Elections Jamaal Bowman out

This race is funny and should actually be a slap in the face to the left. In a city, ran by democrats, amid budget cuts including education, the mayor is about to be indicted, and the democrats are willing to throw tens of millions into just a primary to install someone who will be on board with the military industrial complex. Also telling that Bernie Sanders has lost all political relevancy, and the Hillary Clinton machine continues to steam roll him and the soys.

My only disappointment is a google and youtube search for attack ads from the Latimer camp, which I assume there is with so much money. Basically quick cuts of him with the narrator of the ad saying:

"Such a fat head!"
"Hama terrorist!"
"That head!"
"insurrectionist who got caught!"
"holding up a bar stool with only 1 sleeve rolled up, WHAT?"
"Vote Latimer 2024"

Anyways, this clip is hilarious. Bowman just continues to yell general nonsense at Massie, refusing to listen to have a reasonable conversation, basically sums up the left. Anyone I disagree with is a fascist, nazi grifter, a threat to democracy, and I need to yell at them!

Bowman was low-hanging fruit compared to the other members of "The Squad". I don't see the others being replaced any time soon. Their stances and comments on Israel simply aren't going to be enough to mobilize enough disgruntled Democratic opposition to unseat them.

I think I saw Cori Bush is far down in her primary, that was a month or so ago, so that may have changed. But the others should be a lock.
@Samjj nothing to see here right? Jews still have no influence I guess. Just admit it, and I will stop tagging you

Another W for zionists and L for the US
Bowman was a jackass. The squad has jumped the shark with their bullshit and AOC is next. She is getting heckled everywhere she goes now. People are done with the bullshit. The squad has not made life better for the people living in their districts. They have become news blurbs instead of effective policy makers. And you can't alienate a large portion of your district by saying and doing racist things. You can be political about the situation in Gaza. You can say the loss of lives is bad without supporting Hamas. Everything they threw at him was his own fault and true. Most ads were quotes and clips of things his unhinged ass did and said.
Good we need people who aren't allies with islamic terrorists in Palestine.
@Samjj nothing to see here right? Jews still have no influence I guess. Just admit it, and I will stop tagging you

Another W for zionists and L for the US

Among other groups, a super PAC affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee poured a jaw-dropping $14.5 million into the race to take down Bowman. "This race offers an unambiguous choice," an AIPAC spokesman told The New York Times. "George Latimer is a progressive, pro-Israel candidate while Jamaal Bowman has refused to support the Jewish state as it fights a moral and just war against Iranian terrorist proxies."

Pro-Israel leaders recruited Latimer, who has been in New York politics for decades, to challenge Bowman and showered Latimer with cash.

Among other groups, a super PAC affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee poured a jaw-dropping $14.5 million into the race to take down Bowman. "This race offers an unambiguous choice," an AIPAC spokesman told The New York Times. "George Latimer is a progressive, pro-Israel candidate while Jamaal Bowman has refused to support the Jewish state as it fights a moral and just war against Iranian terrorist proxies."

Pro-Israel leaders recruited Latimer, who has been in New York politics for decades, to challenge Bowman and showered Latimer with cash.

Noting they used in the ads was untrue. Politicians need to politician. Bowman couldn't hide his Jewish Hate. He lost because of it. He hosted fundraisers with supporters of Hamas. He took a hard anti-Israel stance and it cost him. He outright said racist things. That won't happen to Omar or Tlaib because their districts are Muslim. But AOC better watch out, because she is already losing minority support over the immigration and crime crises in her district. The Dems are feeding on each other in these areas.
This is not shocking after the video with AOC campaigning for him had so few people in attendance. Democrats are losing the Jewish vote and CNN showed a poll showing Biden has lost a historic number of black voters under 50.
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Bowman was a jackass. The squad has jumped the shark with their bullshit and AOC is next. She is getting heckled everywhere she goes now. People are done with the bullshit. The squad has not made life better for the people living in their districts. They have become news blurbs instead of effective policy makers. And you can't alienate a large portion of your district by saying and doing racist things. You can be political about the situation in Gaza. You can say the loss of lives is bad without supporting Hamas. Everything they threw at him was his own fault and true. Most ads were quotes and clips of things his unhinged ass did and said.

I dunno, AOC crushed it in her primary.

Do you think a republican can win the district? Her opponent will be same as in 2022, who she destroyed

Party hack defeated by old party hack.

Will Cori Bush be ousted like Bowman? New poll shows her opponent leading by one point

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., may be in trouble after a new poll found her opponent in the Democratic primary for Missouri's 1st Congressional District leading her by one point.

The poll, conducted by The Mellman Group between June 18 and June 22, found that St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell overcame a double-digit deficit in January to lead Bush 43% to 42%. Four percent of the survey respondents supported other candidates on the ballot while 11% were undecided. He has picked up support across various groups, the poll found, including among whites and Blacks, men and women and those under and over the age of 50.

Bell also leads Bush in job performance and favorability ratings. Sixty-one percent of survey respondents gave Bell a positive rating on his job performance while only 49% gave Bush a positive rating. 60% of respondents are favorable towards Bush while 64% are favorable towards Bell.

Cori Bush is looking like next squad member to get the boot.
Among other groups, a super PAC affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee poured a jaw-dropping $14.5 million into the race to take down Bowman. "This race offers an unambiguous choice," an AIPAC spokesman told The New York Times. "George Latimer is a progressive, pro-Israel candidate while Jamaal Bowman has refused to support the Jewish state as it fights a moral and just war against Iranian terrorist proxies."

Pro-Israel leaders recruited Latimer, who has been in New York politics for decades, to challenge Bowman and showered Latimer with cash.

@Rational Poster accept defeat and acknowledge the massive influence of Jewish people on US politics or use your ziontard mental gymnastics to ignore the above post.
Good stuff. This is exactly how primaries should work. So much better than just sending the same retard election after election....... lookin' at you Margie!

I don't care for this fella, and I'm glad he's on the outs. Better for the party, better for America IMHO.