Political correctness is nothing if not lying to sound nice.The problem isn't with trying to be politically correct to avoid hurting people's feelings. The problem is people's feelings are hurt way too easily now a days.
It's not lying.... it's choosing your words carefully.Political correctness is nothing if not lying to sound nice.
It is the direct result of women getting in politics.
How to discuss the invasions to the US and the Europe in PC fashion?It's not lying.... it's choosing your words carefully.
Basically saying everyone is hypocrite when it comes to political correctness and people who complain about political correctness gets as of offended as others when they feel others are insensetrive about things they hold dear. Used happy holidays as exampleCant watch the video, anyone give a brief breakdown
I generally don't care what Stewart has to say but the overall video (the non-Stewart portion) is exactly what I've been saying for a while now about people complaining about "PC culture" and identity politics.
The people who scream the loudest about the evils of leftist PC-ism refuse to acknowledge the existence and extent of rightist PC-ism. I'm glad someone bothered putting together even a short list of the hypocrisy.
I miss Jon Stewart. He is spot on.
The new Daily Show is mediocre at best, and the same for Colbert's new platform. Why oh why did he ever leave the Colbert Report, to go to a sterile network channel, to interview who-gives-a-fuck celebrities.
Last week Tonight is filling up a big void though. But we need you back on TV Stewart!