International Is South Africa coming undone?

There's a political civil war going on in SA. The ANC is fractured between the Jacob Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa camps. And the ANC itself has never been less popular, so they're swinging hard at each other as the two camps desperately try to scrabble for power that no one really believes they should have.
We're at one of the most dangerous points in our history, as it looks increasingly impossible for the ANC to win more than maybe one more general election. We're the most protest-heavy country in the world, and the vast majority of protesters for the past decade have been people protesting a lack of service delivery and who've given up on even bothering to vote, but who take to the streets to vent their frustrations by assaulting ANC party representatives.
The ANC can see the strong possibility of it's own end on the horizon, and that makes them very, very dangerous.

Zuma was head of intelligence for uMkhonto we Sizwe during the struggle, so he has a lot of dirt on a lot of people in a lot of high places. He is also very popular with large portions of the Zulu population (he's every inch the populist that Africa has a reputation for) - that Zulu loyalty is why most of the violence has happened in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
He's what you could consider the head of the ANC's leftists; communist sympathies, pro-land expropriation, etc.

Ramaphosa represents the pro-corporate heart of the ANC - he's corrupt as fuck, but he's also not an ideologue and he has a reputation as a practical businessman, and so he rose to power within the ANC after Zuma's scandal-filled presidency did a decent job of tarnishing the ANC's reputation even among supporters (a few examples: Zuma raped the AIDs-infected daughter of a dead friend and claimed that it was fine because he had a shower afterwards; he appropriated state funds to improve the facilities at his person home at Nkandla ranch; he was responsible for a state capture scandal, in which a rich Indian crime family purchased access to our national funds and resources; and the country declined massively from 2009 onwards, despite our largely being unaffected by the GFC). He was seen by some ANC supporters (the sort who have come to revile Nelson Mandela as a sellout in the pocket of the Western elite) as an ANC concession made to corporate South Africa.

It's not really a surprise that the army's been involved in the recent riots, etc. Cyril Ramaphosa's never been shy about bringing force to bear. The Marikana Massacre happened because he directed armed police forces against unarmed striking miners. A couple years ago, he pushed the army into Cape Town in an attempt to get the crime under control (that was a bit of a laughable failure), and last year he was quick to put the army on the streets to enforce the lockdowns (leading to a handful of deaths).
These things are extra concerning, when one considers the new gun-control bill under consideration. We already have very strict gun laws, and no one in their right minds thinks they protect the innocent.

And yes, speaking of Covid, corruption didn't get worse, South Africans just dared to hope that just this once, they wouldn't be screwed by the people in power. Cyril really seemed to step up at the beginning - he had a well-laid plan, processes in place that accommodated our shortcomings, and consideration toward the group that we all knew would be incredibly vulnerable - the poor. Arrangements were being made as early as January, and things actually looked positive for once.
That all fell apart quickly enough.



To be honest though, the current headline violence isn't worse than usual fare. There's just an angle that makes it attractive to the Western media.

That said, make no mistake, the country's circling the drain fast - and it's been getting fast since about 2017. Looking at the voting rolls and the general sentiment in the country, the ANC barely has a mandate to lead as of right now; and they know it. The only reason they hold power still, is that the opposition party's been successfully painted as the inheritors of apartheid in the eyes of a significant portion of our very uneducated population (much like the American democrats do the the Republicans). But those people are not necessarily voting for the ANC, they're simply not voting at all, because they do not see their interests represented by anyone.

The current violence is, in actuality, probably the best outcome Zuma's trial (which feels like it's been going on forever) could have had.
The fact that Zuma was even arrested is fucking insane, to be honest. He's guilty as sin, but none of us expected him to actually be punished for it. Hell, a few months ago, there was a stand-off between the police and his own personal cadre of MK veterans, trying to prevent him from having to face any sort of justice.
Stay safe bud
News ReportsWorld
Updated: 13 July, 2021
Indians face racist abuse online, threatened with rape and massacre as violence breaks out in South Africa

Indians are facing racist abuse and social media platforms are being used to incite violence against Indians living in South Africa.

