Jon Jones "drag racing" slip up on sportscenter

Dead Meat 37

White Belt
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score

Skip to about 8:30 in the video where she is asking him about a death in the octagon. You'll hear him correct himself
JJ fan but gotta enjoy this guy before he goes full Charlie Sheen

You are one hilarious character Jon Jones
Lol. The truth shall set you free
Jones is the man. Why should he be obligated to tell the truth anyway? He doesn't owe anybody anything.
That reporter doesn't know anything.. it wasn't in the Octagon and he didn't die during the fight *FACEPALM*
He should star in the next Fast and Furious.


I'm serious, he really should. Would be hilarious.
LMAO Coke Jones exposing himself...

But just wait for his usual semen shields to apply maximum cover.
Imagine Jones on the interrogation. He wouldn't last a minute.

Skip to about 8:30 in the video where she is asking him about a death in the octagon. You'll hear him correct himself

I dont get? He never mentioned he draged race? So who gives a shit? If he woud have said you can come across a meteor while youre in outerspace in a rocket would you think he did that as well?
You could be doing flips on a dirt bike in motocross.., Drag racing..... eerrrr ahhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhh

"You could be drag racing (ooooh shittttt.... I'm such a knob.... why the fuck did I just say that?!??) deeeeerp derp derp.... racing".

The fact that he didn't hear about the death is pretty shit. As if his team and friends etc. wouldn't have mentioned it. This dude gives no fucks about anyone but himself. Still a good fighter though.