Jon Jones on GSP: "I guess brain damage is real"


Blue Belt
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
Jones couldn't be more right but not in the way he thinks.

Never fails to amuse me how sensitive Jon is over the steroids thing. He got caught red handed and wants to act like its weird for anyone to hold the PEDs against him.
Jones couldn't be more right but not in the way he thinks.

Never fails to amuse me how sensitive Jon is over the steroids thing. He got caught red handed and wants to act like its weird for anyone to hold the PEDs against him.

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
He posted that long time ago.

I used to be on board with PED's during Pride but after pre-med and seeing the effects of steroids lol.....

Based off the benefits, it's fighting a very different version of the person, both mentally and physically.

How would injecting yourself full of test not alter your mind frame?

It's somewhat analogous to telling someone not to feel anything or think differently and injecting them with heroine, in terms of a substance that largely impacts the mind.
Steroids help with psychological properties, like reaction time, energy levels, aggression, etc.

So GSP is right, the benefits are not only physical. To say they don't teach you to throw kicks or punches or technique is a strawman. They help with training and in the fight, since they assist recovery, with physical attributes, and bring psychological advantages as well.

People use them for a reason. Several reasons, in fact. Including Jones.
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Lol. I see you guys have this covered already. The 'roids helped him put in the hours traneing, etc. Muscle stayed with him. He recovered from traneing injuries faster. I mean, come on, Jon. Also, lol @ him basically admitting to being a long time 'roid user.
Only a moron like Jones would try to say that steroids don't help you mentally. No you're not growing fucking biceps on your brain, but all that confidence and the feelings of getting stronger and faster are definitely going to help your mindset, mentality, and overall vision.
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