Opinion Joe Rogan on Being Called a Far Right Influencer, "They're Liars!!"

Rogan is the most centrist celebrity commentator I know of.

The Joe Rogan show is the ONLY show that discusses politics that stays at the top of the recommendation list regardless of what side youtube thinks your on. That says a lot.
The PewDiePie interview was pretty line-crossing, IMO.
I still haven't seen that one mostly cause I've hated PewDiePie for a longlong time since before he was a guest even on South Park.

I can't stand the guy.
I hope so. Though I had this same discussion on facebook with some friends and this is the same shit they echoed as well...

Shapiro is racist!
Peterson is transphobic/Hitler!
Rogan is a gateway!
LOL @ discussion political issues on facebook.
You know you could likely 6 degrees of separation the most innocent of kitten videos into some dude getting mauled by a lion.
Yes, it's for that reason my position is that the concerns of people saying he is an influencer (right or left doesn't matter) are understandable, but unwarranted.

Frankly, the ridiculous hyperbole ITT is not at all surprising, but it is depressing. 10 years I've been on here and still you can barely ever have a discussion about anything without the thread being overridden with outlandish bullshit and deliberate misstatements for the sake of trolling.

Its getting harder and harder to deny a growing segment on the left are becoming totalitarians.
No it isn't. Plain and fucking simple. A few wingnuts on Twitter twittering away inside their bubble of confirmation bias does not a growing segment make.
No it isn't. Plain and fucking simple. A few wingnuts on Twitter twittering away inside their bubble of confirmation bias does not a growing segment make.

It isn't a few wingnuts on Twitter though. It IS Twitter.
It's Joe Rogan's independence that threatens people, not his "far-right" opinions. They cannot stand the fact that he can pretty much just say whatever he wants, and invite whoever he wants to his show. Including one of his old friends Alex Jones.

That's just not the way that it's "meant to be". You need to be held answerable to somebody.
LOL @ discussion political issues on facebook.

While I can understand mocking it you shouldn't turn your nose up to it too much. A *huge* portion of the political discourse which shapes the mind of your average voter is happening on facebook and twitter. However odious it seems that's where the game is being played. However much I'm sure we'd all prefer to keep our political discussion confined to more dignified settings like karate forums and bars, social media is where a lot of it is happening now - so get with it or get run over by it. Why, I hear foreign powers are even using these social media platforms to influence elections....
He wants open borders & Universal Basic Income. Thats pretty far left. The only right wing thing I can think of that he supports is the right to keep and bear arms. Being anti-PC isn't necessarily a right-winged idea. Plenty of liberals who hate PC-culture

ive havent heard any comments of his about open borders before, not saying your wrong just havent heard it myself but i dont watch all his stuff. Only immigration stuff i recall was him bashing families being separated. I thought He sounded skeptical when wang was on talking about universal income. He has said he supports trump over Hilary and that trump was the better option, he has killed the media numerous times over left leaning ways of handling things such as the maga hat kid vs the native american, hes bashed antifa heavily and called out the left for giving them a pass, hes anti some of the pc stuff like multiple genders, he had roseannes back when she was fired making racially insensitive comments, very pro second amm,amendment, he jumped on a guy who was making some anti american flag comments saying it was a rag and joe wasnt having it.

I do blieve hes somewhere in the middle and not a republican by any menas but overall i get the vibe he leans more right than left, just my 2 cents.
While I can understand mocking it you shouldn't turn your nose up to it too much. A *huge* portion of the political discourse which shapes the mind of your average voter is happening on facebook and twitter. However odious it seems that's where the game is being played. However much I'm sure we'd all prefer to keep our political discussion confined to more dignified settings like karate forums and bars, social media is where a lot of it is happening now - so get with it or get run over by it. Why, I hear foreign powers are even using these social media platforms to influence elections....
Yeah, perhaps LOL isn't quite the reaction I intended to portray, but rather deep seated disgust and resignation.
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Bryan the liberal callan derailed the truth on that congresswoman. She doesnt only criticize Israel. She has made anti jewish statements.
People are talking about the media but I’ve found a lot of alt-right people in his comment sections and identifying with him.

I guess some people thought because he could call out Fallon Fox and gave alt right people a platform, that he’s alt right

Even though Joe idealizes socialism and open borders (note: he does not support these things actually happening, he just likes the idea that everyone gets along and people in need get helped.)
and none of this is true, seriously. Peterson is actually the most sane person out there. and if someone actually sat down, and listened to him, or read his work they would realize that what he is saying is not at all controversial.

He is very controversial. Frankly, the bar for being "controversial" is not very difficult to meet, it just means that many people disagree with your assertions, or the way that you communicate your ideas. To me, Jordan Peterson regularly says things that are goofy and bordering on laughable. He does it with that Kermit-voiced defiance, and occasionally used big words to confuse people into thinking he’s making a strong point. Usually he’s not. He seems to go back and forth between saying things that are obvious, and saying things that are just goofy.

One example is the clip with him and Joe Rogan talking about enforced monogamy, which was already posted in this thread. Ignore the hack who is commentating, or better yet, find the original version without commentary. Jordan genuinely believes he is against equality of outcome, right up until incels enter the picture. If women can't compete in tech, then they have to deal with it. But if incels can't compete in the dating scene, we better tilt society towards helping out these sexually unsuccessful men so that they don't become violent. Suddenly, equality of opportunity is not good enough.

