Media Ilia looking razor sharp

I can’t pick a winner in this fight

Hard to count Max out any fight he’s in

Both guys look like they can do what they do to one another, the difference is Max has passed the test over and over

I’ve become an Ilia fan, really good skillset
He's only 32 but yea, he's looks older.
he forgets what he’s talking about mid-sentence, can’t recall words that are obvious, slurs to the point i can’t understand him. smh. apparently he’s passing his physical examinations, so maybe he’s just naturally like that. but even then, i wouldn’t chance it. he’s already been champ, has lots of money. idk why he’d risk long term health.
Gonna get Dog Walked by Max!

He looks great, no doubt about it , but he’s never gone to war before, Max can walk through hell in a gasoline suit , if he can’t get it done in the first 2 rounds we’re going to find out if he can handle that kind of a barbecue
How so if you don’t mind my asking?
Just his striking, combos, footwork etc...

Both from training and in fights.

In my opinion, Max isn't a boxer type of striker. He's more of an MMA type of striker.

If I showed footage of both training, Ilia could pass for a real boxer while Max not so much.

For example:


…yes and styles make fights. Max has some of the best boxing and cardio in the UFC add that to the fact that he’s NEVER been KO’d and unlike illia he’s fought the hardest hitters in 145/155 history.
Wanna AV bet?

So I don't have to see that fake gangster in my Sherdog page when you post
Max's chin and cardio are the deciding factors in this fight I feel, if Ilia cant crack his chin he might be in for a bad night unless he pulls off a masterful performance like in max/Volk 3
I see Max starching him easy.

I do wonder how well the Volk win is gonna hold up on sherdog if Max tunes him up. lol