International The French Olympics opening ceremony... Ok That was Strange..

It started to get weird when they were cutting back and forth between the showing the Olympic teams and some weird pre-taped video of 2 over the top gay dudes and a woman in a library leaving the library to have a threesome in an apartment. Have no idea what that has to do with athletics or the Olympic experience.
Bwaa? I definitely need to hear about this
More crazy excitement in France will show as the entire world watches.
I think the Ancient Greeks would be proud. They are staying on brand.

I don't get why people are so bent out of shape. You guys should go read what they were doing when the Greeks ruled the world. This shit is no weirder.

This was just some weirdos playing dress up and trying to be controversial.
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France sucks now.

Historically, this is how the late-stage Versailles crowd would look to the pre-1889 normal people crowd - perverse, trashy, degenerate, garbage in human form, evoking just disgust.
I would have preferred a Robespierre or Napoleonic France as something to draw inspiration from. Cause this was just disgusting. And i'm sure most french people think the same and are embarrassed by this.
Lmao the chud pearl clutcher satanic panic meltdown is hilarious to watch

Imagine getting offended by some pansies dancing to open the most openly homosexually display of naked man butts spectacle in history
Imagine going out of your way to defend a bunch of men in dresses dancing around before an athletic event and somehow being arrogant about it.
It's a safe haven enemy for them, even though Islam is far more anti-LGBT than Christianity they don't dare mock Islam because as we saw with Charlie Hebdo muslims don't fuck around with their religion being mocked, and if you're part of the alphabet people and mocking Islam the result wouldn't be pretty and they're well aware of that.

So they go for the easy religion to mock.

Ironically the left pretends to sees Christianity as more of a boogey man than Islam not because they believe that, but because they're a far safer religion to shit on and criticize. If you draw a picture mocking Jesus at a newspaper its a safe bet 12 employees won't be massacred afterwards.

This is actually not correct in my opinion. The reason is more to do with Marxist teaching, that religion and the family are the enemy, Christians are still the majority and they're first on the hit list in these countries...... Islam will be next and they've already started to corrupt the younger generations.......
Was just joking. The Olympics are a disgrace. Just in 2022, they have them in China, as Xi is basically telling Putin to wait until the Olympics are over to invade Ukraine, and have China basically fund their with the money they made from hosting the Olympics
Bullshit, it was about promoting peace:

Nothing to do with France's degenerate Olympic ceremony and its obese transgender Jesus.
Imagine insulting Islam like that?

Well we saw what happened to the newspaper when they tried that imagine doing it on a mass scale?
So what you're saying is that Christians are pussies?
its 2 in the morning i've had my fair share of booze it's time to chill and watch some....olympic swimming.

oh fuck yeah. it's not horse dancing but it'll do.
It's the diversity hire table so they can turn around and be like "look, we hired a fat girl, some black people, some trannies and a blue, non-binary, genie looking person. They are doing the last supper, how provocative!"

Lol it's like a bunch of kids who were allowed to dress themselves for school.