
Blue Belt
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score

just chill people. talking about tickets. i get parking tickets at my job at least twice a month. can we stop this constant need to crucify people?

life is too short.

Bless up
Fuck the haters. Fedor and Jones GOAT's.
Why does he always feel the need to justify himself?

Jones is a beast in the cage but you can't really blame people for disliking him.
Im sorry but he put himself into a position of scrutiny.

Not 6 months goes by without jones doing something stupid.
have you never left your wallet somewhere? stop it .
I have. But when i do i drive like a fucking grandma during that time. Im not saying he did something dramatically wrong here. Im saying he has done ALOT of dumb shit. So when the little things come out they will be dissected.
I'm still trying to understand how a man who has done what he has still has a license
Just let him bang

Who cares what he does outside of the cage
I hear him on this incident, but when you've done a lot of dumb stuff, you're going to get a lot of people overreacting when you do even tiny dumb stuff.
yea you can. so he's wrong for speaking for himself?
He's looking for pats on the back.

Bones got his haters but he doesn't care. Why do you? If you like him so much then just root on him to make a succesful comeback.

Stop telling others to become Bones fans. That will come naturally. If not, who gives a shit?
Since he is clean and sober for 5 months, he can drive without a license? Sound about right, smh!
As long as the fight is still on, I couldn't care less if he robbed a bank.
inb4 fuck bois get mad-WHOOPS TOO LATE


Just let him bang

Who cares what he does outside of the cage

I get where you are coming from, but a lot of people don't look at these fighters as invincible weapons or human punching bags. A lot of us see real human beings trying to realize their hopes and dreams, and that's what makes the sport so interesting to us.

And on top of it, some people don't like to root for someone who they consider to be a crappy person.

I mean, to each their own...I can definitely understand the appeal for Jones' fans. He is a great fighter. I hope he gets it together. I actually like that video response.