"I Would Beat Khabib" Says Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist

He only has five??? I thought Khabib was more alpha than that, he has a long way to go before he catches up with me :cool: Of course I don't have "wives" per se, legal reasons and all that.
Think hes working on it bro.

Takes awhile to find that special 7th lady.

Then you got one for each day of the week.
Wow she’s really good. Nice decision win over some random chick. She would send Khabib flying for sure.

She's on dem tainted supplements
so after reading the Aldo post with all the 'eyeball testers'' giving their sage like experience on weight training and peds, why arent your alarm bells going off with this picture?
Overly developed biceps and triceps -check, overly masculine facial features and square chin-check-overly developed shoulders-check, get off your steeds white knight virgins and open your eyes.
A natural woman cannot build muscle like this
So what’s her goal? She has no marketable matchups. Can she even make 145? WWE, maybe?
Nice work TS, weeded out the incels again.

Haha, her blows clearly aren't even really hurting the first guy at all, and the other two are selling her offense like pro wrestlers.

Still not as bad as 70something Helen Mirren being depicted thrashing multiple muscular men each over twice her size. Don't even get me started on the whole Rey thing...

you're just going to have to come to grips with the fact girls can have an incredible vertical leap

She never said she would.

She said that in an MMA match she would try the strategy of staying down on the ground to avoid his punches, grabbing his legs to bring him down if he stepped close, and then armbar him once he was down on the mat..

I don’t care if it’s a tickling contest... she gets smashed.

These types of comments by female athletes are absurdity of the highest order.
you're just going to have to come to grips with the fact girls can have an incredible vertical leap


Here's the really funny thing though--in real life, they actually don't. It's why literally almost no woman has ever dunked a basketball. The way their bones are structured makes having a high vertical leap pretty much impossible. A man's bones go straight up and down the leg, while a woman's bones bend inward slightly when they connect at the knee.

But I expect certain people to ignore actual scientific evidence just like they do for the whole "gender is totally made up!" nonsense.
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I don’t care if it’s a tickling contest... she gets smashed.

These types of comments by female athletes are absurdity of the highest order.

If you don't believe the earth is flat, 9/11 was the only conspiracy ever to exist, and gender is just something people made up for thousands of years like Santa Claus, then you're clearly a bigot and a fan of Nazis. Or something. ;):p

I blame all these portable electronic devices. Seriously. They've got to be emitting a signal that negatively influences people's brainwaves somehow, because there wasn't all this mass insanity before smartphones, iphones, tablets, etc, came out. Hey, my theory at least makes more sense than all the random shit the far left spews.
So no. She would thrash you in a judo match.

Have you ever fought a woman? I’ve posted this story before, but here we go...

Back in ~2008, I had only been training for maybe 6 months (at most). I’m 5’10 and weighed (at the time) ~186 lbs, with an ~8.2% body fat. Long-time strength & conditioning enthusiast.

My coach was feeding me a steady diet of collegiate wrestlers. One day my training partner didn’t show up and the only people in the gym were us and a female pro fighter. Coach asked her to train with me.

At that time, she was 7-0 as a pro, a medaled BJJ purple belt and JACKED. ~168 lbs and was deadlifting 315 lbs for reps like nothing (very good for a girl who isn’t a strength athlete), with the biggest quads you’ve ever seen.

In my mind, I was thinking “oh God... I’m going to get shit-mixed by a girl”. I was actually nervous.

Remember, we were just doing submission grappling.

We squared off. When we grabbed ahold of each other, I was positively SHOCKED. There was nothing to her. Absolutely nothing. Although I had ~18 lbs on her, I thought her training, years of experience and (for a female) tremendous conditioning would mean something.

It didn’t mean shit.

I brutally ragdolled her to the point where Coach says, “Stop using strength! Just technique!” I thought I wasn’t using strength. I thought I was going maybe ~50% and she was red-faced and angry, giving everything she had... I could literally do whatever I wanted to her. If I wanted to put her in a Kimura, for example, there wasn’t fuck-all she could do to stop me.

After another minute or two, we had to shut the exercise down... I was still too raw to properly no-strength-flow in a no-gi scenario and she was going to get hurt.

That was a shocking perspective on the extent of the physical disparity between the genders. I never forgot it. In the future, I learned to treat grappling with a woman like grappling with a child. You basically flop around at ~20% effort and move slow. You basically have to be patronizing in your lack of effort.


So... if the poster you are arguing with is a fit and reasonably athletic male with any training at all, who weighs at least ~175 lbs, I believe he probably would shit-mix that broad in a judo contest.
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If you don't believe the earth is flat, 9/11 was the only conspiracy ever to exist, and gender is just something people made up for thousands of years like Santa Claus, then you're clearly a bigot and a fan of Nazis. Or something. ;):p

I blame all these portable electronic devices. Seriously. They've got to be emitting a signal that negatively influences people's brainwaves somehow, because there wasn't all this mass insanity before smartphones, iphones, tablets, etc, came out. Hey, my theory at least makes more sense than all the random shit the far left spews.

I couldn’t agree more.
Shouldn’t misleading titles like this get you dubs?
I don’t care if it’s a tickling contest... she gets smashed.
These types of comments by female athletes are absurdity of the highest order.
However realistic or unrealistic Ronda's plan might've been, it is what she actually said that should be addressed, not some bullshit claim pulled out of some Sherdogger's ass. False claims by haters, made up by them to spread their hate, is lameness of the highest order.
However realistic or unrealistic Ronda's plan might've been, it is what she actually said that should be addressed, not some bullshit claim pulled out of some Sherdogger's ass. False claims by haters, made to spread their hate, is lameness of the highest order.

In principal, I certainly agree with you.

Ronda did make a laundry list of outrageous claims, however.

Years ago, someone kept an updated thread on her absurd comments, I think it was entitled “Ronda Rousey... why we hate”. It was very thorough. She has said some positively ridiculous shit.

For example, something to the effect of “I can beat any womans’ BJJ Player in the world, at any weight-class, under any rule set, gi or no-gi”.

That is one of the most fucking retarded claims I have ever heard from a MMArtist. You better believe she got called the fuck out on it too, but, as usual, she didn’t accept any of the forthcoming challenges.

Anyone can say whatever they want, as far as I’m concerned, so long as, win or lose, they put their money where their mouth is.
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Still not as bad as 70something Helen Mirren being depicted thrashing multiple muscular men each over twice her size. Don't even get me started on the whole Rey thing...

Are you really complaining about Rey? All of her feats are done thanks to the magical power of the Force, of course it's unrealistic. A geriatric midget frog was one of the best fighter of that universe.
Khabib would be a nice guy. It would turn into an exhibition, not a real contest. Or Khabib gets competitive and tosses her around. I'd watch, but chances are this wouldn't be good competition.