Jones Eye Poking...Intentional?

Holds out his fingers and knows there's a good chance that somewhere along the way when his opponent tries to close the disctance he's going to get a finger in the eye.

I'm not sure where that fits in the poll.

Also, I don't really blame JJ for it. The refs should issue the warning as soon as they see his fingers extended that if he ends up poking an opponent he'll lose a point... and then follow up.
I believe it is, but if the refs don't call him on it, he has no reason to stop. I don't like it, but some guys are gonna do all that is necessary to get the W. Including taking a few shortcuts they can get away with.
The hater in me would like to think he was just waiting for a chance for a free poke in the Gus fight. It was also pretty clear that the only reason he didnt decision Rampage is because he completely fucked up his knee shortly before the fourth round.


So yeah, maybe not every time but he's said straight up that he does not care.

Pokes are dirty, the kick is clean though.
I don't think he's trying to gouge eyes out, but he knows that having his fingers outstretched is advantageous to him, so he does it intentionally even though it could result in eye pokes.
Let's put it this way: Jones is definitely not trying to avoid poking the other guy in the eye.
It's happened so often for him that should now be immediate point deduct.
I am officially done on these boards. You people are remarkably stupid.

1/5/2015 (10:37 AM)