He has similarly bizarre viewpoints on sexual harassment in the workplace. Jordan believes it's provocative to wear make up, or even heels. He even goes into detail about how the color red is meant to imitate lust. He says high heels are intended to make the hips move in a sexual way. I don't like reducing people like him that others seem to like to something comical or laughable, but that legitimately comes across as pathetic to me. Women wear heels for a variety of reasons, sometimes just for a height boost or because they are considered more professional or dressy in certain environments. They wear make up for a variety of reasons, including just covering blemishes or reducing oil shine. Seriously, what decade is Peterson living in? It is laughable stuff.

To make it worse, he often gets defensive when somebody calls him out, and says something like, “It’s self evident!” No, it’s not self evident. When a woman puts on concealer, it’s not self evident she’s trying to be provocative any more than it’s self evident that a guy who wears a fitted suit is being provocative.

Watch the interviews to see what I mean. My overall impression of Peterson is that he frames most issues with the main goal of appeasing insecure and unsuccessful men. I find it offputting a lot of the time. I
guess that makes him controversial.
It's Joe Rogan's independence that threatens people, not his "far-right" opinions. They cannot stand the fact that he can pretty much just say whatever he wants, and invite whoever he wants to his show. Including one of his old friends Alex Jones.

That's just not the way that it's "meant to be". You need to be held answerable to somebody.
It’s beautiful being your own boss
No it isn't. Plain and fucking simple. A few wingnuts on Twitter twittering away inside their bubble of confirmation bias does not a growing segment make.
MSM openly defend antifa, so don't tell me its just a few wingnuts.
Bryan the liberal callan derailed the truth on that congresswoman. She doesnt only criticize Israel. She has made anti jewish statements.
Can you source these particular statements for my edification, please?

(Sigh, I expect I will regret this but here's hoping)
I think it has a lot to do with the ratio, the ratio is way off to the right, how many times has he had Peterson and other right wing youtubers on? A shitload. The only left leaning guests I remember are Jimmy Dore, Kukinski and Abby Martin (who gets downvoted and blasted in the comments because naturally by mostly having right wing people on you attract a right wing crowd).

Agree here, Joe says he's a centre leftist, however most of his guests, especially recent ones, seem to be conservative, and could also be described by some as alt-lite e.g. Candace Owens, Owen Benjamin, Alex Jones, Sargon of Akkad, Gavin Mcinnes, Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro etc etc etc.

Surely a centre leftist would ensure they invite guess that can provide a counter to the above viewpoints? How has David Pakman not been on his show yet? What about Sam Seder?
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He is very controversial. Frankly, the bar for being "controversial" is not very difficult to meet, it just means that many people disagree with your assertions, or the way that you communicate your ideas. To me, Jordan Peterson regularly says things that are goofy and bordering on laughable. He does it with that Kermit-voiced defiance, and occasionally used big words to confuse people into thinking he’s making a strong point. Usually he’s not. He seems to go back and forth between saying things that are obvious, and saying things that are just goofy.

One example is the clip with him and Joe Rogan talking about enforced monogamy, which was already posted in this thread. Ignore the hack who is commentating, or better yet, find the original version without commentary. Jordan genuinely believes he is against equality of outcome, right up until incels enter the picture. If women can't compete in tech, then they have to deal with it. But if incels can't compete in the dating scene, we better tilt society towards helping out these sexually unsuccessful men so that they don't become violent. Suddenly, equality of opportunity is not good enough.

He has similarly bizarre viewpoints on sexual harassment in the workplace. Jordan believes it's provocative to wear make up, or even heels. He even goes into detail about how the color red is meant to imitate lust. He says high heels are intended to make the hips move in a sexual way. I don't like reducing people like him that others seem to like to something comical or laughable, but that legitimately comes across as pathetic to me. Women wear heels for a variety of reasons, sometimes just for a height boost or because they are considered more professional or dressy in certain environments. They wear make up for a variety of reasons, including just covering blemishes or reducing oil shine. Seriously, what decade is Peterson living in? It is laughable stuff.

To make it worse, he often gets defensive when somebody calls him out, and says something like, “It’s self evident!” No, it’s not self evident. When a woman puts on concealer, it’s not self evident she’s trying to be provocative any more than it’s self evident that a guy who wears a fitted suit is being provocative.

Watch the interviews to see what I mean. My overall impression of Peterson is that he frames most issues with the main goal of appeasing insecure and unsuccessful men. I find it offputting a lot of the time. I
guess that makes him controversial.
To further your point, as of the last time I heard it reported, last year sometime, he was making $80K/month on Patreon from said insecure and unsuccessful men. It's brilliant exploitation, gotta give credit where it's due, but I consider it a rather soul sucking way to make money and I wouldn't trade places if my life depended on it.
Looks like he is fed up with being labeled alt-right.

I've been reading a lot of recent "Rogan is the gateway to the red pill" or "Rogan is the gateway to the alt-rt" sentiment. Or "I lost respect for my coworker when I saw him watching Joe Rogan videos on youtube".

One of the things he gets attacked for these days is being very against biological males competing in women sports. ie -Fallon Fox. I've seen people online outraged by his comments on this issue.

He says he is left and almost a socialist:

I've always seen Joe Rogan as pretty left wing. The reason the snowflakes are having a temper tantrum is because he was willing to have far right personalities onto his show. I'm a leftist and I think it's a good thing he's willing to bridge the two sides and give the opposition a voice. There's far too big of a divide in both media and society as a whole over party lines.

The snowflakes are out of control, crying because Joe Rogan is having a discussion with right wingers. This is getting so out of control.