"Merab is ducking""uFc iS DyiNg"
"MeRaB iS DuCkiNg"
If merab wins you will delete acc if umar wins i will delete acc deal?It's over for Merab, Umar will show levels (also future BW goat)
That's a crazy combined record from 1 family/team
I found Merabs accountCrying dagestani fanboys incoming!!! Merab will dominate umar
Yet oddly looks like MerabWhat? He looks like Khabib
He was ducking."uFc iS DyiNg"
"MeRaB iS DuCkiNg"
That's not Merab, bro.
Dana said Merab "stormed" his office late last night and accepted the fight cause of Umars constant trash talk online lolrealy great card.
and also really good to see Payton there
by the way , after so much talk and shitty videos , Merab will fight Umar now ???