It kinda pisses me off how a guy like Bruce Lee gets more credit and recognition than real fighters

Bruce lives on in the hearts and minds of countless people.

Bruce probably inspired YOUR fav fighters.

When the OP is no longer with us (we are all going to die, such is the nature of existence) will he live on like Bruce....................... loooooooool
You sound like a shampoo commercial
100’s of millions of fighters in the history of history never had a pro fight. So what?
100’s of millions of fighters in the history of history never had a pro fight. So what?

So NONE of them have ever fought in a sanctioned fight, thus they cannot fight.

Sanctioned, video documentary, or it don't count breh. And full contact sparring don't count either.
So NONE of them have ever fought in a sanctioned fight, thus they cannot fight.

Sanctioned, video documentary, or it don't count breh. And full contact sparring don't count either.
Oooooooooooh. My bad
You do understand what unsubstantiated claims are right? There is no proof of Bruce Lee being involved in any street fight ever, and he never competed in any of the combat sports available to him at the time. To believe he was a fighter ever is downright foolish. I have done my research on Bruce before.

So, enjoy your seat on the floor with your thumb in your mouth.

I see.

So everyone that attested to the fights he was in were downright liars? This isn’t a case where Frank Dux walked into the woods and came out with a trophy. If documented witnesses aren’t acceptable criteria, then what is? You’re just using selective information that pushes your biased agenda.

Oh and don’t tell me you’ve done research on Bruce before. Your 30 second google search doesn’t qualify.
I'm actually very successful and talented and have been training for 25 years. Can you say the same? But whatever that is neither here nor there. I would walk right through Bruce, let alone a pro. lol

Post the links of the videos.

I have read the claims and all but Dan thinks Bruce was a good martial artist but not some legend except when their chasing clout.

I'm sure u I said, being a full dimwit in one area of life doesn't translate necessarily to other areas so hope is there for you.

Do your own research, son. Some words of advice- If your making wild claims about someone check your basic facts first otherwise you sound like a damn fool to everyone.

There is numerous footage of Bruce cross training and sparring with protection, look it up on the net it's easy to find I think some people posted some already.
Plus he created this whole cross training style called JKD which is still going and combines elements of boxing, karate, Wing Chun, Judo, escrima and other arts - basically MMA before modern MMA that why he is sometimes called the 'godfather of mma'. Numerous sources can attest to this and JKD is still practiced including by guys like Erik Paulson it is pretty indesputable so you just sound like more of dumbass and digging your hole deeper if you try to argue.

Like I said, you ran your mouth without a map and now your lost. It's ok, we all make mistakes in life it's no need to have a hissyfit like a ditched schoolgirl just read and learn from some of the guys here trying to help you, it'll do you good.
before 99% of every joe was training jiu jitsu, Bruce Lee was busy armbarring Sammo Hung, and choking out NBA HW champions with guillotines
Of course Sammo lost. How's he supposed to beat a guy pulling off moves like the hammer fist foot bash?

Sammo couldn't even land a kick on him.

Bruce used that wrist lock just toying with him.

Once he got that crucifix armbar it was tap or snap.
I see.

So everyone that attested to the fights he was in were downright liars? This isn’t a case where Frank Dux walked into the woods and came out with a trophy. If documented witnesses aren’t acceptable criteria, then what is? You’re just using selective information that pushes your biased agenda.

Oh and don’t tell me you’ve done research on Bruce before. Your 30 second google search doesn’t qualify.

Who has attested to him fighting anyone legitimate? Educate me, go ahead.
I'm sure u I said, being a full dimwit in one area of life doesn't translate necessarily to other areas so hope is there for you.

Do your own research, son. Some words of advice- If your making wild claims about someone check your basic facts first otherwise you sound like a damn fool to everyone.

There is numerous footage of Bruce cross training and sparring with protection, look it up on the net it's easy to find I think some people posted some already.
Plus he created this whole cross training style called JKD which is still going and combines elements of boxing, karate, Wing Chun, Judo, escrima and other arts - basically MMA before modern MMA that why he is sometimes called the 'godfather of mma'. Numerous sources can attest to this and JKD is still practiced including by guys like Erik Paulson it is pretty indesputable so you just sound like more of dumbass and digging your hole deeper if you try to argue.

Like I said, you ran your mouth without a map and now your lost. It's ok, we all make mistakes in life it's no need to have a hissyfit like a ditched schoolgirl just read and learn from some of the guys here trying to help you, it'll do you good.

Still waiting on the links.

JKD was in it's infancy when Bruce died, and was really branded by his successors. No one takes it seriously as a competitor to the MMA gym model.

I have researched, I'm not lost. Provide evidence or GTFO.

I don't know why you keep describing yourself. You ok bud? You need a hug?
JKD was in it's infancy when Bruce died, and was really branded by his successors. No one takes it seriously as a competitor to the MMA gym model.

you just shat all over Ben Saunders, former top 20 UFC WW AND resident sherdog member! you're a jerk!

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Bruce Lee guillotine KILLED 8th dan jiu jitsu blackbelt Chuck Norris.

