Injury help


Purple Belt
Mar 27, 2004
Reaction score
ok about 3 weeks ago severely strained my left quad. I did this same thing last year playing football and during summer practice this year it happened again so i have been out of practice for 3 weeks. I cant grapple or do anything

I just finished up physical therapy and i have a big scrimmage tomorrow and so i went outside as instucted by my doctor and did some warm up stuff

i stretched, the did a little jogging, and then did some sprints..

on about the 3rd sprint I felt a really sharp pain in my quad and so i quit running

I am getting so frustrated from this injusry and im debating on whether or not to continue playing football. Ju-jistu is my main focus but im the starting linebacker and i dont want to let my team down

this injury for some reason will not heal..

anyone got any advice for me?