
NOOOOOOOOOOOO never, i dont understand how any man can like a muscular woman, or as i call it a shemale, if she lost some muscle, and lost those lats and the shoulder muscle then yeha i'd hit it. i wouldnt mind a fit women, but not ripped like that. ewwqwwwwwwwwww
I'd hit it without thinking twice. She looks good, fit but not too muscular.
Madmick said:
Nah, she's at the end of the spectrum. As fit as a chick can get and still be hot. I like her shape, I just imagine her being the exact opposite- rocky hard.

I like a little extra griddle on them. I'm big enough to handle it.

Agree 100%
That body wouldnt look good for a man or woman

I'm sure a lot of it is her pose, but she looks like a body double for a movie alien
Again, I'd hit it even though she can probably out lift me and kick my ass. you guys have got to broaden your horizons, these women are hot.
I like how a lot of you are being super critical of her over the Internet, whereas in reality you'd be falling over each other just to have a chance to hump her leg.
ghostwipe said:
I like how a lot of you are being super critical of her over the Internet, whereas in reality you'd be falling over each other just to have a chance to hump her leg.

post of the week, this is so true


ghostwipe said:
I like how a lot of you are being super critical of her over the Internet, whereas in reality you'd be falling over each other just to have a chance to hump her leg.

I must say that I honestly are repulsed by that look in a girl. I love chubby girls with huge ass and them big ass tits. I dont think the issue is about having "high" standards, its just that we have different camps here arguing about what is "the right" type of woman.

Perhaps the guys liking that pic wouldnt hit on the chubby girl i get of on, just like I wouldnt hit on that he-she thing in the pic.

In the end its all good more fat ghetto booty for me!
She has a bit too much delts for my tastes, but Oh, how many times did I hit girls that do not live up to my own standards.

Fat or thin, bring it on.