Bruce Lee > Jiu jitsu
Chuck was doing pretty good though. He hit him with a solid kick and a couple good combos.



If Bruce hadn't pulled his hair like a little girl he might have been done for.

Unfortunately for Chuck the lightning fast high kicks and pimp slaps proved to much for him.


Bone breaking strikes were the beginning of the end.

Chuck was brave till the very end.
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I don't know what the fuck is wrong with some of you people. Are you really trying to tell me a guy who fought off a whole room full of black belts wasn't a good fighter?


And just look at this shit when he pulls out those fuckin nunchucks. It's like a force field.


Not a good fighter?....yeah....ok...
The guy has fanboys on every corner, i see videos and comments on youtube by guys saying that bruce would dominate the ufc, he hits harder than a heavyweight and moves like a flyweight, i saw a comment with shit load of likes saying that bruce would beat michael jai white in a fight, yeah, you heard it right... A tiny Asian man that stood at 5ft6 150lbs soaking wet beating up a 6ft2 200+lbs jacked mulitple black belt life time martial artist. He also hits harder than Mike Tyson... Who are these individuals that spread this type of misinformation?

I dont get it, he has no proffesional fights on his record, in anything... And there is no footage of him fighting or competing against any pro or known fighter.

At least chuck norris has a karate record.

It seems its better to fake it till you make it than actually doing it for real.

Can someone explain it to me, what impresses you?
He's athletic, looks good in movies, has cool quotes, the one inch punch that has no tie in with actual fighting where your opponet doesnt stand there and let you hit him (in most cases) and oh dear, worst case scenario pushes you back slightly.

I look at him the same way i look Steven Seagal, at least Seagal taught Silva that front kick.


Chuck Norris said he was legit. Tons of other legit fighters gave him props too
The guy has fanboys on every corner, i see videos and comments on youtube by guys saying that bruce would dominate the ufc, he hits harder than a heavyweight and moves like a flyweight, i saw a comment with shit load of likes saying that bruce would beat michael jai white in a fight, yeah, you heard it right... A tiny Asian man that stood at 5ft6 150lbs soaking wet beating up a 6ft2 200+lbs jacked mulitple black belt life time martial artist. He also hits harder than Mike Tyson... Who are these individuals that spread this type of misinformation?

I dont get it, he has no proffesional fights on his record, in anything... And there is no footage of him fighting or competing against any pro or known fighter.

At least chuck norris has a karate record.

It seems its better to fake it till you make it than actually doing it for real.

Can someone explain it to me, what impresses you?
He's athletic, looks good in movies, has cool quotes, the one inch punch that has no tie in with actual fighting where your opponet doesnt stand there and let you hit him (in most cases) and oh dear, worst case scenario pushes you back slightly.

I look at him the same way i look Steven Seagal, at least Seagal taught Silva that front kick.


You yourself are adding to his legend. 150 pounds? No way in hell Lee was ever 150 pounds in his condition. 130 maybe.
Without bruce lee, many fighters would not have been inspired to do martial arts and martial arts was popularised in the public eye - he was the first and still the greatest martial arts superstar in the public domain. As well he was one of the first to actually begin fusing different martial arts together in a precursor to MMA. For these reasons he deserves respect. Add to that his undoubted martial abilities as seen from the films.

Comparing him to much later martial artists with much greater access to deeper and wider pool of training and learning and opportunities is pointless and unfair to the earlier generation.
Without bruce lee, many fighters would not have been inspired to do martial arts and martial arts was popularised in the public eye - he was the first and still the greatest martial arts superstar in the public domain. As well he was one of the first to actually begin fusing different martial arts together in a precursor to MMA. For these reasons he deserves respect. Add to that his undoubted martial abilities as seen from the films.

Comparing him to much later martial artists with much greater access to deeper and wider pool of training and learning and opportunities is pointless and unfair to the earlier generation.

Seriously. This is dumb. We have access to YouTube and bjjfanatics and countless other forms of media to help us perfect fighting techniques.

Bruce was a pioneer in the early days trying to put it all together. Despite that he stayed in phenomenal shape and was fast af and very strong p4p. He dabbled in all forms of martial arts seeking to find what works.

To hate on him is stupid.
Anyone who talks like bruce lee would wreck people in the UFC today are idiots. Id love to see Couture fight Bruce lee. OMG it would be ugly

It's not even a fair comparison and not one I even hear from people.

Most people are like you. Making strawman arguments against people who claim Bruce would beat up ufc fighters or champs. I haven't heard that.

Also as mentioned it's not a fair comparison. Mma is so evolved compared to Bruce's day. Could he have been a force with his work ethic and talent with access to what we have (high level bjj gyms and striking coaches, mma camps, film, YouTube, etc)? I think so but I guess people will beg to differ.

What is true is he never fought professionally. In film of him sparring and obviously in movies he was very fast and he does show legit fighting skills.

Whats cool is he really philosophied about fighting. He wasn't a pure movie guy who just lived the Hollywood life. He wrote books about fighting and self defense. A lot of the stuff in the books is actually very legit in a Krav maga kind of way.