I can always do better v.3

Well, it's been nearly a month since I updated. For the last 4 weeks I have been working pretty much nonstop, as this is the busiest time of the year for my job.

Here are my current maxes:

bench press: 195*1
Back squat: 275*1
Deadlift: 405*1
Press: 130*1

bodyweight movements:

back lever, on a good day I can do a perfect one for 5 seconds or so.
one armed pushups: working with singles, 3 or 5 sets each arm.
Dragon Flags: I can hit one full one, then a couple near full ones.
clutch flag: 20 second hold each side, don't know where to go with this.
Pistol Squats: Singles currently since I haven't been working as much on these and they are a skill.
Muscle up: Damn close, but still can't get both over at the EXACT same time.
Handstands: not working these really right now
Chin ups: max is 23, just want to maintain 20 perfect, full reps.
toes to bar leg raises: 5*5

I can't think of anything else bodyweight wise right now. when I do, I'll add it.


Mile time: 6:12

3 mile time: 24:25 easy.

I'll be running more often from now on.

Current plan is to cut down for the beach in a couple of weeks. low carb diet, cardio/conditioning 5 days a week for 30 minutes. Push/Pull/Legs split, 5-6 days a week. Low rep barbell work, low rep bodyweight work, then high rep movement each workout. Leg day is on reload days whenever possible.

Anyway, I'll be back in here again. I need to get this name change though....

20 minutes bag work, 10 minutes jumping rope. fasted in the morning

bench press: work up to 3*2 @ 185
1 arm pushups: 5*1
Bench press: 5*10 @ 135
Dragon Flags: 1 full one, then negative and partials for 5 sets of 3-5 reps

can't remember my food.


4 mile run in 29:20 or something like that. 3 miles was in 22:00. In the morning and fasted.

Did a bunch of yard work too.

Rows: 3*5 @ 155 3*8 @ 135lbs
Cable Rows: 50 reps at 50lbs, 8 reps at 100lbs, 2*20 reps at 70lbs. Really slow and concentrating on the back. Let out my inner bodybuilder.
Body Rows: 3*10 nice and controlled.
Back lever: 3 sets just above a parallel hold.


20 minutes bag work, 10 minutes jumping rope. morning and fasted.

Squat: 2*5 bar, 2*5 135, 1*1 225, 1*1 245, 1*1 275, 1*1 285 (10lb PR)
Pistol Squats: 5 singles each side. Really nice form.
Asian Squat hold: 5 minutes.
Clutch Flag: 1*20 sec each side, 1*10 sec hold each side.
A little bit of jumping.
6/13/13 Thursday:

No pain. Feeling good.

Weight: 177.8

30 minutes stationary bike. fasted in the morning.

Afternoon session:

Chins: 1*20
Press: bar*10 95*5 115*1 130*1 ( matched PR)
Weighted Chins: 25*5 50*1 75*1 85*F 80*1
DB press, some seated some standing: 5*10, first set was actually 12. 25lb DB's
Pullups: 5*5. really focusing on getting a nice chest to bar action.
Dragon Flags: 1 sorta full one, then 2 sets of negatives.
Back Lever: 2 holds just above parallel.
Curls: 40lbs*5 25*10 40*3 25*8 40*2 25*6 40*1 25*5. Gettin my pump monkey on.
6/14/13 Friday:

Carb up day. Still hardly any compared to my usual though.

No morning cardio today.

Evening lifting session:

Deadlifts: 135*5 225*3 295*1 345*1 405*F 395*F 345*5

BW glute bridges: as shit ton. just making sure they're still active.

1 legged Leg Raises, front, side, back: 1*15 total revolutions each side.

hip pikes: 2*15

Superman back extensions: 2*15.

Felt like SHIT today. Something kept pulling me out of my groove on the deadlift. I kept finding myself to far in front of the bar. A couple reps were good, but most weren't. That's why I failed 405 and 395, cause I got too far out in front. Weird. If it keeps happening after I'm not carb depleted, I'll have to take video. Might do it sooner rather than later anyway.

Kept the assistance to bodyweight stuff. Felt shitty, and wasn't worried about assistance anyway.
Saturday: 30 minute run. I didn't count the laps i.e. didn't pay attention to distance. Probably around 4 miles though.

Lot's of manual labor.


Had to combine my two workouts today.

Bag work: 20 minutes
Jumping rope: 10 minutes

Bench Press: 170*4 3*5 w/ 165 multiple sets of 8-10 with 135, probably around 10 throughout the day in groups of 2-3.

1 arm pushups: 1*1 each side, 1*2 each side.

Full Hanging leg Raises: 5*5

Lot's of manual labor.

I've loosened up a little on my diet over the weekend. I can't eat that little and do that much manual labor.

30 minute bike session.

Warm up rows: bar*50 135*8

Pendlay Rows:
160lbs 5*5 with slight body english.
135lbs 5*8 with no body english.

Single armed dumbell rows: 3*20 w/40lbs slight body english.

Cable Rows: 3*20 focusing on the lats since they are a weak point for me.

Advanced Tuck Front Lever: 5*10 second holds.

Tuck front lever pulls: 3*5

Pulldowns: 1*20 w/25lbs just to finish off.


20 minutes bag work, 10 minutes bodyweight circuit.

Back Squat:
225 5*5

Pistol Squats: 5*1 each side.

Bike at max resistance single leg extensions: 5*30 each leg


30 minute Bodyweight Circuit of:
3 reps pullups
3 reps single bar dips
3 reps skater squats

just keep going through for 30 minutes.

Press workout later.