Wanted to improve my verbal skills with the ladies so I randomly approached women at my mall. I opened them all with the question "excuse me, do you know where the food court" and I go off from there
1st chick was a single mom walking her kid, she was probably the most interested and actually stopped to talk to me and made eye contact. Actually carried a conversation. Didn't go for the number close oh well
2nd chick was in the bookstore, noticed her there. She walked away after I approached her and asked the opener question.
3rd chick was vaping outside the mall and I approached her. She was the worst one, made 0 eye contact and walked away right middle of the conversation LOL
I things to improve on by a lot (need to polish my flirty skills and don't go into interview mode, make jokes and tease the girl, go for the number close).
but my confidence/mojo with women is improving.