Media Jamahal Hill wonder why Dustin doesn't get the same hate.

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I just want to ask without sounding really mean about it.

How stupid can you be? Like how can he compare himself to DP?

Dustin doesn't go up to fighters in the beginning of a fight week and ask for autographs and shows respect only to turn around days later and talk shit about them

DP doesn't fight his family over pity shit.

DP can actually apologize about something that came off completely misunderstood and actually mend a misunderstanding.
I don't hate nor really dislike Hill as a person but one cannot pretend to talk shit before and after (losing by ko) a fight and to not attract some criticisms.
the guy is making a fool of himself not letting go at this point, imo.
Oh you mean the guy who is a veteran of multiple fighting organizations, has cut his teeth while earning every bit of respect in and out of the cage?

What are you most known for Jamahal? Being the guy they needed for a placeholder belt.
I dont even like jamahal but good for him catching on. which more and more people are starting too.
which is very good. i predict as i said before decades from now a documentary will be made kinda like
Vice Tv's darkside of the ring and it wont be good ......and ill leave it at that.
Jamahill get em next tayum fam y'all just ain't unnuhstand yet 💯🦌swear down Poatan gettin' slept now dat him went public wid di foul-cancel ting easy to make a read on now easy mistake Hill just 🧀 cuz internet trolls squawkin like geese fam jealous of success and bros good looks🪿📣

I commented on his YouTube once “bro you’re never getting the belt back, you’ll be forgotten after you get starched in your first return fight” and he commented back “bet!!”

I’m tempted to go find the comment now that he’s imploding
i really cannot urge these guys to drastically cut down their social media intake in strong enough terms. especially for a guy like jamahal who could generously be described as “not real sharp”

These guys have been crying out for your guidance, it’s a glorious day that it’s now arrived
Its insane that if Jan could defend a couple of TDs from Ank and kept brutalizing his legs, this dude would still be fighting at the Apex and we wouldn't be subjected to his nonsense.
Dustin has earned the respect of every fighter and fan. Jamahal, you got a lot work to do in both departments.
Forreal lmao I liked Hill before 300 and the more he talks after, the harder it's becoming lmao
Jamahal is falling into the trap of caring way too much about what other people think. Listen to yourself, your coaches, and the people you respect. Strangers' opinions are a dime a dozen.
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