Is gen x the last great generation?

Yes. But it's not the younger generation's fault. Everyone let them down. Liberal agendas came from a place of equality but turned into a disservice in the school system. School is a joke because everyone gets pushed through. No one gets left back, and no kids can get advanced learning when they show promise in many areas in the name of inclusion and equality. I coached some really dumb kids that had straight A's. Parents don't discipline. There are groups of kids on bikes riding in the middle of the street right into cars. Cops get called, they make parents pick them up. I see the kids back out the next day doing the same dumb shit. Tech has made them terrible at communication verbally or in written correspondence. Also, instant gratification, so no patience.

Why would people not pursue instant gratification when they see delayed gratification as a scam? Delayed gratification only works as a motivater if people believe in it. A lot of faith and trust is required there. And they see too many older people who made sacrifices for nothing. My generation is very sensitive about doing anything that takes a long time because they are averse to this happening.

Things that provide instant gratification can't be scams because you get whatever it is and then its done.
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I wouldn’t say we are the last great generation, because life is cyclical, and has been for generations…..
View attachment 1061758

Gen X is in between the strong men and Good times. Millenials and the current Gens are between good times and weak men. So somewhere the next “Great Generation’ is on deck to take up the fight to perpetuate the cycle anew. Unfortunately, the Hard times that will create these new strong men usually involve Wars of significant outcomes.

You can almost set your clock to it.

that analogy on top can be concluded to one word for me: complacency

if we could try to keep the above cycle in mind at all times, we could avoid it altogether. but maybe it's human nature to enjoy good times to the point of indulgence where we're too deep into it, and once again create weak men who are too accustomed to luxury.
"generation" is a gimmick term for low-tier brains.

Most of you are asleep at the wheel.

please awaken us from our slumber and explain what other term to use instead of generation.
All I know is boomers, as of now are the worst but gen alpha very well may blow them out of the water.
I wouldn’t say we are the last great generation, because life is cyclical, and has been for generations…..
View attachment 1061758

Gen X is in between the strong men and Good times. Millenials and the current Gens are between good times and weak men. So somewhere the next “Great Generation’ is on deck to take up the fight to perpetuate the cycle anew. Unfortunately, the Hard times that will create these new strong men usually involve Wars of significant outcomes.

You can almost set your clock to it.
So where does men with vaginas fit in this puzzle?
please awaken us from our slumber and explain what other term to use instead of generation.
Maybe he’s saying be your own, never mind the noise? Social aspects can certainly affect and rot a generation, all to a certain degree, it’s unavoidable.

The fact that low T is getting worse over the years, there’s a strong argument that every generation is indeed getting worse With the exception of the Olympic track teams……
In the early to mid 90s, I remember boomers and the silent generation were calling Gen Xers whiners and complainers evenocking them and their use of Prozac just because their girlfriend broke up with the them or their parents didn't hug them or spend time n e with them.
It's more if an age thing that once you hit your 39s your perspective changes. Every generation complains about their respective younger genrration
“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else.” These are the words that baby boomers and gen x grew up on. Millennials and gen z have no idea because they’re too sensitive and think that the world revolves around them. The infrastructure of this country was built by baby boomers and maintained by gen x.

There’s too much handholding. I blame helicopter parenting and liberals for this demise. Will gen alpha restore balance or are we doomed from here on out?
In the early to mid 90s, I remember boomers and the silent generation were calling Gen Xers whiners and complainers evenocking them and their use of Prozac just because their girlfriend broke up with the them or their parents didn't hug them or spend time n e with them.
It's more if an age thing that once you hit your 39s your perspective changes. Every generation complains about their respective younger genrration

a lot of that was actually true. gen-x got the term, "latchkey kids" for a reason. the parents were usually never home working all day, and the kids would return home after school by themselves. i had friends a few years older who were like that. they'd return home by themselves, and we'd play baseball after school until the parents got home. this was when you actually hung out with your neighbors and neighborhoods were much safer.
a lot of that was actually true. gen-x got the term, "latchkey kids" for a reason. the parents were usually never home working all day, and the kids would return home after school by themselves. i had friends a few years older who were like that. they'd return home by themselves, and we'd play baseball after school until the parents got home. this was when you actually hung out with your neighbors and neighborhoods were much safer.
Yup same here born in 74 myself and the scho9l conversations has always turned to being a lactchkey kid. I had the most dangerous version of being a latchkey kid before moving to the states at 12. My very early childhood was in Hong Kong and one day I forgot my keys at 10 years old. My folks also lived at the 13th floor of the flat so I stupidly climbed through the ledges to the windows about 10 feet out from where i wss standing.. Now I would be scared shit to try to attempt that again
The younger gen x 1978-1981 and older/elder millennials born from like 82-88 basically grew up the same way.

I didn't have a computer until I was 16 or a cell phone until I was 19. I wasn't using a smart phone till 2013. I grew up playing on the same metal playground gen X played on despite being a millennial.

The weird culture change really started with gen Z in 1997 they are mostly influenced by video games and anime.
nah we suck too, just in our own way. We had an opportunity to really shake things up but we were too busy being melancholy and not giving a fuck. We should have made millennials and Gen Z so much harder instead of going the complete opposite direction and pussifying our poor kids. It's a chain and a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Enough of the divisive I'm cooler than you shit we need to start grouping up and fighting the right people, not each other.
please awaken us from our slumber and explain what other term to use instead of generation.
Nothing requires categorization like this at all. It’s a crutch to help people frame snippets of time.

Under this logic the easiest thing to use would be 10 year spans, decades.

Hope this helps.
Generations stopped being a real thing years ago, courtesy of the pervasive nature of the internet in everyones lives and the speed at which technology is constantly changing peoples behavior and interests. Generations used to be broadly defined by events, social mores and shared cultural experiences. Nobody shares the same reality anymore. Everyone's got their own personal algorithm and living in a completely different world from one another. People who are born 10-15 years apart have nothing in common with each other at this point, and now people born more than a few years apart don't seem to have much in common with each other either.

Also it's the xennial gen between roughly 77-83. We're not gen x or millennial, always been in between both culturally. We grew up in the world of rotary phones and dad whipping our ass in public, and matured in the age of video games, computers, internet and then mobile phones. If you know anything about hand rewinding and recording with tape cassettes, you're no millennial. I don't share any cultural connection with people born in 1970 or 1995 and truth be told, not even 75 or 87.
Jfc. Boomers destroyed the world in 40 years and now think they are a great generation? The boomers hated socialism because they didn't live through the great depression so now they're forcing us to.
No, they hated socialism as they're not complete idiots like some people I could mention. :rolleyes:
Why would people not pursue instant gratification when they see delayed gratification as a scam? Delayed gratification only works as a motivater if people believe in it. A lot of faith and trust is required there. And they see too many older people who made sacrifices for nothing. My generation is very sensitive about doing anything that takes a long time because they are averse to this happening.

Things that provide instant gratification can't be scams because you get whatever it is and then its done.
Then they achieve nothing, they save or invest nothing and sit around whining that they have a loser, dead-end career, no money and will never afford their own house... but at least they have the latest iphone, clothes and eat out at restaurants all the time right? :rolleyes:

How badly did your parents screw up raising a mess of an "adult" like you?

Nobody gives a shit about Gen X. And since when were baby boomers a great generation? All the shit boomers want to cry about Millennials is also going to apply to the next two generations. If you think people in their mid 30s are woke, buckle up, old timer.

A better question is when was the last great generation. Because it definitely precedes boomers.