Is this considered gyno?


Yep, another pic from the same weighin
Yeah I zoomed in on it someone replaced his nits haha
This is completely untrue and you need to stop making things up.
The pectoralis major muscle has two heads. He was wrong on that but he’s right about having an under developed upper chest resembling gyno. You can clearly see the line of separation between upper and lower. Shrink down Franco’s upper chest development and he’d look a bit like TJ. This is why symmetry is huge in bodybuilding. Well it used to be. These HGH gut monsters competing today aren’t really into it as much.
Pro hormones still a thing?? I thought they all were made illegal? Well the good ones. I ran a 8 week Msten cycle like 8 years ago and my gains were insane. Was actually thinking about trying to find some to stack with a Test Cycle. No gyno haha.. ran a proper PCT.
They’re still a thing. There’s tons still available. They do actually boost testosterone but unfortunately they don’t give you all the info you need on the label like how to do a proper PCT.
Sherdog thinks everybody has gyno...
Have you gucks never been to the beach? It looks like 10-15% of American guys have some level of gyno.
TJ got the surgery done and had his glands removed. Overeem and lesnar also had the procedure; with careful observation, you can see the scars around the aerola, and they get this tell-tale caved in look because many surgeons suck and remove too much tissue.

Ever wonder why GSP would spit on his fingers and give his nips a quick pinch before entering the octagon? Gyno bros will know what I’m getting at.
Lesnar has obvious scars, I don't see any scars on TJ.
Yea he has a bit of gyno, gyno usually happens if you don't use a AI on cycle or don't do proper PCT after a cycle. Though he could of also had it since puberty meaning it would be genetic and not due to steroids, but i think most would agree that tj has prob done some sort of PEDs despite the fact he has always tested clean.
I don't think it's fair to say he used if he hasn't been caught. UNLESS u say every fighter used... Which is fine

Also not directed at u, he has slight gyno, nothing serious and in no way reflects if he ever used before
Doesn’t look like gyno at all to me.
It should only cost Cory about $6-8 K to fix this. Can’t he spare some of his allegedly shitty UFC pay? Can we sherdoggers crowd source this guy his gyno surgery money so we don’t have to see it anymore?
Who gives a shit? Jesus christ you guys sound like teenage girls. Who would want to go under the knife for something like that?
I dont think you guys know what gyno looks like
Yes he has gyno, and if you heard the back and forth during the Cody fight buildup they all but admit using gear back at TAM.