13 July, 2021
OpIndia Staff

Image Credit: Rogan Ward/Reuters
Troubling news has been coming from South Africa where violence has erupted following the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma on July 7. While looters and rioters are rampaging through the country, some of Indian origin and others who are White have come together to defend their properties through retaliation.

Consequently, Indians are facing racist abuse on social media platforms and the platforms are being used to further incite violence against Indians living in South Africa.


Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Indians are being accused of racism in order to justify racist attacks against them.


Source: Twitter
Indians who are defending themselves against rioters in the USA are being accused of inciting a civil war.


Source: Twitter
Some are even justifying raping Indian women because Indians are ‘evil’.


Source: Twitter
Threats of rape and massacre are also being issued.


Source: Twitter
Violence is being incited against the White population in South Africa as well.


Source: Twitter
Indians are being blamed pretty much for everything under the Sun, while some say that ‘giving the country away’ to Indians is worse than ‘living under Whites’ because Blacks do ‘better’ under Whites. One may recall, while Africans suffered slavery during colonial rule by Whites, Indians have never committed such atrocity against Africans.


Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Reportedly, the South African government has decided to deploy the military at some places to curb the violence. Shopping centres, pharmacies have been looted and the supply chain and Coronavirus vaccination drives were disrupted. In all, 6 people have been killed so far and a total of 489 suspects have been arrested.

In a statement, incumbent South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said, “What we are witnessing now are opportunistic acts of criminality, with groups of people instigating chaos merely as a cover for looting and theft. We will not hesitate to arrest and prosecute those who perpetrate these actions and will ensure that they face the full might of our law.”

i have seen videos of indians beating down the looters. i am glad they are standing up for themselves.
In stories about power outages and infrastructure failure, there always seems to be a throwaway that no maintenance has been done since 1994.

Yep The ANC were being warned by Eskom (SA's energy provider) itself that a problem was incoming. But they ignored it, and then worsened it.
The institution of Black-economic Empowerment (BEE) policies purged the Eskom of pretty much all white engineers. They were given 6 months to train their black replacements before having to make their graceful exits.

As you can imagine, 6 months is not enough time to hand over a lifetime of training. And many engineers didn't wait out the 6 months; they went into the private sector, or they left the country. That was around 2005. The energy crisis started in 2008-ish.
Yep The ANC were being warned by Eskom (SA's energy provider) itself that a problem was incoming. But they ignored it, and then worsened it.
The institution of Black-economic Empowerment (BEE) policies purged the Eskom of pretty much all white engineers. They were given 6 months to train their black replacements before having to make their graceful exits.

As you can imagine, 6 months is not enough time to hand over a lifetime of training. And many engineers didn't wait out the 6 months; they went into the private sector, or they left the country. That was around 2005. The energy crisis started in 2008-ish.
That’s the issue when you have buffoons running the economy, that think these positions are just handed to people and not earned.
News ReportsWorld
Updated: 13 July, 2021
Indians face racist abuse online, threatened with rape and massacre as violence breaks out in South Africa

Indians are facing racist abuse and social media platforms are being used to incite violence against Indians living in South Africa.

13 July, 2021
OpIndia Staff

Image Credit: Rogan Ward/Reuters
Troubling news has been coming from South Africa where violence has erupted following the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma on July 7. While looters and rioters are rampaging through the country, some of Indian origin and others who are White have come together to defend their properties through retaliation.

Consequently, Indians are facing racist abuse on social media platforms and the platforms are being used to further incite violence against Indians living in South Africa.


Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Indians are being accused of racism in order to justify racist attacks against them.


Source: Twitter
Indians who are defending themselves against rioters in the USA are being accused of inciting a civil war.


Source: Twitter
Some are even justifying raping Indian women because Indians are ‘evil’.


Source: Twitter
Threats of rape and massacre are also being issued.


Source: Twitter
Violence is being incited against the White population in South Africa as well.


Source: Twitter
Indians are being blamed pretty much for everything under the Sun, while some say that ‘giving the country away’ to Indians is worse than ‘living under Whites’ because Blacks do ‘better’ under Whites. One may recall, while Africans suffered slavery during colonial rule by Whites, Indians have never committed such atrocity against Africans.


Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Reportedly, the South African government has decided to deploy the military at some places to curb the violence. Shopping centres, pharmacies have been looted and the supply chain and Coronavirus vaccination drives were disrupted. In all, 6 people have been killed so far and a total of 489 suspects have been arrested.

In a statement, incumbent South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said, “What we are witnessing now are opportunistic acts of criminality, with groups of people instigating chaos merely as a cover for looting and theft. We will not hesitate to arrest and prosecute those who perpetrate these actions and will ensure that they face the full might of our law.”

You can just feel the stupidity oozing from those tweets. Like two braincells rubbing against each other.
As a white South African are you eligible for some kind of expedited immigration or relocation due to the prevalence of racial violence?

Racial discrimination in hiring, etc, is a bigger problem than racial violence against whites. I know the farm murders will be mentioned, and they're terrible, but that is literally the only facet of crime in which whites can feel disproportionately targeted for anything other than our disproportionate possession of wealth.
I don't mean that as a leftist talking point either. I haven't looked at a list of the dead yet - if one's even available - but if there is one, it will most likely be stacked with non-white bodies.

This is Zulu Nationalism. And it'll come for whites, but it tends to target African foreigners, Indians, and the Chinese first.

That said, if I suddenly go quiet - it might mean I was way too confident in that assessment :)
But, no. As far as I'm aware, I'm not eligible for expedited immigration or anything like that.
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As a white South African are you eligible for some kind of expedited immigration or relocation due to the prevalence of racial violence?
My understanding if you’re over 40 you are not eligible to apply to another countries visa program
There's a political civil war going on in SA. The ANC is fractured between the Jacob Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa camps. And the ANC itself has never been less popular, so they're swinging hard at each other as the two camps desperately try to scrabble for power that no one really believes they should have.
We're at one of the most dangerous points in our history, as it looks increasingly impossible for the ANC to win more than maybe one more general election. We're the most protest-heavy country in the world, and the vast majority of protesters for the past decade have been people protesting a lack of service delivery and who've given up on even bothering to vote, but who take to the streets to vent their frustrations by assaulting ANC party representatives.
The ANC can see the strong possibility of it's own end on the horizon, and that makes them very, very dangerous.

Zuma was head of intelligence for uMkhonto we Sizwe during the struggle, so he has a lot of dirt on a lot of people in a lot of high places. He is also very popular with large portions of the Zulu population (he's every inch the populist that Africa has a reputation for) - that Zulu loyalty is why most of the violence has happened in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
He's what you could consider the head of the ANC's leftists; communist sympathies, pro-land expropriation, etc.

Ramaphosa represents the pro-corporate heart of the ANC - he's corrupt as fuck, but he's also not an ideologue and he has a reputation as a practical businessman, and so he rose to power within the ANC after Zuma's scandal-filled presidency did a decent job of tarnishing the ANC's reputation even among supporters (a few examples: Zuma raped the AIDs-infected daughter of a dead friend and claimed that it was fine because he had a shower afterwards; he appropriated state funds to improve the facilities at his person home at Nkandla ranch; he was responsible for a state capture scandal, in which a rich Indian crime family purchased access to our national funds and resources; and the country declined massively from 2009 onwards, despite our largely being unaffected by the GFC). He was seen by some ANC supporters (the sort who have come to revile Nelson Mandela as a sellout in the pocket of the Western elite) as an ANC concession made to corporate South Africa.

It's not really a surprise that the army's been involved in the recent riots, etc. Cyril Ramaphosa's never been shy about bringing force to bear. The Marikana Massacre happened because he directed armed police forces against unarmed striking miners. A couple years ago, he pushed the army into Cape Town in an attempt to get the crime under control (that was a bit of a laughable failure), and last year he was quick to put the army on the streets to enforce the lockdowns (leading to a handful of deaths).
These things are extra concerning, when one considers the new gun-control bill under consideration. We already have very strict gun laws, and no one in their right minds thinks they protect the innocent.

And yes, speaking of Covid, corruption didn't get worse, South Africans just dared to hope that just this once, they wouldn't be screwed by the people in power. Cyril really seemed to step up at the beginning - he had a well-laid plan, processes in place that accommodated our shortcomings, and consideration toward the group that we all knew would be incredibly vulnerable - the poor. Arrangements were being made as early as January, and things actually looked positive for once.
That all fell apart quickly enough.



