Joing Gym - need a workout.. Personal trainer?

Team Cup

White Belt
Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score

I've always been active in bjj and other stuff, but never got into the whole gym thing. I'm 6' and 230 lbs.. naturally big, and not a hefer, but could use some refinement... I decided to join a gym, but since I'm very inexperienced I don't know what kind of workout I should do. Is it worth getting with a personal trainer?
Probably not. Most personal trainers I know are more full of shit than a truck full of Politicians.

Let us guide you. Read the stickies, get your goals down, then post your questions.
Thats not true
I'm a personal trainer and although 95% of trainers know little about strength training, there are those that can help. Talk to the trainers at your gym and see what type of certification. If there are any that are CSCS or NSCA-CPT certified then i suggest you give them a try. However, not everyone wants to be a powerlifter...Although this site is good for alot of strength training information, it isnt the be all and end all. As a trainer, my biggest suggestion is ask if the gym offers free training demo's and try them out. Talk to the trainer and see what he or she specializes in. In my experience, female trainers know jack shit about anything so if you have some male trainers talk to them and see wha they say. Also see what the gym charges....anything over $1 per hour is too much.
BAS_FAN said:
Thats not true
I'm a personal trainer and although 95% of trainers know little about strength training, there are those that can help. Talk to the trainers at your gym and see what type of certification. If there are any that are CSCS or NSCA-CPT certified then i suggest you give them a try. However, not everyone wants to be a powerlifter...Although this site is good for alot of strength training information, it isnt the be all and end all. As a trainer, my biggest suggestion is ask if the gym offers free training demo's and try them out. Talk to the trainer and see what he or she specializes in. In my experience, female trainers know jack shit about anything so if you have some male trainers talk to them and see wha they say. Also see what the gym charges....anything over $1 per hour is too much.

OK hold say anything more than 1 dollar per hour is too much?? So...are personal trainers illegal aliens that couldn't get a job at Wendy's? How good of a personal trainer can you get at a buck an hour?
well first off he joined a gym...gym personal trainers are usually below standards. Anyone with a weekend certification can work there. I work at a gym only cause ive got a good thing going there and am learning the ropes in order to open my own place. If you join a trainer specific studio such as optimum performance Inc then you are gunna pay alot cause sports specific training facilities hire trainers who are certified to train athletes. I personally feel you shouldnt pay anything more than $1/hr for a trainer who knows stuff you can read on the net. CSCS certified trainers who work out a a specific place charge alot more.
I'm curious, what's the difference between a CSCS certification and a NSCA-CPT certification?
$1 an hour? Looks like I won't be getting into Personal Training any time soon!
This thread is makin' my balls feel funny man, and I don't like threads that make my balls feel funny, man.
are you turned on by my comments?
Oh crap....sorry guys
thats a typo...i MEANT $1/MINUTE!

im sorry guys.....yeah, $1/hour is HORRIBLE!!!
60 dollars an hour?

YOu better be a fucking good trainer.
I agree that a lot of personal trainers don't know much about strength training. But ask some of the guys at the gym if there are any good trainers there or even better if there is a strength trainer/coach, just to learn the basic movements (squats, deadlifts, bench, overhead press, dips etc) with good form. As long as you have decent form then getting a program from here is an option.
you don't need a trainer...

you need to learn your body, what works, what doesn't...

just get experience in the gym dude...

that's what you need...

read the internet, the stickies, and research...
Try to find a group that powerlifts and make friends. Even if you are weak. If you want to learn, I am sure they will be gladly to teach you since the opportunity to find some non-booby builders is rare.

No personal trainer though, they blow donkeys (Bas Fan).
Mos trainers don't know jack shit about training, there are only a few that really know their craft. Read the stickies and you'll be off to a good start.
Bump on the making friends with power lifters. That sounds like a good idea.
I would agree, dont waste your money on personal trainers. The one at my gym is cluelessis true busy rolling up his short sleeves to show his metrosexual buddies what a cable curl can do for your " guns" . Don't waste your time. As with 99% of the people here you are better off watching other guys who are strong and trying to follow their lea d. Also check the stickies, they are there for you benefits.
Add to that hang out +2 on hanging out with powerlifters. When you have developed decent strength, learn the basic o lifts as well.
Sorry for going off subject but boondock we are twins. How did you get the doubles?
rickdog said:
Sorry for going off subject but boondock we are twins. How did you get the doubles?

Its a long story. There is a troll in OT that pissed me off. I ended up getting dubbed for it.