Media Jon Jones interview on Stipe fight: “It’s gonna be the last time, more than likely”

Do you think Bones should (needs to) fight Aspinall after?

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Pretty weaksauce to have the actual rightful #1 contender right there, avoid them then retire.

His HW run is not that meaningful at the end of the day if that's how he goes out.
Jon needs to fight Tom. He is still young and it will solidify his GOAT status.

37 is not young. Jones hasn't looked good in a while. His performances against Smith, Santos, and Reyes were the worst of his career. He had a short and easy fight with Gane, and then got injured. It's been years since he has fought.

He is making an intelligent decision.

Also, I don't understand why anyone would say he 'needs' to fight Aspinall. Jones' legacy is cemented, he's beat more top competition than anyone. Stipe is irrelevant. He could retire right now and it would change basically nothing. Beating Aspinall would be impressive for sure, but in the grand scheme of things Jones is either already the GOAT, or disqualified because he cheated. Either way, it changes nothing substantive.

And I don't like Jones.
If Jones wants to retire or is even thinking about it than he should. Fight Stipe and then retire and let Tom build his legacy.

Jon needs to fight Tom. He is still young and it will solidify his GOAT status.

Nothing Jon does at this point will make him the GOAT to anyone who doesn't already think he is or isn't. Either you think he's the GOAT or you don't. No one's mind is going to be changed if he beats Tom.
Jones faced TRT Belfort, resisted to a locked armbar and submitted him with a kimura

And he's afraid of Tom Aspinall?

It need a lot of effort to believe, folks
Jones should have rematched Santos and Reyes. It is arguable that both of those fighters beat Jones.

Jon jones doesn’t need to do anything for anyone. He could have retired after the gane fight, probably even after his last LH weight and would still be considered the GOAT.

He wants to fight stipe, probably cos he beat dc, and to get a fat paycheck and walk away. Thinks he’s been around long enough, and done enough in the sport to go out on his own terms. The ufc owe him that and so should the fans.

He’s still a dirty cheat, I wouldn’t have him in my goat status for not the fact everybody else was probably on peds too.
As a fan of fights, I would like to see Jones fight Aspinal.

But Jones doesn’t need to fight anyone.
Khabib retired at 32 or 33 years of age.

Jones is way past that.
Jon is going juice like he has never juiced in his life for this one. UFC already gave hiln a pass.
37 is not young. Jones hasn't looked good in a while. His performances against Smith, Santos, and Reyes were the worst of his career. He had a short and easy fight with Gane, and then got injured. It's been years since he has fought.

He is making an intelligent decision.

Also, I don't understand why anyone would say he 'needs' to fight Aspinall. Jones' legacy is cemented, he's beat more top competition than anyone. Stipe is irrelevant. He could retire right now and it would change basically nothing. Beating Aspinall would be impressive for sure, but in the grand scheme of things Jones is either already the GOAT, or disqualified because he cheated. Either way, it changes nothing substantive.

And I don't like Jones.
His LHW legacy is cemented. Not Heavyweight. If he beats Stipe and then Aspinall he will have derailed everyone old and new. It will be the most amazing accomplishment as he will have done it in 2 divisions.
So does Tom become undisputed champ afterwards or he is stripped of the interim once jones fights Stipe and then has to fight for the vacant undisputed belt?
Sometimes. But I find it's often the other way around.
Some asterisks are forgotten in time. (by the majority of fans)
Especially if you reach legendary status.
Like with Anderson - most remember him for the best highlights in UFC history and forgive him for being in 3 of the worst UFC fights of all time.

Or GSP. Before his last fight I saw a lot of people a fight with Bisping wouldn't mean squat - as Ping was a weak MW who was cherry-picked. Many reminded us of how GSP lost to Hendricks and some argued he might not be able to stack up against the new generation of bigger WWs, and not the other top 5 MWs.
But many now list GSP's MW fight as one major reason he's their P4P GOAT.
(side note: Bisping's appreciation among fans also increased big time towards the end of his career)

For fighters with terrible decline, their declines are often just dismissed as irrelevant and everyone just focuses on their prime.
Bonds, Clemens, Mcguire, Palmeiro etc etc will never be respected by the fanbase at large or the media and will never sniff the HOF. Lebron James stans are going to get hit with 4 for 10 and all his franchise engineering asterisks every time the try to bring up their GOAT talk for decades. Lance Armstrong, whats his legacy now? More about juice than cycling. These are all GOAT level athletes. Only difference between them and Jones is Jones legacy of bullshit is 10 times worse than any of them.

Let's not downplay how huge of a fuck up this is. It is a multi-year extremely public blunder that will most likely go down as the most cowardly duck in the history of the sport. People do not forget when you screw up this badly, and in this cowardly of a manner, nevermind all his other nonsense that gets tacked on to the principal. They're already trying to spin it like he's too old even though nothing in his resume including sustaining practically zero damage in his 30's suggests he's too old to keep fighting (especially when you can make a linear comparison to Pereiera who is the same age as Jon with more wear and has had 9 fights to Jons 1 in the same period of time, yet he's still marching through top competition).

We can talk about comparing mma to mma but nobody in this sport has such a terrible track record as Jones when it comes to endless, legacy marring controversy. Nobody's ever going to overlook the total picture of his legacy. You can make a very strong case that his fuck ups outweigh his fighting career at this point when you consider his mountain of inactivity in his prime and this major embarrassment at the end putting it over the top. It's just going to be the same people running back the same tired copes and they are going to get very tired of doing so 5-10 years down the road. There is a lot of precedent for this. You can look at any celeb and most of them are forced by the public to wear their transgressions for a long time.
I think he gets beat in devastating fashion if he steps foot in the octagon with Aspinall and he knows it, it's ok jonny boy you can retire 'undefeated'

I pray stipe pulls out the fight lmao

It's a joke apsinall has defended the interim and hasn't been given the chance to become undisputed, but dana was never going to let it happen.

Tom should jump the cage after the fight, I doubt he would because he's a humble dude but would be funny
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His LHW legacy is cemented. Not Heavyweight. If he beats Stipe and then Aspinall he will have derailed everyone old and new. It will be the most amazing accomplishment as he will have done it in 2 divisions.

Of course it would be impressive, but since he's already the GOAT by accomplishment, all he would be doing is heightening the ceiling, not climbing any higher. For there is nowhere else to climb. And he stands to risk his undefeated record which, at this point, it would be silly to risk at the tail end of his career. He just wants a legacy fight to ride into the sunset.
Yeah he'll probably fight Pereira. He faced off with Alex at 306, but when Tom asked him to face off a few months ago Jon looked like he sucked on a lemon.
He is also coming off a 3.5 years lay off, a brutal KO and probably a nursery home since he is old as fuck.
Well I guess "nursery home" is accurate, because his second child was born after the second Ngannou fight and he helped with diapering and stuff...