Dec 12, 2010
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MMA Journalists need to properly report this week on the dangers of snake oil salesmen like Joshua Fabia in a sport like MMA.

The man is going to get Diego Sanchez killed.

His corner advice was the worst I’ve heard since I started watching MMA in 2007.

I get that Diego is a grown man but journalists have some responsibility to at least look into a guy who is quite clearly a scam artist teaching fight moves from a $10 budget film.

It’s sad to see - Diego literally wanted to ask for his coach’s advice about taking the DQ, struggled to make a decision for himself like it’s his cult leader rather than a coach.

Has anyone actually looked into this guys background or the “School of Self Awareness?

Boxers look to their corners before getting off the floor. Not exactly damning evidence
MMA Journalists need to properly report this week on the dangers of snake oil salesmen like Joshua Fabia in a sport like MMA.

The man is going to get Diego Sanchez killed.

His corner advice was the worst I’ve heard since I started watching MMA in 2007.

I get that Diego is a grown man but journalists have some responsibility to at least look into a guy who is quite clearly a scam artist teaching fight moves from a $10 budget film.

It’s sad to see - Diego literally wanted to ask for his coach’s advice about taking the DQ, struggled to make a decision for himself like it’s his cult leader rather than a coach.

Has anyone actually looked into this guys background or the “School of Self Awareness?

Diego has CTE man, his decisions have been worrying for the last few years.
Curious what other fighters will join his stable.
Boxers look to their corners before getting off the floor. Not exactly damning evidence

Fighters and especially experienced ones like Diego know you can’t have a full blown conversation with your corner unless it’s the break between rounds or the end of the fight.

I’ll take that maybe the illegal knee had him not thinking correctly but even then, any other time I’ve seen a guy take an illegal shot they’ve made the decicion themselves or via the Doctor.

Whole situation since this Fabia guy appeared has become increasingly concerning.
It wouldnt be the first time a corner advised the fighter to try and get a DQ,if thats what actually happened. But its rarer these days.
I gotta give that guy some credit he convinced some people to actually pay him.
there is truth in everything
do not discount what he is saying as bullshit just because you dont understand it.

But then again, what he's teaching only works if you have peace of mind.
It's not practical because no one has peace of mind.
its easy to flow when you're not in danger. the guru himself wouldnt be able to do that in a real fight against an actual fighter.
he would be way stiffer due to fear.
If you believe something enough, and seem sure enough about it, people will listen.
Honestly never thought I'd see the day Diego quite in a fight. Regardless of foul involved. All in all a true warrior legend. Wish him the very best.
I'd like to see how many healing crystals are in this guy's home.
That guy is perfect. On his instagram he was rolling on the floor with soap and dancing around the heavybag. Ypu have to ne braindead to believe him
Hes a conman. Diego is totally fooled. He shows all the signs. He works alone. Wont let any1 interview diego without him around. He knows if any1 who actually knows shit gets close they can tell diego the truth. First thing he said after the knee was can I ask my coach smh. Never gives 1 tactical instruction in between rounds. It's really sad to see. Wish a friend would open Diego's eyes. He has diego thinking he is a coach/manager/ life coach so he cam literally take over Diego's whole life
I just got my first stripe on my white belt in BJJ and I feel confident I could take this fool.
(probably not)

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