There are two components of the PC criticism. The first part is sensitivity. Sensitivity is learned, by a large part. For example, different gestures are considered offensive in different cultures. Our beliefs are what's causing us to get offended. The gesture itself is irrelevant, it's our interpretation of the gesture that matters. The word "cracker" isn't what's making people to get upset. They have an internal rule that says it's unacceptable to to say that word. Breaking that rule is what's upsetting them.
People are criticizing the sensitivity part, sure, but that's usually not the main focus of it. People are criticizing pc culture because pc people are trying to change how other people behave. That's the bad part. I would like people to be less sensitive, but if they don't change, that's ok by me. I don't think anybody is saying they have to change. Nobody is forcing them to change.
On the other hand, there are real consequences now if you say stuff other people don't like. You don't hold the same beliefs as I do? You're evil and we must get you fired and ruin your life. That's scary.