To be honest though, the current headline violence isn't worse than usual fare. There's just an angle that makes it attractive to the Western media.

That said, make no mistake, the country's circling the drain fast - and it's been getting fast since about 2017. Looking at the voting rolls and the general sentiment in the country, the ANC barely has a mandate to lead as of right now; and they know it. The only reason they hold power still, is that the opposition party's been successfully painted as the inheritors of apartheid in the eyes of a significant portion of our very uneducated population (much like the American democrats do the the Republicans). But those people are not necessarily voting for the ANC, they're simply not voting at all, because they do not see their interests represented by anyone.

The current violence is, in actuality, probably the best outcome Zuma's trial (which feels like it's been going on forever) could have had.
The fact that Zuma was even arrested is fucking insane, to be honest. He's guilty as sin, but none of us expected him to actually be punished for it. Hell, a few months ago, there was a stand-off between the police and his own personal cadre of MK veterans, trying to prevent him from having to face any sort of justice.

Thanks for the summary, brother!

Despite the WR's many shortcomings, the real reporting from ground zero in practically every country when the shit hits the fan is the reason why this place is my Sherdog home. :)
Racial discrimination in hiring, etc, is a bigger problem than racial violence against whites. I know the farm murders will be mentioned, and they're terrible, but that is literally the only facet of crime in which whites can feel disproportionately targeted for anything other than our disproportionate possession of wealth.
I don't mean that as a leftist talking point either. I haven't looked at a list of the dead yet - if one's even available - but if there is one, it will most likely be stacked with non-white bodies.

This is Zulu Nationalism. And it'll come for whites, but it tends to target African foreigners, Indians, and the Chinese first.

That said, if I suddenly go quiet - it might mean I was way too confident in that assessment :)
But, no. As far as I'm aware, I'm not eligible for expedited immigration or anything like that.

Take a nice vacay to Europe and apply for asylum : your ID says Africa, you'll be a guest of honor.
Keep justifying total anarchy, no respect for businesses or law and order. Always a good look when thousands are rioting and looting, but of course it’s totally justified. Spoiler alert. It’s not ok! That’s not how the world works.
We (Americans) have just as many cities (4) on the list as South Africa despite having much better economics and stability. What does that say about us?


I was surprised to see St. Louis ranking that high. Then again these cities have lower populations than some of the other contenders, but it's still pretty bad.

Pretty crazy how all but 4 cities are from the Americas. South Africa, of course, is responsible for the rest. Must be something in the water in that continent.
Racial discrimination in hiring, etc, is a bigger problem than racial violence against whites. I know the farm murders will be mentioned, and they're terrible, but that is literally the only facet of crime in which whites can feel disproportionately targeted for anything other than our disproportionate possession of wealth.
I don't mean that as a leftist talking point either. I haven't looked at a list of the dead yet - if one's even available - but if there is one, it will most likely be stacked with non-white bodies.

This is Zulu Nationalism. And it'll come for whites, but it tends to target African foreigners, Indians, and the Chinese first.

That said, if I suddenly go quiet - it might mean I was way too confident in that assessment :)
But, no. As far as I'm aware, I'm not eligible for expedited immigration or anything like that.

take a trip to the USA and request for asylum after you get here. america loves africans and would gladly make you an african american
You can just feel the stupidity oozing from those tweets. Like two braincells rubbing against each other.
Talk to an American female leftist in private. They have had their brains turned off and are not allowed by doctrine to think deeper than a puddle. You want to literally be scared? Leftist women of the west would destroy the world just because they want to see if anybody will finally stop them..
Talk to an American female leftist in private. They have had their brains turned off and are not allowed by doctrine to think deeper than a puddle. You want to literally be scared? Leftist women of the west would destroy the world just because they want to see if anybody will finally stop them..
We (Americans) have just as many cities (4) on the list as South Africa despite having much better economics and stability. What does that say about us?

Those cities are very much like Africa or Latin America in terms of total lack of governance or outright incompetence and corruption.

I bet homicide clearance rates are ultra low in St. Louis.