Is it just me.... (merged threads)

Im not sure what you guys are talking about. But i use firefox, dont get any pop ups or banners.
Envy said:
I now find myself constantly leaning to the right.

Ten years from now, Jeff's going to be getting my chiropractic bills in the mail.

lmao! I have a right head lean going on that I was unaware of until you just mentioned it! Dam shameless advwertising. I dont think google ads make anybody more than a chump change anyway.
I agree that it would be better on the right side..
Im NOT much feeling it at all to be honest...
I don't like it... but if it has to stay, then yeah, the right side would be better.
White Snake said:
Love the Fight Finder, hate the side ads and newslinks. I would rather have some more horizontal banner ads than that.

Exactly. Fightfinder is nice, but if I would gladly trade it to get rid of that other shit.
If you guys aren't going to get rid of it, then right side would be much better. Till then I'll be hanging out on subfighter.
BTW anyone viewing with a 800x600 screen is fucked. Scroll city just to read threads....
At first I didn't like it but now it's fine. I actually didn't even notice it until this thread popped up.
I hope we get more horizontal ads instead if we must have least then the threads aren't messed up
maxpower said:
If you guys aren't going to get rid of it, then right side would be much better. Till then I'll be hanging out on subfighter.
I like that avatar you got, did you make it up yourself?
God, this is bad.

Please at least move it to the right side.
Not to mention that anyone using a viewing screen of 800x600 is flat out screwed. You have to scroll half a page to the right just to read a thread.
Agreed, please move it to the left. And wow you still see ads weven when you pay for membership?
OMG please tell us what we did wrong and we will stop ... lol

seriously is this a trial only basis? because it is a terrible idea