I have rare shoulders.


Seauxthern Dead
Jun 12, 2007
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Only 1 in 10 people (supposedly) have the type of bone that goes over the shoulder to hold it in place (acromium?) that I have. And boy does that suck.

This is what's wrong with my shoulder, after I got an MRI Arthrogram (saw the doc today with the results.)


I have a little pointy thing that is poking in on the rotator cuff's tendon that runs between the humeral head and the acromiotron. This is causing the bursa there to be inflamed, which in turn causes that tendon to snag on that point much more easily. Consequently I have lost strength in overhead movements, and in addition to my shoulder (AC) separation, have pain in almost everything I do with my arm.

He gave me a shot of cortizone in my shoulder in hopes it would slap the mess out of that inflammation and kill the vicious cycle. I don't know how long that's supposed to take, though. I'll take ibuprofen as well.

Hopefully, with another 3 weeks' rest I'll be ready to start practicing again.

I am also to do rotator cuff bandwork twice daily because it's easy.) I'm thinking of making the bandwork harder and giving myself a rest every other day with it.

Let me know what you all think about all of this. You're my support group/peanut gallery. Nobody else understands why I need to keep lifting, to keep playing, to keep fighting, to keep "doing this to myself."
Might not be a bad idea to supplement with fish oil and glucosamine as well.

You will get through it, some people don't understand but my life would feel empty without hitting the weights and BJJ.
Specifically for what, though? I asked about Gluc/Chon/MSM and he said it probably wouldn't help the shoulder. It turns out it wasn't a cartilage injury after all. It's bone on tendon.
The G-C-MSM might help in several ways but for one it increases fluid in the joints which results in an increase in hydrostatic pressure which is roughly equivalent to using wraps. be careful though because absence or reduction in pain doesnt necessarily mean that injury or potential for injury doesnt exist. Another option would be to supplement with some systemic enzymes which are wonderful for inflamation and recovery, albeit expensive. Vitazyme is best. Wobezyme will work but is of lesser quality these days. Some good ole stretching would also help. Also, lifting with very strict form and less weight will keep the tendons from being overworked and responding in ways that increase the chance for injury.
Specifically for what, though? I asked about Gluc/Chon/MSM and he said it probably wouldn't help the shoulder. It turns out it wasn't a cartilage injury after all. It's bone on tendon.

doctors never advocate supplements. its like a coke dealer telling you you should just get some caffeine pills. i have had two shoulder seperations and gluc/chon/msm as well as fish oil helped alot. IMO it doesnt matter if it was bone on tendon, those supplements will help with the general health of all your joints
He gave me a shot of cortizone in my shoulder in hopes it would slap the mess out of that inflammation and kill the vicious cycle. I don't know how long that's supposed to take, though.

Cortisone works almost immediately. Sometimes you'll be sorer than previously for 3-4 days afterwards but that's because the cortisone crystallizes. Massaging the area a lot where you were injected will help clear it up quicker. After the initial soreness from the shot wears off you should know if it helped or not. Nothing you can consume, not even prescribed oral anti-inflammatory, will compete with cortisone. If that doesn't work, nothing will. The problem you might have is that the condition sounds like it could be chronic unless you're tissues can stay clear from the pinching once the swelling goes away. If there isn't enough clearance once the swelling is gone... no anti-inflammatory will work.

And I wouldn't run out and buy glucosamine and all that stuff. I doubt you would notice anything with your specific condition. You should take fish oil... but that's because everyone should and fish oil has about 1,000 benefits.
What are the possibilities and consequences of them going in and grinding that hunk of bone off?
I've got a bone spur on my right one. My doc said he could remove it.

I've had a few cortisone shots. They sting for about an hour and then the pain is pretty much gone, for me. But it will only last about a month or so.

Since I've switched to pushing and pulling with a neutral grip, I haven't really had any shoulder pain.

The definition of insanity is "repeating the same sequence of events and expecting different results." If you lift a certain way and it hurts....change the fuckin parameters and try again. Otherwise, you're just beating your head against the proverbial wall.

FYI, the wall always wins.
This thread reminds me of the time I went to a sports muscle therapist and found out that I have a rare muscle from my shoulders to my abs that pull my shoulders forward more than normal... I guess it is only on select people of irish backround... weird.
The obvious answer is to never reproduce and not pass on the genes for your retarded shoulder to another generation of people.

Seriously though, fish oil + prehab + changing your pressing workouts = should help.
On a side note, if the statistics are accurate, 1 out of 10 isn't all that rare. I consider 10% of the population to be pretty high, actually.
I have a little pointy thing that is poking in on the rotator cuff's tendon that runs between the humeral head and the acromiotron. This is causing the bursa there to be inflamed, which in turn causes that tendon to snag on that point much more easily. Consequently I have lost strength in overhead movements, and in addition to my shoulder (AC) separation, have pain in almost everything I do with my arm.

Sorry to hear this. Best of luck.
On a side note, if the statistics are accurate, 1 out of 10 isn't all that rare. I consider 10% of the population to be pretty high, actually.

Well, rarer than the other 90% of you jabronies, huh? :icon_chee

Anybody here had an AC separation and know how long it actually takes? Say grade 1?
i wouldnt beleive your doctor. that xray you posted looks fake...
Well, rarer than the other 90% of you jabronies, huh? :icon_chee

Anybody here had an AC separation and know how long it actually takes? Say grade 1?

I believe my injury can be described as that, though not sure which grade it would be - most likely below 3 though. The ultrasound showed my acromio clavicular joint swollen and gaping and my physiotherapist is certain I must have hurt it in a very hard fall (though I don't remember falling and hurtigt myself during training).

I got a steroid injection sometime back in february after rehab on its own didn't help at all and am my working my way back... still... The shoulder is "working" but far from perfect. I can do my lifts and do most of my MA training, but there's still plenty of pain, and I sometimes need to give it an extra day of rest.
i wouldnt beleive your doctor. that xray you posted looks fake...
i agree. looks like something he just drew up in photoshop or something. print it out and sue for malpractice.

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