I'm not that young. I'm 36 and a lot of young people might think you're just out of touch and grouchy and old.
When you were young, there were older people who thought the music or whatever you were into was terrible for society and all the same shit you're saying now.
So now you're saying all those older people from your youth were right? I bet you don't think that.
I bet the things you were into as a younger person is still cool in your eyes.
STFU and stop being old and lame.
some of it really was hard to defend. Grunge with all the drugs/heroin use shortened or ended a lot of lives, I knew some of them and they seem to have had some real health problems which may or may not be from all the hard living.
The 80's had some destructive types of metal, I think there was a big case where some kid tried to blame some metal band, I can't think of the band because I didn't really listen to much of that but the arguement that it caused kids to behave badly was the same, always was like that. Even back in the 50's "juvenile delinquent" and Rock and Roll were terms used in conjunction. I don't think it's anything to compare to all the killings these buttheads today perpretate. No comparison.
Like I keep saying, most of those guys,even if they had troubled lives, did not encourage people to follow them. I'd have to say Prince's biggest thing was deviant sex and that weird religious thing where no one knew who the hell he was worshipping. MJ had the perfect public image up to when he just got too strange, wouldn't stop with the surgeries and got caught with the boys. Bruce Springsteen is a guy who is really hard to find fault with but I'm sure some christian group did back when he was the hottest thing in the biz. No drugs, sex wasn't central to his music and he plain was too boring for a lot of people, even today i get teased about the boss.
Coolness or hipness is a huge part of a fan's liking artists. I mentioned Macklemore a few pages back, he just doesn't talk about killing or backwards shit and that's always a recipe for a guy sucking or being terrible. Ya, the guys who talk about killing this and that, getting shot, selling shit, those are the guys that sell. Goodie two shoes don't make good stars, nothing new about that.