Job interview/beard: To shave or not to shave?

I had a THREE HOUR interview on Thursday and got the job along with a beard and longish hair.
So they must have been desperate.
Of course you shave before going to a job interview. You're not watching a duck dynasty marathon with a bunch of rednecks. You're looking for a job. Try to appear professional and respectable.

the stench of beard envy is heavy.
Shave, get the job, grow it back.

This is what I am leaning towards, but dammit, I hate it. I am keeping the stache, doe. I have a Tombstone-level mustache that I am not getting rid of lol. Shit is like Bronson-esque but longer...
This is what I am leaning towards, but dammit, I hate it. I am keeping the stache, doe. I have a Tombstone-level mustache that I am not getting rid of lol. Shit is like Bronson-esque but longer...

I hear it's good every so often to just shave it all off anyways, just to clean out your pores and what not.
Just try to stand out.
Many years ago, I was having a hard time getting a job.
In the end I decided to go with the skinhead look and dressed like a pimp.
Got the very first job I tried to get after looking like a dick.
You'll think you look funny if you shave it off after a years+ growing it - might not be good for the ol' confidence during the interview. So maybe trim it yo look neat, clean, shaped etc.
If it's well groomed and not James Harden-like I think you should be fine.

I've heard some weird facial hair policy so you never now but keeping it looking neat will definitely be for the best if you really want to keep it.
Pics of the beard. If it's a full beard don't shave, if it's some teenage patchy crap you are proud of get rid of it.
Unless you plan on staying clean shaven for a long while after, keep the beard IMO so they know what they are getting up-front. I decided to grow my beard after like a year of being clean shaven in an office, and my bosses weren't happy about it.
I'm at work and don't have access to pics atm. I'm 28, though, so it's not a patchy beard. I keep it constantly groomed and what not. Carry a comb on me at all times lol...
Unless you're interviewing to work at a vegan food store or lumber jacking shave dat beard

Or if he's in IT/development. Which I don't think he is, cause he would already know Dev shops don't give a fuck about your appearance as long as your heigenic.

If anything, trim it to very-low length if its worrisome.

You can also linkedin/stalk your interviewers (potentially) to see how they carry themselves professionally.

If they are all clean-shaven, you should be as well.
Same reason you wear a suit when most companies require business casual. You want that first impression
I'm at work and don't have access to pics atm. I'm 28, though, so it's not a patchy beard. I keep it constantly groomed and what not. Carry a BOMB on me at all times lol...

I misread comb as bomb and immediately thought of Osama.

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