Interview with Mayhem Miller from jail.

I’ve heard media guys who have known mayhem personally for his entire career talk about it on podcasts , and this has been an ongoing problem when mayhem stops taking his meds and they sound really legitimately worried and saddened when a new story comes out and honestly don’t even want to talk about it. I think it’s a much more sad situation than we think especially for his family .

I don’t think his whole persona is a born from his mental illness but he’s always had that manic energy going on and it was really entertaining at a time but it’s gotten really sad because mayhem was a very legitimate mma fighter with one of the biggest cult followings rivaling the kind popularity of people like the Diaz brothers .
Any cliffs I don’t think I wanna get more depressed listening to these two
Didn't even know he was in jail, what was it for this time ?