Opinion Joe Rogan podcast, intellectually dishonest

This is the guy saying he wants honest discussion about Islam, as he obsesses over some guest on some goofy podcast not sucking Islam's dick.
Not an obsession, Firas Zahabi made comments that are directly relevant to the discussion and agrees with me on this, as do many others. You knuckle heads tried your best to make these concerns seem invalid or unwarranted. You were dead wrong.
Listened to some of it. "She's wrong", "she doesn't know what she's talking about", etc. but yet not one example or explanation. Does he get to those eventually?
As if you would've listened if he did. If pointed out exactly where Ayaan was wrong in another thread. Basically her description of how the rules changed from Mecca to Medina is dead wrong. She either doesn't know what she's talking about or she's lying.
Saying JRE should present all sides of the argument doesn't mean nobody should criticize Islam. Reading comprehension is key here bud.
He is upset about that guest. No one cares when Joe Rogan’s podcasts have one sided views on other issues.
so mma trainer > former politician and author when it comes to Islam

who knew?
You think "politician" and "author" are actual credentials? Lmao.

Saying JRE should present all sides of the argument doesn't mean nobody should criticize Islam. Reading comprehension is key here bud.
There’s only one side to the argument. Islam is ignorant trash that is completely incompatible with western liberal democracies, being that it’s a political system just as much as it is a religion. And a god damn shitty one at that.
He is upset about that guest. No one cares when Joe Rogan’s podcasts have one sided views on other issues.
People get pissed off about Rogan's guests all the time. Not sure what planet you're living on. He's been raked over the coals for having folks like Gavin McInnis on, and he's been criticized for many other guests/segments.
As if you would've listened if he did. If pointed out exactly where Ayaan was wrong in another thread. Basically her description of how the rules changed from Mecca to Medina is dead wrong. She either doesn't know what she's talking about or she's lying.

So, uh... I'm not sure if English is your second language or something, but, as stated, I did listen to some of it. How would I know not to listen to it due to the inclusion of examples without having first listened to it? You seem to be breaking the laws of causality.
you think mma trainer is?
No, but you judge everyone on their merits. Firas is an autodidact, anybody that listens to him enough would reasonably conclude that he's smart and knowledgeable and he seems to be an upstanding gentleman. What credential does Ayaan Hirsi Ali have? She cheated to get immigrant status in the Netherlands and has become a cause celebre because she's an ex-Muslim. That's literally the extent of her accomplishment.
No, but you judge everyone on their merits. Firas is an autodidact, anybody that listens to him enough would reasonably conclude that he's smart and knowledgeable and he seems to be an upstanding gentleman. What credential does Ayaan Hirsi Ali have? She cheated to get immigrant status in the Netherlands and has become a cause celebre because she's an ex-Muslim. That's literally the extent of her accomplishment.

yes... in mma. in most other things no.
3rd grade fascism sounds like a synonym for Islam because you’d have to be at about a third grade level to believe that bullshit fascist religion.
3rd grade insults now lmao. "I'm rubber you're glue"